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CGAS Rating

Table summarising information on the field: CGAS Rating
Title: CGAS Rating
Name: Cgas
Type: Number[3]
RecType: CGAS
RecOrder: 4
Definition: Rating on the Children's Global Assessment Scale.
  • 001-010: Needs constant supervision
  • 011-020: Needs considerable supervision
  • 021-030: Unable to function in almost all areas
  • 031-040: Major impairment of functioning in several areas and unable to function in one of these areas
  • 041-050: Moderate degree of interference in functioning in most social areas or severe impairment of functioning in one area
  • 051-060: Variable functioning with sporadic difficulties or symptoms in several but not all social areas
  • 061-070: Some difficulty in a single area but generally functioning pretty well
  • 071-080: No more than slight impairments in functioning
  • 081-090: Good functioning in all areas
  • 091-100: Superior functioning
  • 997: Unable to rate
  • 999: Not stated / Missing
Missing: 999
Meteor ID: Field Meteor ID number 654407
Label: CGAS Rating