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Collection Status

Table summarising information on the field: Collection Status
Title: Collection Status
Name: ColSt
Type: Char[1]
RecType: SDQ
RecOrder: 4
Definition: The status of the data recorded and, if missing data is recorded, the reason for the non-completion of the measure.
  • 1: Complete or Partially complete
  • 2: Not completed due to temporary contraindication
  • 3: Not completed due to general exclusion
  • 4: Not completed due to refusal by patient or client
  • 7: Not completed for reasons not elsewhere classified
  • 9: Not stated / Missing
Missing: 9
Comments: Used within BASIS32, MHI38, K10LM, K10L3D and SDQ.
Meteor ID: Field Meteor ID number 743587
Label: Collection Status