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Service Unit Type

Table summarising information on the field: Service Unit Type
Title: Service Unit Type
Name: SUType
Type: Char[1]
RecType: SERV
RecOrder: 12
Definition: The service setting in which care is most typically provided by the Service Unit.
  • 1: Admitted patient service unit
  • 2: Residential care service unit
  • 3: Ambulatory care service unit
Comments: This data element is intended to describe the most common type of care provided by the service unit. It does not have to correspond to the Episode Service Setting data element reported on the Collection Occasion record. For example, a service unit that primarily provides admitted patient care may be the responsible service unit for a person receiving ambulatory care. In this scenario, data collected at each Collection Occasion would report the Episode Service Setting as 'ambulatory' (because this the setting within which the Episode of Mental Health Care takes place) and the Service Unit Type as 'admitted patient service unit' (because this correctly describes the typical setting in which care is provided by this service unit).
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