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MHI38 Version

Table summarising information on the field: MHI38 Version
Title: MHI38 Version
Name: MHIVer
Type: Char[2]
RecType: MHI38
RecOrder: 3
Definition: The version of the MHI38 as defined in Davies AR, Sherbourne CD, Peterson JR and Ware JE (1998) 'Scoring manual: Adult health status and patient satisfaction measures used in RAND's Health Insurance Experiment,' Santa Monica: RAND Corporation, and as reproduced in 'Mental Health National Outcomes and Casemix Collection: Overview of clinical and self-report measures and data items, Version 1.50'. Department of Health and Ageing, Canberra, 2003.
  • 01: The string '01' referring to the version of the MHI38 as described in the item definition.
Meteor ID: Field Meteor ID number
Label: MHI38 Version