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Additional Diagnosis 1

Table summarising information on the field: Additional Diagnosis 1
Title: Additional Diagnosis 1
Name: Dx2
Type: Char[8]
RecType: DIAG
RecOrder: 4
Definition: An additional diagnosis is a condition or complaint either coexisting with the Principal Diagnosis or arising during the Episode of Mental Health Care. For the purposes of NOCC, the item is used to identify up to two secondary or underlying conditions that affected the person's care during the Period of Care preceding the Collection Occasion, in terms of requiring therapeutic intervention, clinical evaluation, extended length of episode, or increased care or monitoring and includes co-morbid conditions and complications.
Domain: ICD-10-AM (11th Edition)

Formatted as ANN{.N[N]}
Comments: The National Centre for Classification and Coding in Health has developed simplified ICD-10-AM Mental Health Subset for use in community-based mental health service settings. Services may use this subset as the basis for coding.

Note that the Principal and Additional Diagnoses should not be confused with the patient or client's current clinical diagnoses or with the reasons for contact with respect to any given Service contact. Also note that definition given here is conceptually consistent but not identical with that given in the NHDD. The NHDD definition refers to the preceding Episode of care. In episodes of acute inpatient care, the Episode of care and the Period of care will almost always refer to the same interval. In extended episodes of care, the reference interval is different.
Meteor ID: Field Meteor ID number 699606
Label: Additional Diagnosis 1