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Mental health non-governmental organisation service type

Table summarising information on the field: Mental health non-governmental organisation service type
Title: Mental health non-governmental organisation service type
Name: MHNGOServType
Type: Char[2]
RecOrder: 4
Definition: A code indicating the type of NGO service.
  • 01: Counselling -- face-to-face
  • 02: Counselling, support, information and referral -- telephone
  • 03: Counselling, support, information and referral -- online
  • 04: Self-help -- online
  • 05: Group support activities
  • 06: Mutual support and self-help
  • 07: Staffed residential services
  • 08: Personalised support -- linked to housing
  • 09: Personalised support -- other
  • 10: Family and carer support
  • 11: Individual advocacy
  • 12: Care coordination
  • 13: Service integration infrastructure
  • 14: Education, employment and training
  • 15: Sector development and representation
  • 16: Mental health promotion
  • 17: Mental illness prevention
  • 88: Other and unspecified services
Notes:(This Data element is supplied through an administrative data cluster in METeOR 721704)
Meteor ID: Field Meteor ID number 567352