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FIHS Item 06

Table summarising information on the field: FIHS Item 06
Title: FIHS Item 06
Name: Fihs6
Type: Number[1]
RecType: FIHS
RecOrder: 9
Definition: Problems related to certain psychosocial circumstances.
  • 1: Yes, the person had one or more of these factors influencing their health status
  • 2: No, none of these factors were present
  • 7: Unable to rate (insufficient information)
  • 9: Not stated / Missing
Missing: 9
Comments: Includes: Problems related to unwanted pregnancy; Problems related to multiparity; Seeking or accepting physical, nutritional or chemical interventions known to be hazardous or harmful; Seeking or accepting behavioural or psychological interventions known to be hazardous or harmful; Discord with counsellors.
Meteor ID: Field Meteor ID number 758487
Label: Certain psychosocial circumstances