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Phase of Care

Table summarising information on the field: Phase of Care
Title: Phase of Care
Name: PoC
Type: Char[1]
RecType: POC
RecOrder: 3
Definition: The mental health phase of care is defined as the prospective primary goal of treatment within the episode of care in terms of the recognised phases of mental health care. Whilst it is recognised that there may be aspects of each mental health phase of care represented in the consumer’s mental health plan, the mental health phase of care is intended to identify the main goal or aim that will underpin the next period of care. The mental health phase of care is independent of both the treatment setting and the designation of the treating service, and does not reflect service unit type.
  • 1: Acute
  • 2: Functional Gain
  • 3: Intensive Extended
  • 4: Consolidating gain
  • 7: Not applicable
  • 9: Not stated/inadequately described/missing
Missing: 9
Comments: The primary goal of care that is reflected in the patient's mental health treatment plan. It reflects a prospective assessment of the primary goal of care at the time of collection, rather than a retrospective assessment.

CODE 1 Acute

The primary goals of care are intended to reduce high levels of distress, manage complex symptoms, contain and reduce immediate risk.

CODE 2 Functional gain

The primary goal of care is to improve personal, social or occupational functioning or promote psychosocial adaptation in a patient with impairment arising from a psychiatric disorder.

CODE 3 Intensive extended

The primary goal of care is prevention or minimisation of further deterioration, and reduction of risk of harm in a patient who has a stable pattern of severe symptoms, frequent relapses or severe inability to function independently and is judged to require care over an indefinite period.

CODE 4 Consolidating gain

The primary goal of care is to maintain the level of functioning, or improving functioning during a period of recovery, minimise deterioration or prevent relapse where the patient has stabilised and functions relatively independently. Consolidating gain may also be known as maintenance.

CODE 7 Not applicable The phase of mental health care is not applicable.

CODE 9 Not stated/inadequately described This code is not for use in primary data collections.

Previously reported CODE 5 (Assessment only) has been removed as a `mental health phase of care `_ and redefined as an administrative data item in the IHPA 2022-23 ABF MHC NBEDS.

The IHPA ABF MHC data element `Episode of care—clinical assessment only indicator, yes/no/not stated/inadequately described, code N `_ is not included in the NOCC Technical Specifications 03.00
Meteor ID: Field Meteor ID number 744325
Label: Phase of Care