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HoNOS Item 08a

Table summarising information on the field: HoNOS Item 08a
Title: HoNOS Item 08a
Name: Hnos08a
Type: Char[1]
RecType: HONOS
RecOrder: 12
Definition: The type or kind of problem rated in Item 8.
  • A: Phobias - including fear of leaving home, crowds, public places, travelling, social phobias and specific phobias
  • B: Anxiety and panics
  • C: Obsessional and compulsive problems
  • D: Reactions to severely stressful events and traumas
  • E: Dissociative ('conversion') problems
  • F: Somatisation - Persisting physical complaints in spite of full investigation and reassurance that no disease is present
  • G: Problems with appetite, over- or under-eating
  • H: Sleep problems
  • I: Sexual problems
  • J: Problems not specified elsewhere :an expansive or elated mood, for example.
  • X: Not applicable (Item 8 rated 0, 7, or 9)
  • Z: Not stated / Missing
Missing: Z
Meteor ID: Field Meteor ID number 747649
Label: Other problem type