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Episode Service Setting

Table summarising information on the field: Episode Service Setting
Title: Episode Service Setting
Name: Setting
Type: Char[1]
RecType: COD
RecOrder: 6
Definition: The setting within which the 'Episode of Mental Health Care' takes place, as defined by the specified domain.
  • 1: Psychiatric inpatient service
  • 2: Community residential mental health service
  • 3: Ambulatory mental health service

Refers to overnight care provided in public psychiatric hospitals and designated psychiatric units in public acute hospitals. Psychiatric hospitals are establishments devoted primarily to the treatment and care of admitted patients with psychiatric, mental or behavioural disorders. Designated psychiatric units in a public acute hospital are staffed by health professionals with specialist mental health qualifications or training and have as their principal function the treatment and care of patients affected by mental disorder. For the purposes of NOCC specification, care provided by an Ambulatory mental health service team to a person admitted to a designated Special Care Suite or 'Rooming-In' facility within in a community general hospital for treatment of a mental or behavioural disorder is also included under this setting.


Refers to overnight care provided in residential units staffed on a 24-hour basis by health professionals with specialist mental health qualifications or training and established in a community setting which provides specialised treatment, rehabilitation or care for people affected by a mental illness or psychiatric disability. Psychogeriatric hostels and psychogeriatric nursing homes are included in this category.


Refers to non-admitted, non-residential services provided by health professionals with specialist mental health qualifications or training. Ambulatory mental health services include community-based crisis assessment and treatment teams, day programs, psychiatric outpatient clinics provided by either hospital or community-based services, child and adolescent outpatient and community teams, social and living skills programs, psychogeriatric assessment services and so forth. For the purposes of NOCC specification, care provided by hospital-based consultation-liaison services to admitted patients in non-psychiatric and hospital emergency settings is also included under this setting.


1. This item will be used to derive the type of 'Episode of Mental Health Care' provided to the consumer.

2. A single 'Service Unit' may provide care in all three settings. For example, a psychiatric hospital may provide group programs tailored for people living in the community who attend on a regular basis, or run a community nursing outreach service that visits people in the homes. It is essential that these programs be differentiated when reporting the 'Mental Health Service Setting' that is providing the episode of care, even though all programs may share the same 'Service Unit Identifier'. For example, in the above scenario, where a consumer who is not currently an overnight admitted patient attends the hospital-based group program, the 'Episode Service Setting' should be recorded as Ambulatory mental health service, NOT Psychiatric inpatient service.

3. Episode Service Setting should not be confused with 'Service Unit Type', which classifies service units into inpatient, residential or ambulatory service types. The former is an attribute of the Episode of Mental Health Care, the latter is an attribute of the Service Unit.

4. Where a person might be considered as receiving concurrently two or more episodes of mental health care by virtue of being treated in more than one setting simultaneously the following order of precedence applies: Inpatient, Community Residential, Ambulatory
Meteor ID: Field Meteor ID number 763245
Label: Episode Service Setting