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MHE version 01.30: Data Elements

The following are items for MHE. For additional information on each please follow the links below.
Item Name Record Type
Accrued Mental Health Care Days (MHCareDays) ADMI
Accrued Mental Health Care Days (MHCareDays) RESI
Admitted Patient Service Unit Identifier (AdmiId) ADMI
Admitted Patient Service Unit Name (AdmiName) ADMI
Ambulatory Service Unit Identifier (AmbuId) AMBU
Ambulatory Service Unit Name (AmbuName) AMBU
Batch Number (BatchNo) HR
Carer Participation Arrangements - Carer Consultants Employed (CarerCnslt) ORG
Carer Participation Arrangements - Carer Satisfaction Surveys (CarerSurvey) ORG
Carer Participation Arrangements - Formal Complaints Mechanism (CarerCompl) ORG
Carer Participation Arrangements - Formal Participation Policy (CarerPolicy) ORG
Carer Participation Arrangements - Regular Discussion Groups (CarerDiscGrp) ORG
Co-Location Status (CoLocStatus) HOSP
Consumer Committee Representation Arrangements (CmteeRep) ORG
Consumer Participation Arrangements - Consumer Consultants Employed (ConsrCnslt) ORG
Consumer Participation Arrangements - Consumer Satisfaction Surveys (ConsrSurvey) ORG
Consumer Participation Arrangements - Formal Complaints Mechanism (ConsrCompl) ORG
Consumer Participation Arrangements - Formal Participation Policy (ConsrPolicy) ORG
Consumer Participation Arrangements - Regular Discussion Groups (ConsrDiscGrp) ORG
Data File Generation Date (GenDt) HR
Data File Type (FileType) HR
Depreciation (Deprec) ORG
Depreciation (Deprec) ADMI
Depreciation (Deprec) AMBU
Depreciation (Deprec) RESI
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Academic Positions (ExpNerAcademic) ST
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Academic Positions (ExpNerAcademic) REG
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Academic Positions (ExpNerAcademic) ORG
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Education and Training (ExpNerTraining) ST
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Education and Training (ExpNerTraining) REG
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Education and Training (ExpNerTraining) ORG
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Insurance (ExpNerInsur) ST
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Insurance (ExpNerInsur) REG
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Insurance (ExpNerInsur) ORG
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Act Regulation Including Review Tribunals (ExpNerMHAct) ST
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Act Regulation Including Review Tribunals (ExpNerMHAct) REG
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Act Regulation Including Review Tribunals (ExpNerMHAct) ORG
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Promotion (ExpNerPromo) ST
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Promotion (ExpNerPromo) REG
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Promotion (ExpNerPromo) ORG
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Research (ExpNerResearch) ST
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Research (ExpNerResearch) REG
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Research (ExpNerResearch) ORG
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Other Indirect Expenditure (ExpNerOther) ST
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Other Indirect Expenditure (ExpNerOther) REG
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Other Indirect Expenditure (ExpNerOther) ORG
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Patient Transport Services (ExpNerTransp) ST
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Patient Transport Services (ExpNerTransp) REG
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Patient Transport Services (ExpNerTransp) ORG
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Program Administration (ExpNerProgAdmin) ST
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Program Administration (ExpNerProgAdmin) REG
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Program Administration (ExpNerProgAdmin) ORG
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Property Leasing Costs (ExpNerPropLease) ST
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Property Leasing Costs (ExpNerPropLease) REG
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Property Leasing Costs (ExpNerPropLease) ORG
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Superannuation (ExpNerSuper) ST
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Superannuation (ExpNerSuper) REG
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Superannuation (ExpNerSuper) ORG
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Support Services (ExpNerSuppServ) REG
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Support Services (ExpNerSuppServ) ORG
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Workers Compensation (ExpNerWorkComp) ST
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Workers Compensation (ExpNerWorkComp) REG
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Workers Compensation (ExpNerWorkComp) ORG
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Administrative and Clerical Staff (FteAdmin) ORG
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Administrative and Clerical Staff (FteAdmin) FTEORG
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Carer Consultants (FteCarerCnslt) ORG
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Consultant Psychiatrists and Psychiatrists (FteCnsltPsych) ORG
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Consumer Consultants (FteConsrCnslt) ORG
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Diagnostic and Health Professionals (FteDHP) FTEORG
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Domestic and Other Staff (FteDomest) ORG
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Domestic and Other Staff (FteDomest) FTEORG
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Enrolled Nurses (FteNursesEnrl) ORG
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Nurses (FteNurses) FTEORG
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Occupational Therapists (FteOT) ORG
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Other Diagnostic and Health Professionals (FteDHPOther) ORG
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Other Medical Officers (FteMedOther) ORG
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Other Personal Care Staff (FtePCare) ORG
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Other Personal Care Staff (FtePCare) FTEORG
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Psychiatry Registrars and Trainees (FtePsyReg) ORG
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Psychologists (FtePsychol) ORG
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Registered Nurses (FteNursesReg) ORG
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Salaried Medical Officers (FteMed) FTEORG
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Social Workers (FteSocialWk) ORG
Geographical Location of Establishment (EstSLA) HOSP
Geographical Location of Establishment (EstSLA) AMBU
Geographical Location of Establishment (EstSLA) RESI
Hospital Identifier (HospId) HOSP
Hospital Identifier (HospId) ADMI
Hospital Name (HospName) HOSP
Hours Staffed (HrsStaffed) RESI
MHE Specification Version Number (SpecVer) HR
National Standards for Mental Health Services Review Status (StdsReviewSt) ADMI
National Standards for Mental Health Services Review Status (StdsReviewSt) AMBU
National Standards for Mental Health Services Review Status (StdsReviewSt) RESI
NGO Grants - Accommodation Services (NgoAccom) ST
NGO Grants - Accommodation Services (NgoAccom) REG
NGO Grants - Advocacy Services (NgoAdvoc) ST
NGO Grants - Advocacy Services (NgoAdvoc) REG
NGO Grants - Community Awareness/Health Promotion (NgoPromo) ST
NGO Grants - Community Awareness/Health Promotion (NgoPromo) REG
NGO Grants - Counselling Services (NgoCounsell) ST
NGO Grants - Counselling Services (NgoCounsell) REG
NGO Grants - from Non-Health Departments (NgoOtherDepts) ST
NGO Grants - Independent Living Skills Support Services (NgoLivSkills) ST
NGO Grants - Independent Living Skills Support Services (NgoLivSkills) REG
NGO Grants - Other and Unspecified Services (NgoOther) ST
NGO Grants - Other and Unspecified Services (NgoOther) REG
NGO Grants - Pre-Vocational Training Services (NgoPreVocat) ST
NGO Grants - Pre-Vocational Training Services (NgoPreVocat) REG
NGO Grants - Psychosocial Support Services (NgoPsychosoc) ST
NGO Grants - Psychosocial Support Services (NgoPsychosoc) REG
NGO Grants - Recreation Services (NgoRecreation) ST
NGO Grants - Recreation Services (NgoRecreation) REG
NGO Grants - Respite Services (NgoRespite) ST
NGO Grants - Respite Services (NgoRespite) REG
NGO Grants - Self-Help Support Groups (NgoSelfHelp) ST
NGO Grants - Self-Help Support Groups (NgoSelfHelp) REG
Non-Salary Recurrent Expenditure - Administrative Expenses (ExpNonSalAdmin) ORG
Non-Salary Recurrent Expenditure - Domestic Services (ExpNonSalDomest) ORG
Non-Salary Recurrent Expenditure - Drug Supplies (ExpNonSalDrug) ORG
Non-Salary Recurrent Expenditure - Food Supplies (ExpNonSalFood) ORG
Non-Salary Recurrent Expenditure - Interest Payments (ExpNonSalInterest) ORG
Non-Salary Recurrent Expenditure - Medical and Surgical Supplies (ExpNonSalMedSuppl) ORG
Non-Salary Recurrent Expenditure - Other Recurrent Expenditure (ExpNonSalOther) ORG
Non-Salary Recurrent Expenditure - Patient Transport (ExpNonSalTransp) ORG
Non-Salary Recurrent Expenditure - Payments to Visiting Medical Officers (ExpNonSalVMO) ORG
Non-Salary Recurrent Expenditure - Repairs and Maintenance (ExpNonSalRepairs) ORG
Non-Salary Recurrent Expenditure - Superannuation (ExpNonSalSuper) ORG
Non-Salary Recurrent Expenditure - Total (ExpNonSalTot) ADMI
Non-Salary Recurrent Expenditure - Total (ExpNonSalTot) AMBU
Non-Salary Recurrent Expenditure - Total (ExpNonSalTot) RESI
Number of Available Beds (NBeds) ADMI
Number of Available Beds (NBeds) RESI
Number of Clients Treated (NClients) AMBU
Number of Episodes of Residential Care (NEpi) RESI
Number of Separations (NSeps) ADMI
Number of Service Contacts (NCont) AMBU
Number of Supported Public Housing Places (NHousePlaces) ST
Organisation Identifier (OrgId) ORG
Organisation Identifier (OrgId) FTEORG
Organisation Identifier (OrgId) HOSP
Organisation Identifier (OrgId) CLUS
Organisation Identifier (OrgId) ADMI
Organisation Identifier (OrgId) AMBU
Organisation Identifier (OrgId) RESI
Organisation Name (OrgName) ORG
Program Type (ProgType) ADMI
Record Type (RecType) HR
Record Type (RecType) ST
Record Type (RecType) REG
Record Type (RecType) ORG
Record Type (RecType) FTEORG
Record Type (RecType) HOSP
Record Type (RecType) CLUS
Record Type (RecType) ADMI
Record Type (RecType) AMBU
Record Type (RecType) RESI
Region Identifier (RegId) REG
Region Identifier (RegId) ORG
Region Identifier (RegId) FTEORG
Region Identifier (RegId) HOSP
Region Identifier (RegId) CLUS
Region Identifier (RegId) ADMI
Region Identifier (RegId) AMBU
Region Identifier (RegId) RESI
Region Name (RegName) REG
Report Period End Date (RepEnd) HR
Report Period Start Date (RepStart) HR
Residential Service Unit Identifier (ResiId) RESI
Residential Service Unit Name (ResiName) RESI
Revenue - Department of Veterans' Affairs (RevDVA) ST
Revenue - Department of Veterans' Affairs (RevDVA) REG
Revenue - Department of Veterans' Affairs (RevDVA) ORG
Revenue - National Mental Health Strategy (RevNMHS) ST
Revenue - National Mental Health Strategy (RevNMHS) REG
Revenue - National Mental Health Strategy (RevNMHS) ORG
Revenue - Other (RevOther) ST
Revenue - Other (RevOther) REG
Revenue - Other (RevOther) ORG
Revenue - Other Commonwealth (RevCwlthOther) ST
Revenue - Other Commonwealth (RevCwlthOther) REG
Revenue - Other Commonwealth (RevCwlthOther) ORG
Revenue - Patients (RevPatients) ST
Revenue - Patients (RevPatients) REG
Revenue - Patients (RevPatients) ORG
Revenue - Recoveries (RevRecov) ST
Revenue - Recoveries (RevRecov) REG
Revenue - Recoveries (RevRecov) ORG
Revenue - State or Territory Health Authority (RevStateHealth) ST
Revenue - State or Territory Health Authority (RevStateHealth) REG
Revenue - State or Territory Health Authority (RevStateHealth) ORG
Revenue - State/Territory Other (RevStateOther) ST
Revenue - State/Territory Other (RevStateOther) REG
Revenue - State/Territory Other (RevStateOther) ORG
Salaries and Wages - Administrative and Clerical Staff (ExpSalAdmin) ORG
Salaries and Wages - Carer Consultants (ExpSalCarerCnslt) ORG
Salaries and Wages - Consultant Psychiatrists and Psychiatrists (ExpSalCnsltPsych) ORG
Salaries and Wages - Consumer Consultants (ExpSalConsrCnslt) ORG
Salaries and Wages - Domestic and Other Staff (ExpSalDomest) ORG
Salaries and Wages - Enrolled Nurses (ExpSalNursesEnrl) ORG
Salaries and Wages - Occupational Therapists (ExpSalOT) ORG
Salaries and Wages - Other Diagnostic and Health Professionals (ExpSalDHPOther) ORG
Salaries and Wages - Other Medical Officers (ExpSalMedOther) ORG
Salaries and Wages - Other Personal Care Staff (ExpSalPCare) ORG
Salaries and Wages - Psychiatry Registrars and Trainees (ExpSalPsyReg) ORG
Salaries and Wages - Psychologists (ExpSalPsychol) ORG
Salaries and Wages - Registered Nurses (ExpSalNursesReg) ORG
Salaries and Wages - Social Workers (ExpSalSocialWk) ORG
Salaries and Wages - Total (ExpSalTot) ADMI
Salaries and Wages - Total (ExpSalTot) AMBU
Salaries and Wages - Total (ExpSalTot) RESI
Sector (Sector) HOSP
Sector (Sector) AMBU
Sector (Sector) RESI
Service Setting (Setting) FTEORG
Service Unit Cluster Identifier (ClusId) CLUS
Service Unit Cluster Identifier (ClusId) AMBU
Service Unit Cluster Identifier (ClusId) RESI
Service Unit Cluster Name (ClusName) CLUS
State/Territory Identifier (State) HR
State/Territory Identifier (State) ST
State/Territory Identifier (State) REG
State/Territory Identifier (State) ORG
State/Territory Identifier (State) FTEORG
State/Territory Identifier (State) HOSP
State/Territory Identifier (State) CLUS
State/Territory Identifier (State) ADMI
State/Territory Identifier (State) AMBU
State/Territory Identifier (State) RESI
State/Territory Name (StateName) ST
Target Population (TargetPop) ADMI
Target Population (TargetPop) AMBU
Target Population (TargetPop) RESI