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MHI38 Item 08

Table summarising information on the field: MHI38 Item 08
Title: MHI38 Item 08
Name: MHI08
Type: Number[1]
RecType: MHI38
RecOrder: 12
Definition: During the past month, have you had any reason to wonder if you were losing your mind, or control over the way you act, talk, think, feel, or of your memory?
  • 1: No, not at all
  • 2: Maybe a little
  • 3: Yes, but not enough to be concerned or worried about
  • 4: Yes, and I have been a little concerned
  • 5: Yes, and I am quite concerned
  • 6: Yes, and I am very concerned about it
  • 9: Not stated / Missing
Missing: 9
Meteor ID: Field Meteor ID number 737636
Label: Concern about losing control of mind