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Collection Occasion Date

Table summarising information on the field: Collection Occasion Date
Title: Collection Occasion Date
Name: ColDt
Type: Date[8]
RecType: COD
RecOrder: 8
Definition: The reference date for all data collected at any given 'Collection Occasion,' defined as the date on which the 'Collection Occasion (Admission, Review, Discharge)' occurred.
  • RepStart-RepEnd: RepStart to RepEnd
Notes:Any valid date expressed as DDMMYYYY
Comments: The 'Collection Occasion Date' should be distinguished from the actual date of completion of individual measures that are required at the specific occasion. In practice, the various measures may be completed by clinicians and consumers over several days. For example, at 'Review' during ambulatory care, the client's case manager might complete the HoNOS and LSP during the clinical case review on the scheduled date, but in order to include their client's responses to the consumer self-report measure, they would most likely have asked the client to complete the measure at their last contact with them. For national reporting and statistical purposes, a single date is required which ties all the standardised measures and other data items together in a single 'Collection Occasion' . The actual collection dates of the individual data items and standard measures may be collected locally but is not required in the national reporting extract.
Meteor ID: Field Meteor ID number 737720
Label: Collection Occasion Date