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LSP-16 Item 01

Table summarising information on the field: LSP-16 Item 01
Title: LSP-16 Item 01
Name: Lsp01
Type: Number[1]
RecType: LSP16
RecOrder: 4
Definition: Does this person generally have any difficulty with initiating and responding to conversation.
  • 0: No difficulty with conversation
  • 1: Slight difficulty with conversation
  • 2: Moderate difficulty with conversation
  • 3: Extreme difficulty with conversation
  • 7: Unable to rate (insufficient information)
  • 9: Not stated / Missing
Notes:The order of coding of domain for each LSP-16 item shows increasing levels of disability with increasing scores. No disability is coded as 0 whilst the most severe level of disability is coded as 3. This scoring is consistent with the scoring used by the other clinician- rated measures. However, the original 39 item version of the LSP employed the reverse of this convention, with high levels of disability being coded 0.
Missing: 9
Meteor ID: Field Meteor ID number 751910
Label: Conversation