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Episode of residential care details records

Table summarising details for record type: EPI
Name Data Element Type[Length] Start Domain Abbreviated
RecType Record Type Char[8] 1 EPI
State State/Territory Identifier Char[1] 9 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
RegId Region Identifier Char[2] 10 "AA: Region (values as specified by individual..."
OrgId Organisation Identifier Char[4] 12 "AAAA: Mental health service organisation..."
ClusId Service Unit Cluster Identifier Char[5] 16 "AAAAA: An identifier to indicate that a service..."
SUId Service Unit Identifier Char[6] 21 "NNNNNN: Service unit identifier.\n\nIdentifiers u..."
PersId Person Identifier Char[20] 27 ""
RecordId State/Territory Record Identifier Char[10] 47 "This should be a stable number in the data..."
EpiStartDt Episode of Residential Care Start Date Date[8] 57 RepStart-RepEnd
EpiStartMode Episode of Residential Care Start Mode Char[1] 65 1,2,3,9
EpiEndDt Episode of Residential Care End Date Date[8] 66 EpiStartDt-RepEnd
EpiEndMode Episode of Residential Care End Mode Char[1] 74 1,2,3,4,5,9
NLeaveDays Leave Days From Residential Care Number[3] 75 "Represented as NNN."
ResStartDt Residential Stay Start Date Date[8] 78 -RepEnd
DxPrinc Principal Diagnosis Char[6] 86 "Represented as ANN.NN"
DxAdd01 Additional Diagnosis 1 Char[6] 92 "Represented as ANN.NN"
DxAdd02 Additional Diagnosis 2 Char[6] 98 "Represented as ANN.NN"
DxAdd03 Additional Diagnosis 3 Char[6] 104 "Represented as ANN.NN"
DxAdd04 Additional Diagnosis 4 Char[6] 110 "Represented as ANN.NN"
DxAdd05 Additional Diagnosis 5 Char[6] 116 "Represented as ANN.NN"
DxAdd06 Additional Diagnosis 6 Char[6] 122 "Represented as ANN.NN"
DxAdd07 Additional Diagnosis 7 Char[6] 128 "Represented as ANN.NN"
DxAdd08 Additional Diagnosis 8 Char[6] 134 "Represented as ANN.NN"
DxAdd09 Additional Diagnosis 9 Char[6] 140 "Represented as ANN.NN"
DxAdd10 Additional Diagnosis 10 Char[6] 146 "Represented as ANN.NN"
LegalSt Mental Health Legal Status Char[1] 152 1,2,3,9
MaritalSt Marital Status Char[1] 153 1,2,3,4,5,6
PersSLA Area of Usual Residence Char[5] 154 "Concatenation of:\n (a) State or Territory valid..."
ReferralMHRC Referral From Specialised Mental Health Residential Care Char[1] 159 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

Record Length = 159