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Consumer Committee Representation Arrangements

Table summarising information on the field: Consumer Committee Representation Arrangements
Title: Consumer Committee Representation Arrangements
Name: CmteeRep
Type: Char[1]
RecType: ORG
RecOrder: 78
  • 1: Formal position(s) for consumers exist on the organisation's management committee for the appointment of person(s) to represent the interests of consumers.
  • 2: Specific consumer advisory committee(s) exists to advise on all relevant mental health services managed by the organisation.
  • 3: Specific consumer advisory committee(s) exists to advise on some but not all relevant mental health services managed by the organisation.
  • 4: Consumers participate on a broadly based advisory committee which include a mixture of organisations and groups representing a wide range of interests.
  • 5: Consumers are not represented on any advisory committee but are encouraged to meet with senior representatives of the organisation as required.
  • 6: No specific arrangements exist for consumer participation in planning and evaluation of services.
Meteor ID: Field Meteor ID number 288855