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Reason for Collection

Table summarising information on the field: Reason for Collection
Title: Reason for Collection
Name: ColRsn
Type: Char[2]
RecType: COD
RecOrder: 9
Definition: The reason for the collection of the standardised measures and individual data items on the identified Collection Occasion.
  • 01: New referral
  • 02: Transfer from other treatment setting
  • 03: Admission - Other
  • 04: 3-month (91 day) review
  • 05: Review - Other
  • 06: No further care
  • 07: Transfer to change of treatment setting
  • 08: Death
  • 09: Discharge - Other
Comments: New referral

Admission to a new inpatient, community residential or ambulatory Episode of Mental Health Care of a consumer not currently under the active care of the Mental Health Service Organisation.

Transfer from other treatment setting

Transfer of care between an inpatient, community residential or ambulatory setting of a consumer currently under the active care of the Mental Health Service Organisation.

Admission - Other

Admission to a new inpatient, community residential or ambulatory episode of care for any reason other than defined above.

3-month (91 day) review

Standard review conducted at 91 days following admission to the current Episode of Mental Health Care or 91 days subsequent to the preceding Review.

Review - Other

Standard review conducted for reasons other than the above.

No further care

Discharge from an inpatient, community residential or ambulatory episode of care of a consumer for whom no further care is planned by the Mental Health Service Organisation .

Transfer to change of treatment setting

Transfer of care between an inpatient, community residential or ambulatory setting of a consumer currently under the care of the Mental Health Service Organisation .


Completion of an Episode of Mental Health Care following the death of the consumer.

Discharge - Other

Discharge from an inpatient, community residential or ambulatory Episode of Mental Health Care for any reason other than defined above.
Meteor ID: Field Meteor ID number
Label: Reason for Collection