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HoNOSCA Item 14

Table summarising information on the field: HoNOSCA Item 14
Title: HoNOSCA Item 14
Name: HnosC14
Type: Number[1]
RecOrder: 17
Definition: Problems with lack of knowledge or understanding about the nature of the child or adolescent's difficulties.
  • 0: No problem within the period rated
  • 1: Minor problem requiring no formal action
  • 2: Mild problem. Should be recorded in a care plan or other case record
  • 3: Problem of moderate severity
  • 4: Severe to very severe problem
  • 7: Not stated / Missing
  • 9: Unable to rate because not known or not applicable to the consumer
Missing: 7
Comments: Items 14 and 15 are excluded from the calculation of the Total Score because they describe the patient or client's parent's knowledge about the person's problems and the services available rather than aspects of the child or adolescent's problems.
Meteor ID: Field Meteor ID number 748288
Label: Lack of knowledge