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MHE version 03.00: Virtual Elements

Table detailing the VFields calculated for specification: MHE
Name Base Title SQL
StRevTotal ST Total Revenue at State/Territory Level select State, RevDVA + RevRecov + RevStateHealth + RevCwlthOther + RevPatients + RevOther + RevStateOther as Total from ST
StExpNerTotal ST Total Residual Expenditure at State/Territory Level select State, ExpNerAcademic + ExpNerTraining + ExpNerInsur + ExpNerMHAct + ExpNerPromo + ExpNerResearch + ExpNerTransp + ExpNerProgAdmin + ExpNerPropLease + ExpNerServDev + ExpNerSuper + ExpNerWorkComp + ExpNerOther as Total from ST
OrgRevTotal ORG Total Revenue at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, RevDVA + RevRecov + RevStateHealth + RevCwlthOther + RevPatients + RevOther + RevStateOther as Total from ORG
OrgExpNerTotal ORG Total Residual Expenditure at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, ExpNerAcademic + ExpNerTraining + ExpNerInsur + ExpNerMHAct + ExpNerPromo + ExpNerResearch + ExpNerTransp + ExpNerProgAdmin + ExpNerPropLease + ExpNerServDev + ExpNerSuper + ExpNerSuppServ + ExpNerWorkComp + ExpNerOther as Total from ORG
OrgExpSalTotal ORG Total Salary and Wages Expenditure at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, ExpSalCnsltPsych + ExpSalPsyReg + ExpSalMedOther + ExpSalNursesReg + ExpSalNursesEnrl + ExpSalOT + ExpSalSocialWk + ExpSalPsychol + ExpSalDHPOther + ExpSalAdmin + ExpSalDomest + ExpSalCarerWrkr + ExpSalConsrWrkr + ExpSalPCare + ExpSalATSIMHWrkr as Total from ORG
OrgExpNonSalTotal ORG Total Non-salary Expenditure at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, ExpNonSalAdmin + ExpNonSalDomest + ExpNonSalDrug + ExpNonSalFood + ExpNonSalInterest + ExpNonSalMedSuppl + ExpNonSalTransp + ExpNonSalVMO + ExpNonSalRepairs + ExpNonSalSuper + ExpNonSalOther as Total from ORG
OrgFteTotal ORG Total FTE at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, FteCnsltPsych + FtePsyReg + FteMedOther + FteNursesReg + FteNursesEnrl + FteOT + FteSocialWk + FtePsychol + FteDHPOther + FteAdmin + FteDomest + FteCarerWrkr + FteConsrWrkr + FtePCare + FteATSIMHWrkr as Total from ORG
FteorgFteTotal FTEORG Total FTE at Organisation Full-time Equivalent Staff by Setting/TargetPop Level select State, RegId, OrgId, Setting, TargetPop, FteMed + FteNurses + FteDHP + FteAdmin + FteDomest + FteCCWrkr + FtePCare + FteATSIMHWrkr as Total from FTEORG
FteorgDCareTotal FTEORG Total Direct Care FTE at Organisation Full-time Equivalent Staff by Setting/TargetPop Level select State, RegId, OrgId, Setting, TargetPop, FteMed + FteNurses + FteDHP + FtePCare as Total from FTEORG
RegRevTotal REG Total Revenue at Region Level select State, RegId, RevDVA + RevRecov + RevStateHealth + RevCwlthOther + RevPatients + RevOther + RevStateOther as Total from REG
RegExpNerTotal REG Total Residual Expenditure at Region Level select State, RegId, ExpNerAcademic + ExpNerTraining + ExpNerInsur + ExpNerMHAct + ExpNerPromo + ExpNerResearch + ExpNerTransp + ExpNerProgAdmin + ExpNerPropLease + ExpNerServDev + ExpNerSuper + ExpNerSuppServ + ExpNerWorkComp + ExpNerOther as Total from REG
AdmiExpTotal ADMI Total Expenditure at Admitted Patient Service Unit Level select State, RegId, OrgId, HospId, AdmiId, ExpNonSalTot + ExpSalTot as Total from ADMI
ResiExpTotal RESI Total Expenditure at Residential Service Unit Level select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, ResiId, ExpNonSalTot + ExpSalTot as Total from RESI
AmbuExpTotal AMBU Total Expenditure at Ambulatory Service Unit Level select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, AmbuId, ExpNonSalTot + ExpSalTot as Total from AMBU
StNgoSubTotal ST Total NGO Expenditure at State/Territory Level from STNGOE select state, coalesce(sum(MHNGOEGrants),0) as Total from STNGOE group by state
StNgoTotal ST Total NGO Expenditure at State/Territory Level select state, sum(ST.NgoOtherDepts) + coalesce(sum(StNgoSubTotal.Total),0) as Total from ST left join StNgoSubTotal using (State) group by state
RegNgoTotal REG Total NGO Expenditure at Reg Level select reg.state, reg.regid, coalesce(sum(MHNGOEGrants),0) as Total from REG left join REGNGOE using (State, RegId) group by state, regid
OrgExpSNSTotal ORG Total Salary and Non-Salary Expenditure at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, Sal.Total + NonSal.Total as Total from OrgExpSalTotal as Sal join OrgExpNonSalTotal as NonSal using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteorgCount ORG FTEORG Count at ORG Level select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Count, 0) as Count from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, count(*) as Count from FTEORG group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgClusCount ORG CLUS Count at ORG Level select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Count, 0) as Count from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, count(*) as Count from CLUS group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgHospCount ORG HOSP Count at ORG Level select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Count, 0) as Count from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, count(*) as Count from HOSP group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
ClusAmbuCount CLUS AMBU Count at CLUS Level select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, coalesce(Count, 0) as Count from CLUS left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, count(*) as Count from AMBU group by State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId ) as tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId)
ClusResiCount CLUS RESI Count at CLUS Level select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, coalesce(Count, 0) as Count from CLUS left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, count(*) as Count from RESI group by State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId ) as tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId)
OrgAdmiCount ORG ADMI Count at ORG Level select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Count, 0) as Count from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, count(*) as Count from ADMI group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiCount ORG RESI Count at ORG Level select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Count, 0) as Count from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, count(*) as Count from RESI group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAmbuCount ORG AMBU Count at ORG Level select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Count, 0) as Count from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, count(*) as Count from AMBU group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteSet1Count ORG FTEORG Count for Setting 1 select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Count, 0) as Count from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, count(*) as Count from FTEORG where Setting = '1' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteSet2Count ORG FTEORG Count for Setting 2 select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Count, 0) as Count from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, count(*) as Count from FTEORG where Setting = '2' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteSet3Count ORG FTEORG Count for Setting 3 select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Count, 0) as Count from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, count(*) as Count from FTEORG where Setting = '3' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
StExpTotal ST State/Territory Level Total Expenditure select state, StNgoTotal.Total + StExpNerTotal.Total as Total from StNgoTotal join StExpNerTotal using (state)
RegExpTotal REG Region Level Total Expenditure select state, regid, RegNgoTotal.Total + RegExpNerTotal.Total as Total from RegNgoTotal join RegExpNerTotal using (state, regid)
OrgFteAdminSum ORG Total Administrative and Clerical FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.FteAdmin) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId
StOrgFteAdminSum ST State Total Administrative and Clerical FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, sum(ORG.FteAdmin) as Total from ORG group by State
OrgSalAdminSum ORG Total Administrative and Clerical Salary reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.ExpSalAdmin) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId
OrgAdminAvgSal ORG Average Administrative and Clerical Salary reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(Sal.Total, Fte.Total, 3) as AvgSal from OrgSalAdminSum as Sal join OrgFteAdminSum as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteATSIMHWrkrSum ORG Total Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.FteATSIMHWrkr) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId
StOrgFteATSIMHWrkrSum ST State Total Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, sum(ORG.FteATSIMHWrkr) as Total from ORG group by State
OrgSalATSIMHWrkrSum ORG Total Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health Workers Salary reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.ExpSalATSIMHWrkr) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId
OrgATSIMHWrkrAvgSal ORG Average Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health Workers Salary reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(Sal.Total, Fte.Total, 3) as AvgSal from OrgSalATSIMHWrkrSum as Sal join OrgFteATSIMHWrkrSum as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteCarerWrkrSum ORG Total Carer Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.FteCarerWrkr) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId
StOrgFteCarerWrkrSum ST State Total Carer Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, sum(ORG.FteCarerWrkr) as Total from ORG group by State
OrgSalCarerWrkrSum ORG Total Carer Workers Salary reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.ExpSalCarerWrkr) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId
OrgCarerWrkrAvgSal ORG Average Carer Workers Salary reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(Sal.Total, Fte.Total, 3) as AvgSal from OrgSalCarerWrkrSum as Sal join OrgFteCarerWrkrSum as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteCCWrkrSum ORG Total Carer and Consumer Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.FteCarerWrkr + ORG.FteConsrWrkr) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId
StOrgFteCCWrkrSum ST State Total Carer and Consumer Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, sum(ORG.FteCarerWrkr + ORG.FteConsrWrkr) as Total from ORG group by State
OrgSalCCWrkrSum ORG Total Carer and Consumer Workers Salary reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.ExpSalCarerWrkr + ORG.ExpSalConsrWrkr) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId
OrgCCWrkrAvgSal ORG Average Carer and Consumer Workers Salary reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(Sal.Total, Fte.Total, 3) as AvgSal from OrgSalCCWrkrSum as Sal join OrgFteCCWrkrSum as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteConsrWrkrSum ORG Total Consumer Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.FteConsrWrkr) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId
StOrgFteConsrWrkrSum ST State Total Consumer Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, sum(ORG.FteConsrWrkr) as Total from ORG group by State
OrgSalConsrWrkrSum ORG Total Consumer Workers Salary reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.ExpSalConsrWrkr) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId
OrgConsrWrkrAvgSal ORG Average Consumer Workers Salary reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(Sal.Total, Fte.Total, 3) as AvgSal from OrgSalConsrWrkrSum as Sal join OrgFteConsrWrkrSum as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId)
StOrgFteOTSum ST State Total Occupational Therapists FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, sum(FteOT) as Total from ORG group by State
StOrgFteSocialWkSum ST State Total Social Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, sum(FteSocialWk) as Total from ORG group by State
StOrgFtePsycholSum ST State Total Psychologists FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, sum(FtePsychol) as Total from ORG group by State
StOrgFteDHPOtherSum ST State Total Other Diagnostic and Health Professionals FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, sum(FteDHPOther) as Total from ORG group by State
OrgFteDHPSum ORG Total Diagnostic and Health Professionals FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.FteOT + ORG.FteSocialWk + ORG.FtePsychol + ORG.FteDHPOther) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId
StOrgFteDHPSum ST State Total Diagnostic and Health Professionals FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, sum(ORG.FteOT + ORG.FteSocialWk + ORG.FtePsychol + ORG.FteDHPOther) as Total from ORG group by State
OrgSalDHPSum ORG Total Diagnostic and Health Professionals Salary reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.ExpSalOT + ORG.ExpSalSocialWk + ORG.ExpSalPsychol + ORG.ExpSalDHPOther) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId
OrgDHPAvgSal ORG Average Diagnostic and Health Professionals Salary reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(Sal.Total, Fte.Total, 3) as AvgSal from OrgSalDHPSum as Sal join OrgFteDHPSum as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteDomestSum ORG Total Domestic FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.FteDomest) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId
StOrgFteDomestSum ST State Total Domestic FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, sum(ORG.FteDomest) as Total from ORG group by State
OrgSalDomestSum ORG Total Domestic Salary reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.ExpSalDomest) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId
OrgDomestAvgSal ORG Average Domestic Salary reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(Sal.Total, Fte.Total, 3) as AvgSal from OrgSalDomestSum as Sal join OrgFteDomestSum as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId)
StOrgFteCnsltPsychSum ST State Total Consultant Psychiatrists and Psychiatrists FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, sum(FteCnsltPsych) as Total from ORG group by State
StOrgFtePsyRegSum ST State Total Psychiatry Registrars and Trainees FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, sum(FtePsyReg) as Total from ORG group by State
StOrgFteMedOtherSum ST State Total Other Medical Officers FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, sum(FteMedOther) as Total from ORG group by State
OrgFteMedSum ORG Total Medical FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.FteCnsltPsych + ORG.FtePsyReg + ORG.FteMedOther) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId
StOrgFteMedSum ST State Total Medical FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, sum(ORG.FteCnsltPsych + ORG.FtePsyReg + ORG.FteMedOther) as Total from ORG group by State
OrgSalMedSum ORG Total Medical Salary reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.ExpSalCnsltPsych + ORG.ExpSalPsyReg + ORG.ExpSalMedOther) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId
OrgMedAvgSal ORG Average Medical Salary reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(Sal.Total, Fte.Total, 3) as AvgSal from OrgSalMedSum as Sal join OrgFteMedSum as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId)
StOrgFteNursesRegSum ST State Total Registered Nurses FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, sum(FteNursesReg) as Total from ORG group by State
StOrgFteNursesEnrlSum ST State Total Enrolled Nurses FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, sum(FteNursesEnrl) as Total from ORG group by State
OrgFteNursesSum ORG Total Nursing FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.FteNursesReg + ORG.FteNursesEnrl) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId
StOrgFteNursesSum ST State Total Nursing FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, sum(ORG.FteNursesReg + ORG.FteNursesEnrl) as Total from ORG group by State
OrgSalNursesSum ORG Total Nursing Salary reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.ExpSalNursesReg + ORG.ExpSalNursesEnrl) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId
OrgNursesAvgSal ORG Average Nursing Salary reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(Sal.Total, Fte.Total, 3) as AvgSal from OrgSalNursesSum as Sal join OrgFteNursesSum as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFtePCareSum ORG Total Other Personal Care FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.FtePCare) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId
StOrgFtePCareSum ST State Total Other Personal Care FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, sum(ORG.FtePCare) as Total from ORG group by State
OrgSalPCareSum ORG Total Other Personal Care Salary reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.ExpSalPCare) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId
OrgPCareAvgSal ORG Average Other Personal Care Salary reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(Sal.Total, Fte.Total, 3) as AvgSal from OrgSalPCareSum as Sal join OrgFtePCareSum as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId)
FteAdminSum ORG Total Administrative and Clerical FTE reported at Setting Level select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(FteAdmin, 0)) as Total from FTEORG group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
FteATSIMHWrkrSum ORG Total Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health Workers FTE reported at Setting Level select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(FteATSIMHWrkr, 0)) as Total from FTEORG group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
FteCCWrkrSum ORG Total Carer and Consumer Workers FTE reported at Setting Level select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(FteCCWrkr, 0)) as Total from FTEORG group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
FteDHPSum ORG Total Diagnostic and Health Professionals FTE reported at Setting Level select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(FteDHP, 0)) as Total from FTEORG group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
FteDomestSum ORG Total Domestic FTE reported at Setting Level select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(FteDomest, 0)) as Total from FTEORG group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
FteMedSum ORG Total Medical FTE reported at Setting Level select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(FteMed, 0)) as Total from FTEORG group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
FteNursesSum ORG Total Nursing FTE reported at Setting Level select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(FteNurses, 0)) as Total from FTEORG group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
FtePCareSum ORG Total Other Personal Care FTE reported at Setting Level select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(FtePCare, 0)) as Total from FTEORG group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteAllSum ORG Total All Staff FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.FteCnsltPsych + ORG.FtePsyReg + ORG.FteMedOther + ORG.FteNursesReg + ORG.FteNursesEnrl + ORG.FteOT + ORG.FteSocialWk + ORG.FtePsychol + ORG.FteDHPOther + ORG.FtePCare + ORG.FteAdmin + ORG.FteDomest + ORG.FteCarerWrkr + ORG.FteConsrWrkr + ORG.FteATSIMHWrkr) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId
StOrgFteAllSum ST State Total All Staff FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, sum(ORG.FteCnsltPsych + ORG.FtePsyReg + ORG.FteMedOther + ORG.FteNursesReg + ORG.FteNursesEnrl + ORG.FteOT + ORG.FteSocialWk + ORG.FtePsychol + ORG.FteDHPOther + ORG.FtePCare + ORG.FteAdmin + ORG.FteDomest + ORG.FteCarerWrkr + ORG.FteConsrWrkr + ORG.FteATSIMHWrkr) as Total from ORG group by State
OrgFteDCareSum ORG Total Direct Care FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.FteCnsltPsych + ORG.FtePsyReg + ORG.FteMedOther + ORG.FteNursesReg + ORG.FteNursesEnrl + ORG.FteOT + ORG.FteSocialWk + ORG.FtePsychol + ORG.FteDHPOther + ORG.FtePCare) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId
StOrgFteDCareSum ST State Total Direct Care FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, sum(ORG.FteCnsltPsych + ORG.FtePsyReg + ORG.FteMedOther + ORG.FteNursesReg + ORG.FteNursesEnrl + ORG.FteOT + ORG.FteSocialWk + ORG.FtePsychol + ORG.FteDHPOther + ORG.FtePCare) as Total from ORG group by State
OrgFteNonCareSum ORG Total Non-Direct Care FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.FteAdmin + ORG.FteDomest + ORG.FteCarerWrkr + ORG.FteConsrWrkr + ORG.FteATSIMHWrkr) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId
StOrgFteNonCareSum ST State Total Non-Direct Care FTE reported at Organisation Level select State, sum(ORG.FteAdmin + ORG.FteDomest + ORG.FteCarerWrkr + ORG.FteConsrWrkr + ORG.FteATSIMHWrkr) as Total from ORG group by State
OrgAdmiExpSalTotal ORG Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Salary and Wages Expenditure select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(ExpSalTot, 0)) as Total from ADMI group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiExpNonSalTotal ORG Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Non-salary Expenditure select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(ExpNonSalTot, 0)) as Total from ADMI group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiDeprecTotal ORG Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Depreciation select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(Deprec, 0)) as Total from ADMI group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiExpTotal ORG Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Expenditure select State, RegId, OrgId, Sal.Total + NonSal.Total as Total from OrgAdmiExpSalTotal as Sal join OrgAdmiExpNonSalTotal as NonSal using (State, RegId, OrgId)
StAdmiExpTotal ST Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Expenditure select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from OrgAdmiExpTotal group by State ) tmpinner using (State)
OrgResiExpSalTotal ORG Residential Service Unit Total Salary and Wages Expenditure select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(ExpSalTot, 0)) as Total from RESI group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiExpNonSalTotal ORG Residential Service Unit Total Non-salary Expenditure select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(ExpNonSalTot, 0)) as Total from RESI group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiDeprecTotal ORG Residential Service Unit Total Depreciation select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(Deprec, 0)) as Total from RESI group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiExpTotal ORG Residential Service Unit Total Expenditure select State, RegId, OrgId, Sal.Total + NonSal.Total as Total from OrgResiExpSalTotal as Sal join OrgResiExpNonSalTotal as NonSal using (State, RegId, OrgId)
StResiExpTotal ST Residential Service Unit Total Expenditure select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from OrgResiExpTotal group by State ) tmpinner using (State)
OrgAmbuExpSalTotal ORG Ambulatory Service Unit Total Salary and Wages Expenditure select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(ExpSalTot, 0)) as Total from AMBU group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAmbuExpNonSalTotal ORG Ambulatory Service Unit Total Non-salary Expenditure select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(ExpNonSalTot, 0)) as Total from AMBU group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAmbuDeprecTotal ORG Ambulatory Service Unit Total Depreciation select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(Deprec, 0)) as Total from AMBU group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAmbuExpTotal ORG Ambulatory Service Unit Total Expenditure select State, RegId, OrgId, Sal.Total + NonSal.Total as Total from OrgAmbuExpSalTotal as Sal join OrgAmbuExpNonSalTotal as NonSal using (State, RegId, OrgId)
StAmbuExpTotal ST Ambulatory Service Unit Total Expenditure select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from OrgAmbuExpTotal group by State ) tmpinner using (State)
OrgAmbuNContSum ORG Ambulatory Service Unit Total Number of Service Contacts select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(NCont, 0)) as Total from AMBU group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
RegAmbuNContSum REG Ambulatory Service Unit Total Number of Service Contacts select State, RegId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from REG left join ( select State, RegId, sum(coalesce(NCont, 0)) as Total from AMBU group by State, RegId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId)
StAmbuNContSum ST Ambulatory Service Unit Total Number of Service Contacts select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(NCont, 0)) as Total from AMBU group by State ) tmpinner using (State)
OrgUnitExpSal ORG Total Salary and Wages Expenditure at Service Unit Level select Admi.State as State, Admi.RegId as RegId, Admi.OrgId as OrgId, Admi.Total + Resi.Total + Ambu.Total as Total from OrgAdmiExpSalTotal as Admi join OrgResiExpSalTotal as Resi using (State, RegId, OrgId) join OrgAmbuExpSalTotal as Ambu using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgUnitExpNonSal ORG Total Non-salary Expenditure at Service Unit Level select Admi.State as State, Admi.RegId as RegId, Admi.OrgId as OrgId, Admi.Total + Resi.Total + Ambu.Total as Total from OrgAdmiExpNonSalTotal as Admi join OrgResiExpNonSalTotal as Resi using (State, RegId, OrgId) join OrgAmbuExpNonSalTotal as Ambu using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgUnitExp ORG Total Expenditure at Service Unit Level select Admi.State as State, Admi.RegId as RegId, Admi.OrgId as OrgId, Admi.Total + Resi.Total + Ambu.Total as Total from OrgAdmiExpTotal as Admi join OrgResiExpTotal as Resi using (State, RegId, OrgId) join OrgAmbuExpTotal as Ambu using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgUnitDeprec ORG Total Depreciation at Service Unit Level select Admi.State as State, Admi.RegId as RegId, Admi.OrgId as OrgId, Admi.Total + Resi.Total + Ambu.Total as Total from OrgAdmiDeprecTotal as Admi join OrgResiDeprecTotal as Resi using (State, RegId, OrgId) join OrgAmbuDeprecTotal as Ambu using (State, RegId, OrgId)
RegUnitExp REG Total Expenditure at Service Unit Level select State, RegId, sum(OrgUnitExp.Total) as Total from OrgUnitExp group by State, RegId
StUnitExp ST Total Expenditure at Service Unit Level select State, sum(RegUnitExp.Total) as Total from RegUnitExp group by State
OrgWideExp ORG Organisation Wide Expenditure select State, RegId, OrgId, Ner.Total + UnitExp.Total as Total from OrgExpNerTotal as Ner join OrgUnitExp as UnitExp using (State, RegId, OrgId)
StWideNgo ST State/Territory Wide NGO Expenditure select State, Ngo.Total + SubNgo.Total as Total from StNgoTotal as Ngo join (select State, sum(Total) as Total from RegNgoTotal group by State) as SubNgo using (State)
RegWideExpNer REG Region Wide Residual Expenditure select State, RegId, Ner.Total + SubNer.Total as Total from RegExpNerTotal as Ner join (select State, RegId, sum(Total) as Total from OrgExpNerTotal group by State, RegId) as SubNer using (State, RegId)
RegWideExp REG Region Wide Expenditure select Unit.State as State, Unit.RegId as RegId, Ner.Total + Unit.Total + Ngo.Total as Total from RegWideExpNer as Ner join RegUnitExp as Unit using (State, RegId) join RegNgoTotal as Ngo using (State, RegId)
StWideExpNer ST State/Territory Wide Residual Expenditure select State, Ner.Total + SubNer.Total as Total from StExpNerTotal as Ner join (select State, sum(Total) as Total from RegWideExpNer group by State) as SubNer using (State)
StWideExp ST State/Territory Wide Expenditure select Unit.State as State, Ner.Total + Unit.Total + Ngo.Total as Total from StWideExpNer as Ner join StUnitExp as Unit using (State) join StWideNgo as Ngo using (State)
RegAppExpNer REG Apportionable Residual Expenditure select State, RegId, ExpNerProgAdmin + ExpNerSuppServ + ExpNerAcademic + ExpNerSuper + ExpNerWorkComp + ExpNerInsur + ExpNerTransp + ExpNerPropLease + ExpNerOther as Total from REG
RegNonAppExpNer REG Non-apportionable Residual Expenditure select State, RegId, ExpNerTraining + ExpNerPromo + ExpNerResearch + ExpNerMHAct + ExpNerServDev as Total from REG
AdmiRegAppExpNer ADMI Region Residual Expenditure Apportioned to Admitted Patient Service Unit select UnitExp.State as State, UnitExp.RegId as RegId, UnitExp.OrgId as OrgId, UnitExp.HospId as HospId, UnitExp.AdmiId as AdmiId, sd_div_safe((Pie.Total * UnitExp.Total::numeric), RegUnitExp.Total, 3) as Total from AdmiExpTotal as UnitExp join RegUnitExp using (State, RegId) join RegAppExpNer as Pie using (State, RegId)
AdmiRegAppExpNerFmt ADMI Region Residual Expenditure Apportioned to Admitted Patient Service Unit (rounded) select State, RegId, OrgId, HospId, AdmiId, round(Src.Total) as Total from AdmiRegAppExpNer as Src
ResiRegAppExpNer RESI Region Residual Expenditure Apportioned to Residential Service Unit select UnitExp.State as State, UnitExp.RegId as RegId, UnitExp.OrgId as OrgId, UnitExp.ClusId as ClusId, UnitExp.ResiId as ResiId, sd_div_safe((Pie.Total * UnitExp.Total::numeric), RegUnitExp.Total, 3) as Total from ResiExpTotal as UnitExp join RegUnitExp using (State, RegId) join RegAppExpNer as Pie using (State, RegId)
ResiRegAppExpNerFmt RESI Region Residual Expenditure Apportioned to Residential Service Unit (rounded) select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, ResiId, round(Src.Total) as Total from ResiRegAppExpNer as Src
AmbuRegAppExpNer AMBU Region Residual Expenditure Apportioned to Ambulatory Service Unit select UnitExp.State as State, UnitExp.RegId as RegId, UnitExp.OrgId as OrgId, UnitExp.ClusId as ClusId, UnitExp.AmbuId as AmbuId, sd_div_safe((Pie.Total * UnitExp.Total::numeric), RegUnitExp.Total, 3) as Total from AmbuExpTotal as UnitExp join RegUnitExp using (State, RegId) join RegAppExpNer as Pie using (State, RegId)
AmbuRegAppExpNerFmt AMBU Region Residual Expenditure Apportioned to Ambulatory Service Unit (rounded) select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, AmbuId, round(Src.Total) as Total from AmbuRegAppExpNer as Src
OrgAppExpNer ORG Apportionable Residual Expenditure select State, RegId, OrgId, ExpNerProgAdmin + ExpNerSuppServ + ExpNerAcademic + ExpNerSuper + ExpNerWorkComp + ExpNerInsur + ExpNerTransp + ExpNerPropLease + ExpNerOther as Total from ORG
OrgNonAppExpNer ORG Non-apportionable Residual Expenditure select State, RegId, OrgId, ExpNerTraining + ExpNerPromo + ExpNerResearch + ExpNerMHAct + ExpNerServDev as Total from ORG
AdmiOrgAppExpNer ADMI Organisation Residual Expenditure Apportioned to Admitted Patient Service Unit select UnitExp.State as State, UnitExp.RegId as RegId, UnitExp.OrgId as OrgId, UnitExp.HospId as HospId, UnitExp.AdmiId as AdmiId, sd_div_safe((Pie.Total * UnitExp.Total::numeric), OrgUnitExp.Total, 3) as Total from AdmiExpTotal as UnitExp join OrgUnitExp using (State, RegId, OrgId) join OrgAppExpNer as Pie using (State, RegId, OrgId)
AdmiOrgAppExpNerFmt ADMI Organisation Residual Expenditure Apportioned to Admitted Patient Service Unit (rounded) select State, RegId, OrgId, HospId, AdmiId, round(Src.Total) as Total from AdmiOrgAppExpNer as Src
ResiOrgAppExpNer RESI Organisation Residual Expenditure Apportioned to Residential Service Unit select UnitExp.State as State, UnitExp.RegId as RegId, UnitExp.OrgId as OrgId, UnitExp.ClusId as ClusId, UnitExp.ResiId as ResiId, sd_div_safe((Pie.Total * UnitExp.Total::numeric), OrgUnitExp.Total, 3) as Total from ResiExpTotal as UnitExp join OrgUnitExp using (State, RegId, OrgId) join OrgAppExpNer as Pie using (State, RegId, OrgId)
ResiOrgAppExpNerFmt RESI Organisation Residual Expenditure Apportioned to Residential Service Unit (rounded) select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, ResiId, round(Src.Total) as Total from ResiOrgAppExpNer as Src
AmbuOrgAppExpNer AMBU Organisation Residual Expenditure Apportioned to Ambulatory Service Unit select UnitExp.State as State, UnitExp.RegId as RegId, UnitExp.OrgId as OrgId, UnitExp.ClusId as ClusId, UnitExp.AmbuId as AmbuId, sd_div_safe((Pie.Total * UnitExp.Total::numeric), OrgUnitExp.Total, 3) as Total from AmbuExpTotal as UnitExp join OrgUnitExp using (State, RegId, OrgId) join OrgAppExpNer as Pie using (State, RegId, OrgId)
AmbuOrgAppExpNerFmt AMBU Organisation Residual Expenditure Apportioned to Ambulatory Service Unit (rounded) select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, AmbuId, round(Src.Total) as Total from AmbuOrgAppExpNer as Src
AdmiAppExpTotal ADMI Total Apportioned Expenditure at Admitted Patient Service Unit level with UnitExp as ( select * from AdmiExpTotal ), RegApp as ( select * from AdmiRegAppExpNer ), OrgApp as ( select * from AdmiOrgAppExpNer ) select UnitExp.State as State, UnitExp.RegId as RegId, UnitExp.OrgId as OrgId, UnitExp.HospId as HospId, UnitExp.AdmiId as AdmiId, UnitExp.Total + RegApp.Total + OrgApp.Total as Total from UnitExp join RegApp using (State, RegId, OrgId, HospId, AdmiId) join OrgApp using (State, RegId, OrgId, HospId, AdmiId)
AdmiAppExpTotalFmt ADMI Total Apportioned Expenditure at Admitted Patient Service Unit level (rounded) select State, RegId, OrgId, HospId, AdmiId, round(Src.Total) as Total from AdmiAppExpTotal as Src
StAdmiAppExpTotal ST Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from AdmiAppExpTotal group by State ) tmpinner using (State)
StAdmiAppExpTotalFmt ST Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) select State, round(Src.Total) as Total from StAdmiAppExpTotal as Src
OrgAdmiAppExpTotal ORG Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from AdmiAppExpTotal group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiAppExpTotalFmt ORG Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) select State, RegId, OrgId, round(Src.Total) as Total from OrgAdmiAppExpTotal as Src
ResiAppExpTotal RESI Total Apportioned Expenditure at Residential Service Unit level with UnitExp as ( select * from ResiExpTotal ), RegApp as ( select * from ResiRegAppExpNer ), OrgApp as ( select * from ResiOrgAppExpNer ) select UnitExp.State as State, UnitExp.RegId as RegId, UnitExp.OrgId as OrgId, UnitExp.ClusId as ClusId, UnitExp.ResiId as ResiId, UnitExp.Total + RegApp.Total + OrgApp.Total as Total from UnitExp join RegApp using (State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, ResiId) join OrgApp using (State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, ResiId)
ResiAppExpTotalFmt RESI Total Apportioned Expenditure at Residential Service Unit level (rounded) select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, ResiId, round(Src.Total) as Total from ResiAppExpTotal as Src
StResiAppExpTotal ST Residential Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from ResiAppExpTotal group by State ) tmpinner using (State)
StResiAppExpTotalFmt ST Residential Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) select State, round(Src.Total) as Total from StResiAppExpTotal as Src
OrgResiAppExpTotal ORG Residential Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from ResiAppExpTotal group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiAppExpTotalFmt ORG Residential Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) select State, RegId, OrgId, round(Src.Total) as Total from OrgResiAppExpTotal as Src
AmbuAppExpTotal AMBU Total Apportioned Expenditure at Ambulatory Service Unit level with UnitExp as ( select * from AmbuExpTotal ), RegApp as ( select * from AmbuRegAppExpNer ), OrgApp as ( select * from AmbuOrgAppExpNer ) select UnitExp.State as State, UnitExp.RegId as RegId, UnitExp.OrgId as OrgId, UnitExp.ClusId as ClusId, UnitExp.AmbuId as AmbuId, UnitExp.Total + RegApp.Total + OrgApp.Total as Total from UnitExp join RegApp using (State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, AmbuId) join OrgApp using (State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, AmbuId)
AmbuAppExpTotalFmt AMBU Total Apportioned Expenditure at Ambulatory Service Unit level (rounded) select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, AmbuId, round(Src.Total) as Total from AmbuAppExpTotal as Src
StAmbuAppExpTotal ST Ambulatory Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from AmbuAppExpTotal group by State ) tmpinner using (State)
StAmbuAppExpTotalFmt ST Ambulatory Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) select State, round(Src.Total) as Total from StAmbuAppExpTotal as Src
OrgAmbuAppExpTotal ORG Ambulatory Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from AmbuAppExpTotal group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAmbuAppExpTotalFmt ORG Ambulatory Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) select State, RegId, OrgId, round(Src.Total) as Total from OrgAmbuAppExpTotal as Src
OrgUnitAppExp ORG Total Apportioned Expenditure at Service Unit Level select Admi.State as State, Admi.RegId as RegId, Admi.OrgId as OrgId, Admi.Total + Resi.Total + Ambu.Total as Total from OrgAdmiAppExpTotal as Admi join OrgResiAppExpTotal as Resi using (State, RegId, OrgId) join OrgAmbuAppExpTotal as Ambu using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgWideAppExp ORG Organisation Wide Apportioned Expenditure select State, RegId, OrgId, NonAppNer.Total + UnitAppExp.Total as Total from OrgNonAppExpNer as NonAppNer join OrgUnitAppExp as UnitAppExp using (State, RegId, OrgId)
StCLExpTotal ST Co-located Hospitals Total Expenditure select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from AdmiExpTotal join HOSP using (State, RegId, OrgId, HospId) where HOSP.CoLocStatus = '1' group by State ) tmpinner using (State)
StCLExpTotalFmt ST Co-located Hospitals Total Expenditure (rounded) select State, round(Src.Total) as Total from StCLExpTotal as Src
StSAExpTotal ST Stand Alone Hospitals Total Expenditure select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from AdmiExpTotal join HOSP using (State, RegId, OrgId, HospId) where HOSP.CoLocStatus = '2' group by State ) tmpinner using (State)
StSAExpTotalFmt ST Stand Alone Hospitals Total Expenditure (rounded) select State, round(Src.Total) as Total from StSAExpTotal as Src
StCLAppExpTotal ST Co-located Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from AdmiAppExpTotal join HOSP using (State, RegId, OrgId, HospId) where HOSP.CoLocStatus = '1' group by State ) tmpinner using (State)
StCLAppExpTotalFmt ST Co-located Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) select State, round(Src.Total) as Total from StCLAppExpTotal as Src
StSAAppExpTotal ST Stand Alone Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from AdmiAppExpTotal join HOSP using (State, RegId, OrgId, HospId) where HOSP.CoLocStatus = '2' group by State ) tmpinner using (State)
StSAAppExpTotalFmt ST Stand Alone Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) select State, round(Src.Total) as Total from StSAAppExpTotal as Src
OrgCLExpTotal ORG Co-located Hospitals Total Expenditure select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from AdmiExpTotal join HOSP using (State, RegId, OrgId, HospId) where HOSP.CoLocStatus = '1' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgCLExpTotalFmt ORG Co-located Hospitals Total Expenditure (rounded) select State, RegId, OrgId, round(Src.Total) as Total from OrgCLExpTotal as Src
OrgSAExpTotal ORG Stand Alone Hospitals Total Expenditure select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from AdmiExpTotal join HOSP using (State, RegId, OrgId, HospId) where HOSP.CoLocStatus = '2' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgSAExpTotalFmt ORG Stand Alone Hospitals Total Expenditure (rounded) select State, RegId, OrgId, round(Src.Total) as Total from OrgSAExpTotal as Src
OrgCLAppExpTotal ORG Co-located Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from AdmiAppExpTotal join HOSP using (State, RegId, OrgId, HospId) where HOSP.CoLocStatus = '1' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgCLAppExpTotalFmt ORG Co-located Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) select State, RegId, OrgId, round(Src.Total) as Total from OrgCLAppExpTotal as Src
OrgSAAppExpTotal ORG Stand Alone Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from AdmiAppExpTotal join HOSP using (State, RegId, OrgId, HospId) where HOSP.CoLocStatus = '2' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgSAAppExpTotalFmt ORG Stand Alone Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) select State, RegId, OrgId, round(Src.Total) as Total from OrgSAAppExpTotal as Src
RegWideNonAppExpNer REG Region Wide Non-Apportioned Residual Expenditure select State, RegId, NonApp.Total + SubNonApp.Total as Total from RegNonAppExpNer as NonApp join (select State, RegId, sum(Total) as Total from OrgNonAppExpNer group by State, RegId) as SubNonApp using (State, RegId)
StWideNonAppExpNer ST State/Territory Wide Non-Apportioned Residual Expenditure select State, NonApp.Total + SubNonApp.Total as Total from StExpNerTotal as NonApp join (select State, sum(Total) as Total from RegWideNonAppExpNer group by State) as SubNonApp using (State)
AmbuAvgCon AMBU Average Contact Cost for Ambulatory Service Unit select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, AmbuId, sd_div_safe(Total, NCont, 1) as AvgCon from AMBU join AmbuExpTotal using (State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, AmbuId) where NCont != 0
AvgStay ADMI Average Length of Stay for Admitted Patient Service Unit select State, RegId, OrgId, HospId, AdmiId, sd_div_safe(MHCareDays, NSeps, 1) as AvgStay from ADMI
AdmiOccupancy ADMI Average Occupancy for Admitted Patient Service Unit select State, RegId, OrgId, HospId, AdmiId, sd_div_safe(MHCareDays, (AdmiNBeds + HitHNBeds) * 365, 3) as Occupancy from ADMI
AdmiPDay ADMI Average Patient Day Cost for Admitted Patient Service Unit select State, RegId, OrgId, HospId, AdmiId, sd_div_safe(Total, MHCareDays, 1) as PDay from ADMI join AdmiExpTotal using (State, RegId, OrgId, HospId, AdmiId) where MHCareDays != 0
OrgAdmiNBedsSum ORG Total Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
RegAdmiNBedsSum REG Total Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients select State, RegId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from REG left join ( select State, RegId, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI group by State, RegId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId)
StAdmiNBedsSum ST Total Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI group by State ) tmpinner using (State)
OrgAdmiCDaysSum ORG Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
RegAdmiCDaysSum REG Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days select State, RegId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from REG left join ( select State, RegId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI group by State, RegId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId)
StAdmiCDaysSum ST Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI group by State ) tmpinner using (State)
ResiOccupancy RESI Average Occupancy for Residential Service Unit select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, ResiId, sd_div_safe(MHCareDays, ResiNBeds * 365, 3) as Occupancy from RESI
ResiPDay RESI Average Patient Day Cost for Residential Service Unit select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, ResiId, sd_div_safe(Total, MHCareDays, 1) as PDay from RESI join ResiExpTotal using (State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, ResiId) where MHCareDays != 0
OrgResiNBedsSum ORG Total Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
RegResiNBedsSum REG Total Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients select State, RegId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from REG left join ( select State, RegId, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI group by State, RegId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId)
StResiNBedsSum ST Total Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI group by State ) tmpinner using (State)
OrgResiCDaysSum ORG Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
RegResiCDaysSum REG Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days select State, RegId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from REG left join ( select State, RegId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI group by State, RegId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId)
StResiCDaysSum ST Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI group by State ) tmpinner using (State)
OrgAdmiFteSum ORG Total FTE for Admitted Patient Service Unit at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(sum(Fte.Total), 0) as Total from ORG left join (select * from FteorgFteTotal where Setting = '1') as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId) group by State, RegId, OrgId
OrgAdmiDCareFteSum ORG Total Direct Care FTE for Admitted Patient Service Units select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(sum(Fte.Total), 0) as Total from ORG left join (select * from FteorgDCareTotal where Setting = '1') as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId) group by State, RegId, OrgId
StAdmiDCareFteSum ST Total Direct Care FTE for Admitted Patient Service Units select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from FteorgDCareTotal where Setting = '1' group by State ) tmpinner using (State)
OrgAdmiAvgSal ORG Average Salary for Admitted Patient Service Unit at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(UnitSal.Total, Fte.Total, 1) as AvgSal from OrgAdmiExpSalTotal as UnitSal join OrgAdmiFteSum as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiFteSum ORG Total FTE for Residential Service Unit at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(sum(Fte.Total), 0) as Total from ORG left join (select * from FteorgFteTotal where Setting = '2') as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId) group by State, RegId, OrgId
OrgResiDCareFteSum ORG Total Direct Care FTE for Residential Service Units select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(sum(Fte.Total), 0) as Total from ORG left join (select * from FteorgDCareTotal where Setting = '2') as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId) group by State, RegId, OrgId
StResiDCareFteSum ST Total Direct Care FTE for Residential Service Units select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from FteorgDCareTotal where Setting = '2' group by State ) tmpinner using (State)
OrgResiAvgSal ORG Average Salary for Residential Service Unit at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(UnitSal.Total, Fte.Total, 1) as AvgSal from OrgResiExpSalTotal as UnitSal join OrgResiFteSum as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAmbuFteSum ORG Total FTE for Ambulatory Service Unit at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(sum(Fte.Total), 0) as Total from ORG left join (select * from FteorgFteTotal where Setting = '3') as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId) group by State, RegId, OrgId
OrgAmbuDCareFteSum ORG Total Direct Care FTE for Ambulatory Service Units select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(sum(Fte.Total), 0) as Total from ORG left join (select * from FteorgDCareTotal where Setting = '3') as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId) group by State, RegId, OrgId
StAmbuDCareFteSum ST Total Direct Care FTE for Ambulatory Service Units select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from FteorgDCareTotal where Setting = '3' group by State ) tmpinner using (State)
OrgAmbuAvgSal ORG Average Salary for Ambulatory Service Unit at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(UnitSal.Total, Fte.Total, 1) as AvgSal from OrgAmbuExpSalTotal as UnitSal join OrgAmbuFteSum as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgOohFteSum ORG Total FTE for Organisational overhead at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(sum(Fte.Total), 0) as Total from ORG left join (select * from FteorgFteTotal where Setting = '4') as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId) group by State, RegId, OrgId
OrgOohDCareFteSum ORG Total Direct Care FTE for Organisational overheads select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(sum(Fte.Total), 0) as Total from ORG left join (select * from FteorgDCareTotal where Setting = '4') as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId) group by State, RegId, OrgId
StOohDCareFteSum ST Total Direct Care FTE for Organisational overheads select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from FteorgDCareTotal where Setting = '4' group by State ) tmpinner using (State)
OrgExpRealMedSum ORG Total Medical and VMOs Expenditure reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.ExpSalCnsltPsych + ORG.ExpSalPsyReg + ORG.ExpSalMedOther + ORG.ExpNonSalVMO) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId
OrgRealMedAvgSal ORG Average Medical and VMOs Expenditure reported at Organisation Level select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(Sal.Total, Fte.Total, 3) as AvgSal from OrgExpRealMedSum as Sal join OrgFteMedSum as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAmbuAvgFteCost ORG Average Cost per FTE for Ambulatory Service Unit at Organisation level select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div( Exp.Total, Fte.Total, 3 ) as AvgFteCost from OrgAmbuFteSum as Fte join OrgAmbuExpTotal as Exp using (State, RegId, OrgId) where Fte.Total != 0;
StStAcademicSum ST Total State/Territory Academic Positions Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(ST.ExpNerAcademic, 0)) as Total from ST group by State
StStTrainingSum ST Total State/Territory Education and Training Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(ST.ExpNerTraining, 0)) as Total from ST group by State
StStInsurSum ST Total State/Territory Insurance Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(ST.ExpNerInsur, 0)) as Total from ST group by State
StStMHActSum ST Total State/Territory Mental Health Act Regulation Including Review Tribunals Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(ST.ExpNerMHAct, 0)) as Total from ST group by State
StStPromoSum ST Total State/Territory Mental Health Promotion Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(ST.ExpNerPromo, 0)) as Total from ST group by State
StStResearchSum ST Total State/Territory Mental Health Research Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(ST.ExpNerResearch, 0)) as Total from ST group by State
StStTranspSum ST Total State/Territory Patient Transport Services Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(ST.ExpNerTransp, 0)) as Total from ST group by State
StStProgAdminSum ST Total State/Territory Program Administration Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(ST.ExpNerProgAdmin, 0)) as Total from ST group by State
StStPropLeaseSum ST Total State/Territory Property Leasing Costs Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(ST.ExpNerPropLease, 0)) as Total from ST group by State
StStServDevSum ST Total State/Territory Service Development Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(ST.ExpNerServDev, 0)) as Total from ST group by State
StStSuperSum ST Total State/Territory Superannuation Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(ST.ExpNerSuper, 0)) as Total from ST group by State
StStWorkCompSum ST Total State/Territory Workers Compensation Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(ST.ExpNerWorkComp, 0)) as Total from ST group by State
StStOtherSum ST Total State/Territory Other Indirect Expenditure Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(ST.ExpNerOther, 0)) as Total from ST group by State
StStNerSum ST Total State/Territory Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(Ent.Total, 0)) as Total from ST left join StExpNerTotal as Ent using (State) group by State
StRegAcademicSum ST Total Region Academic Positions Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(REG.ExpNerAcademic, 0)) as Total from ST left join REG using (State) group by State
StRegTrainingSum ST Total Region Education and Training Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(REG.ExpNerTraining, 0)) as Total from ST left join REG using (State) group by State
StRegInsurSum ST Total Region Insurance Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(REG.ExpNerInsur, 0)) as Total from ST left join REG using (State) group by State
StRegMHActSum ST Total Region Mental Health Act Regulation Including Review Tribunals Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(REG.ExpNerMHAct, 0)) as Total from ST left join REG using (State) group by State
StRegPromoSum ST Total Region Mental Health Promotion Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(REG.ExpNerPromo, 0)) as Total from ST left join REG using (State) group by State
StRegResearchSum ST Total Region Mental Health Research Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(REG.ExpNerResearch, 0)) as Total from ST left join REG using (State) group by State
StRegTranspSum ST Total Region Patient Transport Services Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(REG.ExpNerTransp, 0)) as Total from ST left join REG using (State) group by State
StRegProgAdminSum ST Total Region Program Administration Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(REG.ExpNerProgAdmin, 0)) as Total from ST left join REG using (State) group by State
StRegPropLeaseSum ST Total Region Property Leasing Costs Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(REG.ExpNerPropLease, 0)) as Total from ST left join REG using (State) group by State
StRegServDevSum ST Total Region Service Development Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(REG.ExpNerServDev, 0)) as Total from ST left join REG using (State) group by State
StRegSuperSum ST Total Region Superannuation Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(REG.ExpNerSuper, 0)) as Total from ST left join REG using (State) group by State
StRegSuppServSum ST Total Region Support Services Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(REG.ExpNerSuppServ, 0)) as Total from ST left join REG using (State) group by State
StRegWorkCompSum ST Total Region Workers Compensation Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(REG.ExpNerWorkComp, 0)) as Total from ST left join REG using (State) group by State
StRegOtherSum ST Total Region Other Indirect Expenditure Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(REG.ExpNerOther, 0)) as Total from ST left join REG using (State) group by State
StRegNerSum ST Total Region Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(Ent.Total, 0)) as Total from ST left join RegExpNerTotal as Ent using (State) group by State
StOrgAcademicSum ST Total Organisation Academic Positions Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(ORG.ExpNerAcademic, 0)) as Total from ST left join ORG using (State) group by State
StOrgTrainingSum ST Total Organisation Education and Training Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(ORG.ExpNerTraining, 0)) as Total from ST left join ORG using (State) group by State
StOrgInsurSum ST Total Organisation Insurance Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(ORG.ExpNerInsur, 0)) as Total from ST left join ORG using (State) group by State
StOrgMHActSum ST Total Organisation Mental Health Act Regulation Including Review Tribunals Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(ORG.ExpNerMHAct, 0)) as Total from ST left join ORG using (State) group by State
StOrgPromoSum ST Total Organisation Mental Health Promotion Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(ORG.ExpNerPromo, 0)) as Total from ST left join ORG using (State) group by State
StOrgResearchSum ST Total Organisation Mental Health Research Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(ORG.ExpNerResearch, 0)) as Total from ST left join ORG using (State) group by State
StOrgTranspSum ST Total Organisation Patient Transport Services Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(ORG.ExpNerTransp, 0)) as Total from ST left join ORG using (State) group by State
StOrgProgAdminSum ST Total Organisation Program Administration Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(ORG.ExpNerProgAdmin, 0)) as Total from ST left join ORG using (State) group by State
StOrgPropLeaseSum ST Total Organisation Property Leasing Costs Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(ORG.ExpNerPropLease, 0)) as Total from ST left join ORG using (State) group by State
StOrgServDevSum ST Total Organisation Service Development Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(ORG.ExpNerServDev, 0)) as Total from ST left join ORG using (State) group by State
StOrgSuperSum ST Total Organisation Superannuation Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(ORG.ExpNerSuper, 0)) as Total from ST left join ORG using (State) group by State
StOrgSuppServSum ST Total Organisation Support Services Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(ORG.ExpNerSuppServ, 0)) as Total from ST left join ORG using (State) group by State
StOrgWorkCompSum ST Total Organisation Workers Compensation Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(ORG.ExpNerWorkComp, 0)) as Total from ST left join ORG using (State) group by State
StOrgOtherSum ST Total Organisation Other Indirect Expenditure Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(ORG.ExpNerOther, 0)) as Total from ST left join ORG using (State) group by State
StOrgNerSum ST Total Organisation Expenditure (NER) select State, sum(coalesce(Ent.Total, 0)) as Total from ST left join OrgExpNerTotal as Ent using (State) group by State
StWideAcademicSum ST Total State Wide Academic Positions Expenditure (NER) select ST.State as State, (StStAcademicSum.Total + StRegAcademicSum.Total + StOrgAcademicSum.Total) as Total from ST left join StStAcademicSum using (State) left join StRegAcademicSum using (State) left join StOrgAcademicSum using (State)
StWideTrainingSum ST Total State Wide Education and Training Expenditure (NER) select ST.State as State, (StStTrainingSum.Total + StRegTrainingSum.Total + StOrgTrainingSum.Total) as Total from ST left join StStTrainingSum using (State) left join StRegTrainingSum using (State) left join StOrgTrainingSum using (State)
StWideInsurSum ST Total State Wide Insurance Expenditure (NER) select ST.State as State, (StStInsurSum.Total + StRegInsurSum.Total + StOrgInsurSum.Total) as Total from ST left join StStInsurSum using (State) left join StRegInsurSum using (State) left join StOrgInsurSum using (State)
StWideMHActSum ST Total State Wide Mental Health Act Regulation Including Review Tribunals Expenditure (NER) select ST.State as State, (StStMHActSum.Total + StRegMHActSum.Total + StOrgMHActSum.Total) as Total from ST left join StStMHActSum using (State) left join StRegMHActSum using (State) left join StOrgMHActSum using (State)
StWidePromoSum ST Total State Wide Mental Health Promotion Expenditure (NER) select ST.State as State, (StStPromoSum.Total + StRegPromoSum.Total + StOrgPromoSum.Total) as Total from ST left join StStPromoSum using (State) left join StRegPromoSum using (State) left join StOrgPromoSum using (State)
StWideResearchSum ST Total State Wide Mental Health Research Expenditure (NER) select ST.State as State, (StStResearchSum.Total + StRegResearchSum.Total + StOrgResearchSum.Total) as Total from ST left join StStResearchSum using (State) left join StRegResearchSum using (State) left join StOrgResearchSum using (State)
StWideTranspSum ST Total State Wide Patient Transport Services Expenditure (NER) select ST.State as State, (StStTranspSum.Total + StRegTranspSum.Total + StOrgTranspSum.Total) as Total from ST left join StStTranspSum using (State) left join StRegTranspSum using (State) left join StOrgTranspSum using (State)
StWideProgAdminSum ST Total State Wide Program Administration Expenditure (NER) select ST.State as State, (StStProgAdminSum.Total + StRegProgAdminSum.Total + StOrgProgAdminSum.Total) as Total from ST left join StStProgAdminSum using (State) left join StRegProgAdminSum using (State) left join StOrgProgAdminSum using (State)
StWidePropLeaseSum ST Total State Wide Property Leasing Costs Expenditure (NER) select ST.State as State, (StStPropLeaseSum.Total + StRegPropLeaseSum.Total + StOrgPropLeaseSum.Total) as Total from ST left join StStPropLeaseSum using (State) left join StRegPropLeaseSum using (State) left join StOrgPropLeaseSum using (State)
StWideServDevSum ST Total State Wide Service Development Expenditure (NER) select ST.State as State, (StStServDevSum.Total + StRegServDevSum.Total + StOrgServDevSum.Total) as Total from ST left join StStServDevSum using (State) left join StRegServDevSum using (State) left join StOrgServDevSum using (State)
StWideSuperSum ST Total State Wide Superannuation Expenditure (NER) select ST.State as State, (StStSuperSum.Total + StRegSuperSum.Total + StOrgSuperSum.Total) as Total from ST left join StStSuperSum using (State) left join StRegSuperSum using (State) left join StOrgSuperSum using (State)
StWideSuppServSum ST Total State Wide Support Services Expenditure (NER) select ST.State as State, (StRegSuppServSum.Total + StOrgSuppServSum.Total) as Total from ST left join StRegSuppServSum using (State) left join StOrgSuppServSum using (State)
StWideWorkCompSum ST Total State Wide Workers Compensation Expenditure (NER) select ST.State as State, (StStWorkCompSum.Total + StRegWorkCompSum.Total + StOrgWorkCompSum.Total) as Total from ST left join StStWorkCompSum using (State) left join StRegWorkCompSum using (State) left join StOrgWorkCompSum using (State)
StWideOtherSum ST Total State Wide Other Indirect Expenditure Expenditure (NER) select ST.State as State, (StStOtherSum.Total + StRegOtherSum.Total + StOrgOtherSum.Total) as Total from ST left join StStOtherSum using (State) left join StRegOtherSum using (State) left join StOrgOtherSum using (State)
StAdmiNBedsCAAcSum ST Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Child and adolescent Population - Acute Care select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '1' and ProgType = '1' group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StAdmiNBedsCANAcSum ST Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Child and adolescent Population - Non-acute Care select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '1' and ProgType = '2' group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StAdmiNBedsOldAcSum ST Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Older person Population - Acute Care select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '2' and ProgType = '1' group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StAdmiNBedsOldNAcSum ST Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Older person Population - Non-acute Care select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '2' and ProgType = '2' group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StAdmiNBedsForAcSum ST Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Forensic Population - Acute Care select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '3' and ProgType = '1' group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StAdmiNBedsForNAcSum ST Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Forensic Population - Non-acute Care select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '3' and ProgType = '2' group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StAdmiNBedsGenAcSum ST Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for General Population - Acute Care select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '4' and ProgType = '1' group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StAdmiNBedsGenNAcSum ST Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for General Population - Non-acute Care select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '4' and ProgType = '2' group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StAdmiNBedsYthAcSum ST Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Youth Population - Acute Care select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '5' and ProgType = '1' group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StAdmiNBedsYthNAcSum ST Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Youth Population - Non-acute Care select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '5' and ProgType = '2' group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StAdmiCDaysCAAcSum ST Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - Acute Care select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '1' and ProgType = '1' group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StAdmiCDaysCANAcSum ST Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - Non-acute Care select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '1' and ProgType = '2' group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StAdmiCDaysOldAcSum ST Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - Acute Care select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '2' and ProgType = '1' group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StAdmiCDaysOldNAcSum ST Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - Non-acute Care select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '2' and ProgType = '2' group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StAdmiCDaysForAcSum ST Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - Acute Care select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '3' and ProgType = '1' group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StAdmiCDaysForNAcSum ST Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - Non-acute Care select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '3' and ProgType = '2' group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StAdmiCDaysGenAcSum ST Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - Acute Care select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '4' and ProgType = '1' group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StAdmiCDaysGenNAcSum ST Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - Non-acute Care select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '4' and ProgType = '2' group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StAdmiCDaysYthAcSum ST Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - Acute Care select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '5' and ProgType = '1' group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StAdmiCDaysYthNAcSum ST Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - Non-acute Care select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '5' and ProgType = '2' group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StResiNBedsCA24Sum ST Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Child and adolescent Population - 24hr staffed select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '1' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StResiNBedsCAN24Sum ST Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Child and adolescent Population - non-24hr staffed select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '1' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StResiNBedsOld24Sum ST Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Older person Population - 24hr staffed select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '2' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StResiNBedsOldN24Sum ST Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Older person Population - non-24hr staffed select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '2' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StResiNBedsFor24Sum ST Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Forensic Population - 24hr staffed select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '3' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StResiNBedsForN24Sum ST Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Forensic Population - non-24hr staffed select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '3' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StResiNBedsGen24Sum ST Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for General Population - 24hr staffed select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '4' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StResiNBedsGenN24Sum ST Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for General Population - non-24hr staffed select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '4' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StResiNBedsYth24Sum ST Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Youth Population - 24hr staffed select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '5' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StResiNBedsYthN24Sum ST Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Youth Population - non-24hr staffed select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '5' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StResiCDaysCA24Sum ST Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - 24hr staffed select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '1' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StResiCDaysCAN24Sum ST Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - non-24hr staffed select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '1' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StResiCDaysOld24Sum ST Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - 24hr staffed select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '2' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StResiCDaysOldN24Sum ST Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - non-24hr staffed select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '2' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StResiCDaysFor24Sum ST Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - 24hr staffed select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '3' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StResiCDaysForN24Sum ST Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - non-24hr staffed select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '3' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StResiCDaysGen24Sum ST Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - 24hr staffed select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '4' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StResiCDaysGenN24Sum ST Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - non-24hr staffed select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '4' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StResiCDaysYth24Sum ST Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - 24hr staffed select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '5' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StResiCDaysYthN24Sum ST Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - non-24hr staffed select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '5' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State)
StDCareFteSum ST Total State/Territory Direct Care FTE select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from FteorgDCareTotal group by State ) tmpinner using (State)
StAdmiNBedsAcSum ST Total Admitted Acute Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where ProgType = '1' group by State ) tmpinner using (State)
StAdmiNBedsNAcSum ST Total Admitted Non-acute Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where ProgType = '2' group by State ) tmpinner using (State)
StAdmiCDaysAcSum ST Total Admitted Acute Accrued Mental Health Care Days select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where ProgType = '1' group by State ) tmpinner using (State)
StAdmiCDaysNAcSum ST Total Admitted Non-acute Accrued Mental Health Care Days select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where ProgType = '2' group by State ) tmpinner using (State)
OrgAdmiNBedsCAAcSum ORG Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Child and adolescent Population - Acute Care select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '1' and ProgType = '1' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiNBedsCANAcSum ORG Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Child and adolescent Population - Non-acute Care select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '1' and ProgType = '2' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiNBedsOldAcSum ORG Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Older person Population - Acute Care select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '2' and ProgType = '1' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiNBedsOldNAcSum ORG Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Older person Population - Non-acute Care select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '2' and ProgType = '2' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiNBedsForAcSum ORG Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Forensic Population - Acute Care select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '3' and ProgType = '1' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiNBedsForNAcSum ORG Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Forensic Population - Non-acute Care select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '3' and ProgType = '2' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiNBedsGenAcSum ORG Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for General Population - Acute Care select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '4' and ProgType = '1' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiNBedsGenNAcSum ORG Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for General Population - Non-acute Care select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '4' and ProgType = '2' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiNBedsYthAcSum ORG Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Youth Population - Acute Care select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '5' and ProgType = '1' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiNBedsYthNAcSum ORG Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Youth Population - Non-acute Care select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '5' and ProgType = '2' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiCDaysCAAcSum ORG Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - Acute Care select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '1' and ProgType = '1' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiCDaysCANAcSum ORG Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - Non-acute Care select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '1' and ProgType = '2' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiCDaysOldAcSum ORG Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - Acute Care select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '2' and ProgType = '1' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiCDaysOldNAcSum ORG Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - Non-acute Care select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '2' and ProgType = '2' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiCDaysForAcSum ORG Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - Acute Care select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '3' and ProgType = '1' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiCDaysForNAcSum ORG Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - Non-acute Care select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '3' and ProgType = '2' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiCDaysGenAcSum ORG Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - Acute Care select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '4' and ProgType = '1' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiCDaysGenNAcSum ORG Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - Non-acute Care select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '4' and ProgType = '2' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiCDaysYthAcSum ORG Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - Acute Care select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '5' and ProgType = '1' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiCDaysYthNAcSum ORG Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - Non-acute Care select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '5' and ProgType = '2' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiNBedsCA24Sum ORG Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Child and adolescent Population - 24hr staffed select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '1' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiNBedsCAN24Sum ORG Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Child and adolescent Population - non-24hr staffed select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '1' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiNBedsOld24Sum ORG Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Older person Population - 24hr staffed select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '2' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiNBedsOldN24Sum ORG Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Older person Population - non-24hr staffed select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '2' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiNBedsFor24Sum ORG Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Forensic Population - 24hr staffed select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '3' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiNBedsForN24Sum ORG Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Forensic Population - non-24hr staffed select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '3' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiNBedsGen24Sum ORG Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for General Population - 24hr staffed select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '4' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiNBedsGenN24Sum ORG Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for General Population - non-24hr staffed select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '4' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiNBedsYth24Sum ORG Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Youth Population - 24hr staffed select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '5' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiNBedsYthN24Sum ORG Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Youth Population - non-24hr staffed select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '5' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiCDaysCA24Sum ORG Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - 24hr staffed select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '1' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiCDaysCAN24Sum ORG Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - non-24hr staffed select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '1' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiCDaysOld24Sum ORG Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - 24hr staffed select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '2' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiCDaysOldN24Sum ORG Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - non-24hr staffed select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '2' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiCDaysFor24Sum ORG Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - 24hr staffed select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '3' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiCDaysForN24Sum ORG Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - non-24hr staffed select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '3' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiCDaysGen24Sum ORG Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - 24hr staffed select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '4' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiCDaysGenN24Sum ORG Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - non-24hr staffed select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '4' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiCDaysYth24Sum ORG Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - 24hr staffed select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '5' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiCDaysYthN24Sum ORG Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - non-24hr staffed select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '5' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgDCareFteSum ORG Total Organisation Direct Care FTE select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from FteorgDCareTotal group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiNBedsAcSum ORG Total Admitted Acute Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where ProgType = '1' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiNBedsNAcSum ORG Total Admitted Non-acute Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where ProgType = '2' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiCDaysAcSum ORG Total Admitted Acute Accrued Mental Health Care Days select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where ProgType = '1' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiCDaysNAcSum ORG Total Admitted Non-acute Accrued Mental Health Care Days select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where ProgType = '2' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
StFteAdminSum ST Total Administrative and Clerical FTE reported at Setting level select State, sum(coalesce(OrgFte.Total, 0)) as Total from ST left join FteAdminSum as OrgFte using (State) group by State
StFteATSIMHWrkrSum ST Total Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health Workers FTE reported at Setting level select State, sum(coalesce(OrgFte.Total, 0)) as Total from ST left join FteATSIMHWrkrSum as OrgFte using (State) group by State
StFteCCWrkrSum ST Total Carer and Consumer Workers FTE reported at Setting level select State, sum(coalesce(OrgFte.Total, 0)) as Total from ST left join FteCCWrkrSum as OrgFte using (State) group by State
StFteDHPSum ST Total Diagnostic and Health Professionals FTE reported at Setting level select State, sum(coalesce(OrgFte.Total, 0)) as Total from ST left join FteDHPSum as OrgFte using (State) group by State
StFteDomestSum ST Total Domestic FTE reported at Setting level select State, sum(coalesce(OrgFte.Total, 0)) as Total from ST left join FteDomestSum as OrgFte using (State) group by State
StFteMedSum ST Total Medical FTE reported at Setting level select State, sum(coalesce(OrgFte.Total, 0)) as Total from ST left join FteMedSum as OrgFte using (State) group by State
StFteNursesSum ST Total Nursing FTE reported at Setting level select State, sum(coalesce(OrgFte.Total, 0)) as Total from ST left join FteNursesSum as OrgFte using (State) group by State
StFtePCareSum ST Total Other Personal Care FTE reported at Setting level select State, sum(coalesce(OrgFte.Total, 0)) as Total from ST left join FtePCareSum as OrgFte using (State) group by State
StFteSum ST Total FTE reported at Setting level select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(FteAdmin, 0)) + sum(coalesce(FteATSIMHWrkr, 0)) + sum(coalesce(FteCCWrkr, 0)) + sum(coalesce(FteDHP, 0)) + sum(coalesce(FteDomest, 0)) + sum(coalesce(FteMed, 0)) + sum(coalesce(FteNurses, 0)) + sum(coalesce(FtePCare, 0)) as Total from FTEORG group by State ) tmpinner using (State)
OrgFteSum ORG Total FTE reported at Setting level select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(FteAdmin, 0)) + sum(coalesce(FteATSIMHWrkr, 0)) + sum(coalesce(FteCCWrkr, 0)) + sum(coalesce(FteDHP, 0)) + sum(coalesce(FteDomest, 0)) + sum(coalesce(FteMed, 0)) + sum(coalesce(FteNurses, 0)) + sum(coalesce(FtePCare, 0)) as Total from FTEORG group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId)
RegExpNerAcademicChange REG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Academic Positions Change select State, RegId, New.ExpNerAcademic - Old.ExpNerAcademic as Change from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId)
RegExpNerAcademicGrowth REG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Academic Positions Growth select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerAcademic - Old.ExpNerAcademic, Old.ExpNerAcademic, 3) as Growth from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId)
RegExpNerTrainingChange REG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Education and Training Change select State, RegId, New.ExpNerTraining - Old.ExpNerTraining as Change from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId)
RegExpNerTrainingGrowth REG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Education and Training Growth select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerTraining - Old.ExpNerTraining, Old.ExpNerTraining, 3) as Growth from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId)
RegExpNerInsurChange REG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Insurance Change select State, RegId, New.ExpNerInsur - Old.ExpNerInsur as Change from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId)
RegExpNerInsurGrowth REG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Insurance Growth select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerInsur - Old.ExpNerInsur, Old.ExpNerInsur, 3) as Growth from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId)
RegExpNerMHActChange REG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Act Regulation or related legislation Change select State, RegId, New.ExpNerMHAct - Old.ExpNerMHAct as Change from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId)
RegExpNerMHActGrowth REG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Act Regulation or related legislation Growth select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerMHAct - Old.ExpNerMHAct, Old.ExpNerMHAct, 3) as Growth from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId)
RegExpNerPromoChange REG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Promotion Change select State, RegId, New.ExpNerPromo - Old.ExpNerPromo as Change from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId)
RegExpNerPromoGrowth REG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Promotion Growth select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerPromo - Old.ExpNerPromo, Old.ExpNerPromo, 3) as Growth from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId)
RegExpNerResearchChange REG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Research Change select State, RegId, New.ExpNerResearch - Old.ExpNerResearch as Change from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId)
RegExpNerResearchGrowth REG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Research Growth select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerResearch - Old.ExpNerResearch, Old.ExpNerResearch, 3) as Growth from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId)
RegExpNerTranspChange REG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Patient Transport Services Change select State, RegId, New.ExpNerTransp - Old.ExpNerTransp as Change from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId)
RegExpNerTranspGrowth REG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Patient Transport Services Growth select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerTransp - Old.ExpNerTransp, Old.ExpNerTransp, 3) as Growth from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId)
RegExpNerProgAdminChange REG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Program Administration Change select State, RegId, New.ExpNerProgAdmin - Old.ExpNerProgAdmin as Change from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId)
RegExpNerProgAdminGrowth REG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Program Administration Growth select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerProgAdmin - Old.ExpNerProgAdmin, Old.ExpNerProgAdmin, 3) as Growth from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId)
RegExpNerPropLeaseChange REG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Property Leasing Costs Change select State, RegId, New.ExpNerPropLease - Old.ExpNerPropLease as Change from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId)
RegExpNerPropLeaseGrowth REG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Property Leasing Costs Growth select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerPropLease - Old.ExpNerPropLease, Old.ExpNerPropLease, 3) as Growth from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId)
RegExpNerServDevChange REG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Service Development Change select State, RegId, New.ExpNerServDev - Old.ExpNerServDev as Change from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId)
RegExpNerServDevGrowth REG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Service Development Growth select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerServDev - Old.ExpNerServDev, Old.ExpNerServDev, 3) as Growth from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId)
RegExpNerSuperChange REG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Superannuation Change select State, RegId, New.ExpNerSuper - Old.ExpNerSuper as Change from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId)
RegExpNerSuperGrowth REG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Superannuation Growth select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerSuper - Old.ExpNerSuper, Old.ExpNerSuper, 3) as Growth from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId)
RegExpNerSuppServChange REG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Support Services Change select State, RegId, New.ExpNerSuppServ - Old.ExpNerSuppServ as Change from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId)
RegExpNerSuppServGrowth REG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Support Services Growth select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerSuppServ - Old.ExpNerSuppServ, Old.ExpNerSuppServ, 3) as Growth from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId)
RegExpNerWorkCompChange REG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Workers Compensation Change select State, RegId, New.ExpNerWorkComp - Old.ExpNerWorkComp as Change from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId)
RegExpNerWorkCompGrowth REG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Workers Compensation Growth select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerWorkComp - Old.ExpNerWorkComp, Old.ExpNerWorkComp, 3) as Growth from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId)
RegExpNerOtherChange REG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Other Indirect Expenditure Change select State, RegId, New.ExpNerOther - Old.ExpNerOther as Change from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId)
RegExpNerOtherGrowth REG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Other Indirect Expenditure Growth select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerOther - Old.ExpNerOther, Old.ExpNerOther, 3) as Growth from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId)
OrgExpNerAcademicChange ORG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Academic Positions Change select State, RegId, OrgId, New.ExpNerAcademic - Old.ExpNerAcademic as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgExpNerAcademicGrowth ORG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Academic Positions Growth select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerAcademic - Old.ExpNerAcademic, Old.ExpNerAcademic, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgExpNerTrainingChange ORG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Education and Training Change select State, RegId, OrgId, New.ExpNerTraining - Old.ExpNerTraining as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgExpNerTrainingGrowth ORG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Education and Training Growth select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerTraining - Old.ExpNerTraining, Old.ExpNerTraining, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgExpNerInsurChange ORG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Insurance Change select State, RegId, OrgId, New.ExpNerInsur - Old.ExpNerInsur as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgExpNerInsurGrowth ORG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Insurance Growth select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerInsur - Old.ExpNerInsur, Old.ExpNerInsur, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgExpNerMHActChange ORG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Act Regulation or related legislation Change select State, RegId, OrgId, New.ExpNerMHAct - Old.ExpNerMHAct as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgExpNerMHActGrowth ORG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Act Regulation or related legislation Growth select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerMHAct - Old.ExpNerMHAct, Old.ExpNerMHAct, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgExpNerPromoChange ORG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Promotion Change select State, RegId, OrgId, New.ExpNerPromo - Old.ExpNerPromo as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgExpNerPromoGrowth ORG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Promotion Growth select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerPromo - Old.ExpNerPromo, Old.ExpNerPromo, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgExpNerResearchChange ORG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Research Change select State, RegId, OrgId, New.ExpNerResearch - Old.ExpNerResearch as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgExpNerResearchGrowth ORG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Research Growth select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerResearch - Old.ExpNerResearch, Old.ExpNerResearch, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgExpNerTranspChange ORG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Patient Transport Services Change select State, RegId, OrgId, New.ExpNerTransp - Old.ExpNerTransp as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgExpNerTranspGrowth ORG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Patient Transport Services Growth select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerTransp - Old.ExpNerTransp, Old.ExpNerTransp, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgExpNerProgAdminChange ORG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Program Administration Change select State, RegId, OrgId, New.ExpNerProgAdmin - Old.ExpNerProgAdmin as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgExpNerProgAdminGrowth ORG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Program Administration Growth select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerProgAdmin - Old.ExpNerProgAdmin, Old.ExpNerProgAdmin, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgExpNerPropLeaseChange ORG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Property Leasing Costs Change select State, RegId, OrgId, New.ExpNerPropLease - Old.ExpNerPropLease as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgExpNerPropLeaseGrowth ORG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Property Leasing Costs Growth select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerPropLease - Old.ExpNerPropLease, Old.ExpNerPropLease, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgExpNerServDevChange ORG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Service Development Change select State, RegId, OrgId, New.ExpNerServDev - Old.ExpNerServDev as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgExpNerServDevGrowth ORG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Service Development Growth select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerServDev - Old.ExpNerServDev, Old.ExpNerServDev, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgExpNerSuperChange ORG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Superannuation Change select State, RegId, OrgId, New.ExpNerSuper - Old.ExpNerSuper as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgExpNerSuperGrowth ORG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Superannuation Growth select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerSuper - Old.ExpNerSuper, Old.ExpNerSuper, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgExpNerSuppServChange ORG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Support Services Change select State, RegId, OrgId, New.ExpNerSuppServ - Old.ExpNerSuppServ as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgExpNerSuppServGrowth ORG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Support Services Growth select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerSuppServ - Old.ExpNerSuppServ, Old.ExpNerSuppServ, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgExpNerWorkCompChange ORG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Workers Compensation Change select State, RegId, OrgId, New.ExpNerWorkComp - Old.ExpNerWorkComp as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgExpNerWorkCompGrowth ORG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Workers Compensation Growth select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerWorkComp - Old.ExpNerWorkComp, Old.ExpNerWorkComp, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgExpNerOtherChange ORG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Other Indirect Expenditure Change select State, RegId, OrgId, New.ExpNerOther - Old.ExpNerOther as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgExpNerOtherGrowth ORG Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Other Indirect Expenditure Growth select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerOther - Old.ExpNerOther, Old.ExpNerOther, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteCnsltPsychChange ORG Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Psychiatrists Change select State, RegId, OrgId, New.FteCnsltPsych - Old.FteCnsltPsych as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteCnsltPsychGrowth ORG Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Psychiatrists Growth select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.FteCnsltPsych - Old.FteCnsltPsych, Old.FteCnsltPsych, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFtePsyRegChange ORG Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Psychiatry Registrars and Trainees Change select State, RegId, OrgId, New.FtePsyReg - Old.FtePsyReg as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFtePsyRegGrowth ORG Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Psychiatry Registrars and Trainees Growth select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.FtePsyReg - Old.FtePsyReg, Old.FtePsyReg, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteMedOtherChange ORG Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Other Medical Officers Change select State, RegId, OrgId, New.FteMedOther - Old.FteMedOther as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteMedOtherGrowth ORG Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Other Medical Officers Growth select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.FteMedOther - Old.FteMedOther, Old.FteMedOther, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteNursesRegChange ORG Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Registered Nurses Change select State, RegId, OrgId, New.FteNursesReg - Old.FteNursesReg as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteNursesRegGrowth ORG Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Registered Nurses Growth select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.FteNursesReg - Old.FteNursesReg, Old.FteNursesReg, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteNursesEnrlChange ORG Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Enrolled Nurses Change select State, RegId, OrgId, New.FteNursesEnrl - Old.FteNursesEnrl as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteNursesEnrlGrowth ORG Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Enrolled Nurses Growth select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.FteNursesEnrl - Old.FteNursesEnrl, Old.FteNursesEnrl, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteOTChange ORG Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Occupational Therapists Change select State, RegId, OrgId, New.FteOT - Old.FteOT as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteOTGrowth ORG Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Occupational Therapists Growth select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.FteOT - Old.FteOT, Old.FteOT, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteSocialWkChange ORG Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Social Workers Change select State, RegId, OrgId, New.FteSocialWk - Old.FteSocialWk as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteSocialWkGrowth ORG Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Social Workers Growth select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.FteSocialWk - Old.FteSocialWk, Old.FteSocialWk, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFtePsycholChange ORG Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Psychologists Change select State, RegId, OrgId, New.FtePsychol - Old.FtePsychol as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFtePsycholGrowth ORG Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Psychologists Growth select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.FtePsychol - Old.FtePsychol, Old.FtePsychol, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteDHPOtherChange ORG Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Other Diagnostic and Health Professionals Change select State, RegId, OrgId, New.FteDHPOther - Old.FteDHPOther as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteDHPOtherGrowth ORG Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Other Diagnostic and Health Professionals Growth select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.FteDHPOther - Old.FteDHPOther, Old.FteDHPOther, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteAdminChange ORG Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Administrative and Clerical Staff Change select State, RegId, OrgId, New.FteAdmin - Old.FteAdmin as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteAdminGrowth ORG Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Administrative and Clerical Staff Growth select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.FteAdmin - Old.FteAdmin, Old.FteAdmin, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteDomestChange ORG Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Domestic and Other Staff Change select State, RegId, OrgId, New.FteDomest - Old.FteDomest as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteDomestGrowth ORG Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Domestic and Other Staff Growth select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.FteDomest - Old.FteDomest, Old.FteDomest, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteCarerWrkrChange ORG Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Mental Health Carer Workers Change select State, RegId, OrgId, New.FteCarerWrkr - Old.FteCarerWrkr as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteCarerWrkrGrowth ORG Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Mental Health Carer Workers Growth select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.FteCarerWrkr - Old.FteCarerWrkr, Old.FteCarerWrkr, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteConsrWrkrChange ORG Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Mental Health Consumer Workers Change select State, RegId, OrgId, New.FteConsrWrkr - Old.FteConsrWrkr as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteConsrWrkrGrowth ORG Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Mental Health Consumer Workers Growth select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.FteConsrWrkr - Old.FteConsrWrkr, Old.FteConsrWrkr, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFtePCareChange ORG Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Other Personal Care Staff Change select State, RegId, OrgId, New.FtePCare - Old.FtePCare as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFtePCareGrowth ORG Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Other Personal Care Staff Growth select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.FtePCare - Old.FtePCare, Old.FtePCare, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgNonAppExpNerChange ORG Non-apportionable Residual Expenditure Change with New as (select * from OrgNonAppExpNer), Old as (select * from hist.OrgNonAppExpNer) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgNonAppExpNerGrowth ORG Non-apportionable Residual Expenditure Growth with New as (select * from OrgNonAppExpNer), Old as (select * from hist.OrgNonAppExpNer) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgExpNerChange ORG Total Residual Expenditure at Organisation Level Change with New as (select * from OrgExpNerTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgExpNerTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgExpNerGrowth ORG Total Residual Expenditure at Organisation Level Growth with New as (select * from OrgExpNerTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgExpNerTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgWideExpChange ORG Organisation Wide Expenditure Change with New as (select * from OrgWideExp), Old as (select * from hist.OrgWideExp) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgWideExpGrowth ORG Organisation Wide Expenditure Growth with New as (select * from OrgWideExp), Old as (select * from hist.OrgWideExp) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgWideAppExpChange ORG Organisation Wide Apportioned Expenditure Change with New as (select * from OrgWideAppExp), Old as (select * from hist.OrgWideAppExp) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgWideAppExpGrowth ORG Organisation Wide Apportioned Expenditure Growth with New as (select * from OrgWideAppExp), Old as (select * from hist.OrgWideAppExp) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
RegExpChange REG Region Level Total Expenditure Change with New as (select * from RegExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.RegExpTotal) select State, RegId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId)
RegExpGrowth REG Region Level Total Expenditure Growth with New as (select * from RegExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.RegExpTotal) select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId)
RegExpNerChange REG Total Residual Expenditure at Region Level Change with New as (select * from RegExpNerTotal), Old as (select * from hist.RegExpNerTotal) select State, RegId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId)
RegExpNerGrowth REG Total Residual Expenditure at Region Level Growth with New as (select * from RegExpNerTotal), Old as (select * from hist.RegExpNerTotal) select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId)
RegWideExpNerChange REG Region Wide Residual Expenditure Change with New as (select * from RegWideExpNer), Old as (select * from hist.RegWideExpNer) select State, RegId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId)
RegWideExpNerGrowth REG Region Wide Residual Expenditure Growth with New as (select * from RegWideExpNer), Old as (select * from hist.RegWideExpNer) select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId)
RegWideNonAppExpNerChange REG Region Wide Non-Apportioned Residual Expenditure Change with New as (select * from RegWideNonAppExpNer), Old as (select * from hist.RegWideNonAppExpNer) select State, RegId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId)
RegWideNonAppExpNerGrowth REG Region Wide Non-Apportioned Residual Expenditure Growth with New as (select * from RegWideNonAppExpNer), Old as (select * from hist.RegWideNonAppExpNer) select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId)
RegWideExpChange REG Region Wide Expenditure Change with New as (select * from RegWideExp), Old as (select * from hist.RegWideExp) select State, RegId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId)
RegWideExpGrowth REG Region Wide Expenditure Growth with New as (select * from RegWideExp), Old as (select * from hist.RegWideExp) select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId)
StWideExpNerChange ST State/Territory Wide Residual Expenditure Change with New as (select * from StWideExpNer), Old as (select * from hist.StWideExpNer) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StWideExpNerGrowth ST State/Territory Wide Residual Expenditure Growth with New as (select * from StWideExpNer), Old as (select * from hist.StWideExpNer) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StWideNonAppExpNerChange ST State/Territory Wide Non-Apportioned Residual Expenditure Change with New as (select * from StWideNonAppExpNer), Old as (select * from hist.StWideNonAppExpNer) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StWideNonAppExpNerGrowth ST State/Territory Wide Non-Apportioned Residual Expenditure Growth with New as (select * from StWideNonAppExpNer), Old as (select * from hist.StWideNonAppExpNer) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StWideExpChange ST State/Territory Wide Expenditure Change with New as (select * from StWideExp), Old as (select * from hist.StWideExp) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StWideExpGrowth ST State/Territory Wide Expenditure Growth with New as (select * from StWideExp), Old as (select * from hist.StWideExp) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
RegNgoChange REG Total NGO Expenditure at Region Level Change with New as (select * from RegNgoTotal), Old as (select * from hist.RegNgoTotal) select State, RegId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId)
RegNgoGrowth REG Total NGO Expenditure at Region Level Growth with New as (select * from RegNgoTotal), Old as (select * from hist.RegNgoTotal) select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId)
StWideNgoChange ST State/Territory Wide NGO Expenditure Change with New as (select * from StWideNgo), Old as (select * from hist.StWideNgo) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StWideNgoGrowth ST State/Territory Wide NGO Expenditure Growth with New as (select * from StWideNgo), Old as (select * from hist.StWideNgo) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
OrgAdmiNBedsChange ORG Total Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients Change with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiNBedsGrowth ORG Total Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients Growth with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiNBedsChange ORG Total Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients Change with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiNBedsGrowth ORG Total Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients Growth with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiCDaysChange ORG Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days Change with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiCDaysGrowth ORG Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days Growth with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiCDaysChange ORG Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days Change with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiCDaysGrowth ORG Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days Growth with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
RegAdmiNBedsChange REG Total Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients Change with New as (select * from RegAdmiNBedsSum), Old as (select * from hist.RegAdmiNBedsSum) select State, RegId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId)
RegAdmiNBedsGrowth REG Total Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients Growth with New as (select * from RegAdmiNBedsSum), Old as (select * from hist.RegAdmiNBedsSum) select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId)
RegResiNBedsChange REG Total Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients Change with New as (select * from RegResiNBedsSum), Old as (select * from hist.RegResiNBedsSum) select State, RegId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId)
RegResiNBedsGrowth REG Total Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients Growth with New as (select * from RegResiNBedsSum), Old as (select * from hist.RegResiNBedsSum) select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId)
RegAdmiCDaysChange REG Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days Change with New as (select * from RegAdmiCDaysSum), Old as (select * from hist.RegAdmiCDaysSum) select State, RegId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId)
RegAdmiCDaysGrowth REG Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days Growth with New as (select * from RegAdmiCDaysSum), Old as (select * from hist.RegAdmiCDaysSum) select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId)
RegResiCDaysChange REG Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days Change with New as (select * from RegResiCDaysSum), Old as (select * from hist.RegResiCDaysSum) select State, RegId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId)
RegResiCDaysGrowth REG Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days Growth with New as (select * from RegResiCDaysSum), Old as (select * from hist.RegResiCDaysSum) select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId)
StAdmiNBedsChange ST Total Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients Change with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiNBedsGrowth ST Total Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients Growth with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StResiNBedsChange ST Total Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients Change with New as (select * from StResiNBedsSum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StResiNBedsGrowth ST Total Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients Growth with New as (select * from StResiNBedsSum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiCDaysChange ST Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days Change with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiCDaysGrowth ST Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days Growth with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StResiCDaysChange ST Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days Change with New as (select * from StResiCDaysSum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StResiCDaysGrowth ST Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days Growth with New as (select * from StResiCDaysSum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
OrgAdmiExpChange ORG Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Expenditure Change with New as (select * from OrgAdmiExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiExpGrowth ORG Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Expenditure Growth with New as (select * from OrgAdmiExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiExpChange ORG Residential Service Unit Total Expenditure Change with New as (select * from OrgResiExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiExpGrowth ORG Residential Service Unit Total Expenditure Growth with New as (select * from OrgResiExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAmbuExpChange ORG Ambulatory Service Unit Total Expenditure Change with New as (select * from OrgAmbuExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAmbuExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAmbuExpGrowth ORG Ambulatory Service Unit Total Expenditure Growth with New as (select * from OrgAmbuExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAmbuExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiFteChange ORG Total FTE for Admitted Patient Service Unit at Organisation Level Change with New as (select * from OrgAdmiFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiFteSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiFteGrowth ORG Total FTE for Admitted Patient Service Unit at Organisation Level Growth with New as (select * from OrgAdmiFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiFteSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiFteChange ORG Total FTE for Residential Service Unit at Organisation Level Change with New as (select * from OrgResiFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiFteSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiFteGrowth ORG Total FTE for Residential Service Unit at Organisation Level Growth with New as (select * from OrgResiFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiFteSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAmbuFteChange ORG Total FTE for Ambulatory Service Unit at Organisation Level Change with New as (select * from OrgAmbuFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAmbuFteSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAmbuFteGrowth ORG Total FTE for Ambulatory Service Unit at Organisation Level Growth with New as (select * from OrgAmbuFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAmbuFteSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiAppExpChange ORG Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure Change with New as (select * from OrgAdmiAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiAppExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiAppExpGrowth ORG Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure Growth with New as (select * from OrgAdmiAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiAppExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiAppExpChange ORG Residential Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure Change with New as (select * from OrgResiAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiAppExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiAppExpGrowth ORG Residential Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure Growth with New as (select * from OrgResiAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiAppExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAmbuAppExpChange ORG Ambulatory Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure Change with New as (select * from OrgAmbuAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAmbuAppExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAmbuAppExpGrowth ORG Ambulatory Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure Growth with New as (select * from OrgAmbuAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAmbuAppExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiAppExpTotalFmtChange ORG Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Change with New as (select * from OrgAdmiAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiAppExpTotalFmt) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiAppExpTotalFmtGrowth ORG Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Growth with New as (select * from OrgAdmiAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiAppExpTotalFmt) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiAppExpTotalFmtChange ORG Residential Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Change with New as (select * from OrgResiAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiAppExpTotalFmt) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiAppExpTotalFmtGrowth ORG Residential Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Growth with New as (select * from OrgResiAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiAppExpTotalFmt) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAmbuAppExpTotalFmtChange ORG Ambulatory Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Change with New as (select * from OrgAmbuAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAmbuAppExpTotalFmt) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAmbuAppExpTotalFmtGrowth ORG Ambulatory Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Growth with New as (select * from OrgAmbuAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAmbuAppExpTotalFmt) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiDCareFteChange ORG Total Direct Care FTE for Admitted Patient Service Units Change with New as (select * from OrgAdmiDCareFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiDCareFteSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiDCareFteGrowth ORG Total Direct Care FTE for Admitted Patient Service Units Growth with New as (select * from OrgAdmiDCareFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiDCareFteSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiDCareFteChange ORG Total Direct Care FTE for Residential Service Units Change with New as (select * from OrgResiDCareFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiDCareFteSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiDCareFteGrowth ORG Total Direct Care FTE for Residential Service Units Growth with New as (select * from OrgResiDCareFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiDCareFteSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAmbuDCareFteChange ORG Total Direct Care FTE for Ambulatory Service Units Change with New as (select * from OrgAmbuDCareFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAmbuDCareFteSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAmbuDCareFteGrowth ORG Total Direct Care FTE for Ambulatory Service Units Growth with New as (select * from OrgAmbuDCareFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAmbuDCareFteSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgDCareFteChange ORG Total Organisation Direct Care FTE Change with New as (select * from OrgDCareFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgDCareFteSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgDCareFteGrowth ORG Total Organisation Direct Care FTE Growth with New as (select * from OrgDCareFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgDCareFteSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteMedChange ORG Total Medical FTE reported at Organisation Level Change with New as (select * from OrgFteMedSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgFteMedSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteMedGrowth ORG Total Medical FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth with New as (select * from OrgFteMedSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgFteMedSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteNursesChange ORG Total Nursing FTE reported at Organisation Level Change with New as (select * from OrgFteNursesSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgFteNursesSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteNursesGrowth ORG Total Nursing FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth with New as (select * from OrgFteNursesSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgFteNursesSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteDHPChange ORG Total Diagnostic and Health Professionals FTE reported at Organisation Level Change with New as (select * from OrgFteDHPSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgFteDHPSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteDHPGrowth ORG Total Diagnostic and Health Professionals FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth with New as (select * from OrgFteDHPSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgFteDHPSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
StAdmiExpChange ST Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Expenditure Change with New as (select * from StAdmiExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiExpTotal) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiExpGrowth ST Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Expenditure Growth with New as (select * from StAdmiExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiExpTotal) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StResiExpChange ST Residential Service Unit Total Expenditure Change with New as (select * from StResiExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StResiExpTotal) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StResiExpGrowth ST Residential Service Unit Total Expenditure Growth with New as (select * from StResiExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StResiExpTotal) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StAmbuExpChange ST Ambulatory Service Unit Total Expenditure Change with New as (select * from StAmbuExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StAmbuExpTotal) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StAmbuExpGrowth ST Ambulatory Service Unit Total Expenditure Growth with New as (select * from StAmbuExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StAmbuExpTotal) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiAppExpChange ST Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure Change with New as (select * from StAdmiAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiAppExpTotal) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiAppExpGrowth ST Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure Growth with New as (select * from StAdmiAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiAppExpTotal) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StResiAppExpChange ST Residential Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure Change with New as (select * from StResiAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StResiAppExpTotal) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StResiAppExpGrowth ST Residential Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure Growth with New as (select * from StResiAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StResiAppExpTotal) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StAmbuAppExpChange ST Ambulatory Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure Change with New as (select * from StAmbuAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StAmbuAppExpTotal) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StAmbuAppExpGrowth ST Ambulatory Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure Growth with New as (select * from StAmbuAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StAmbuAppExpTotal) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiAppExpTotalFmtChange ST Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Change with New as (select * from StAdmiAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiAppExpTotalFmt) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiAppExpTotalFmtGrowth ST Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Growth with New as (select * from StAdmiAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiAppExpTotalFmt) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StResiAppExpTotalFmtChange ST Residential Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Change with New as (select * from StResiAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.StResiAppExpTotalFmt) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StResiAppExpTotalFmtGrowth ST Residential Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Growth with New as (select * from StResiAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.StResiAppExpTotalFmt) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StAmbuAppExpTotalFmtChange ST Ambulatory Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Change with New as (select * from StAmbuAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.StAmbuAppExpTotalFmt) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StAmbuAppExpTotalFmtGrowth ST Ambulatory Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Growth with New as (select * from StAmbuAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.StAmbuAppExpTotalFmt) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StCLExpChange ST Co-located Hospitals Total Expenditure Change with New as (select * from StCLExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StCLExpTotal) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StCLExpGrowth ST Co-located Hospitals Total Expenditure Growth with New as (select * from StCLExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StCLExpTotal) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StSAExpChange ST Stand Alone Hospitals Total Expenditure Change with New as (select * from StSAExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StSAExpTotal) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StSAExpGrowth ST Stand Alone Hospitals Total Expenditure Growth with New as (select * from StSAExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StSAExpTotal) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
OrgCLExpChange ORG Co-located Hospitals Total Expenditure Change with New as (select * from OrgCLExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgCLExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgCLExpGrowth ORG Co-located Hospitals Total Expenditure Growth with New as (select * from OrgCLExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgCLExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgSAExpChange ORG Stand Alone Hospitals Total Expenditure Change with New as (select * from OrgSAExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgSAExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgSAExpGrowth ORG Stand Alone Hospitals Total Expenditure Growth with New as (select * from OrgSAExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgSAExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
StCLAppExpChange ST Co-located Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure Change with New as (select * from StCLAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StCLAppExpTotal) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StCLAppExpGrowth ST Co-located Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure Growth with New as (select * from StCLAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StCLAppExpTotal) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StSAAppExpChange ST Stand Alone Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure Change with New as (select * from StSAAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StSAAppExpTotal) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StSAAppExpGrowth ST Stand Alone Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure Growth with New as (select * from StSAAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StSAAppExpTotal) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
OrgCLAppExpChange ORG Co-located Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure Change with New as (select * from OrgCLAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgCLAppExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgCLAppExpGrowth ORG Co-located Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure Growth with New as (select * from OrgCLAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgCLAppExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgSAAppExpChange ORG Stand Alone Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure Change with New as (select * from OrgSAAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgSAAppExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgSAAppExpGrowth ORG Stand Alone Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure Growth with New as (select * from OrgSAAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgSAAppExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
StCLAppExpTotalFmtChange ST Co-located Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Change with New as (select * from StCLAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.StCLAppExpTotalFmt) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StCLAppExpTotalFmtGrowth ST Co-located Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Growth with New as (select * from StCLAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.StCLAppExpTotalFmt) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StSAAppExpTotalFmtChange ST Stand Alone Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Change with New as (select * from StSAAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.StSAAppExpTotalFmt) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StSAAppExpTotalFmtGrowth ST Stand Alone Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Growth with New as (select * from StSAAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.StSAAppExpTotalFmt) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
OrgCLAppExpTotalFmtChange ORG Co-located Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Change with New as (select * from OrgCLAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.OrgCLAppExpTotalFmt) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgCLAppExpTotalFmtGrowth ORG Co-located Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Growth with New as (select * from OrgCLAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.OrgCLAppExpTotalFmt) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgSAAppExpTotalFmtChange ORG Stand Alone Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Change with New as (select * from OrgSAAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.OrgSAAppExpTotalFmt) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgSAAppExpTotalFmtGrowth ORG Stand Alone Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Growth with New as (select * from OrgSAAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.OrgSAAppExpTotalFmt) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
StAmbuNContChange ST Ambulatory Service Unit Total Number of Service Contacts Change with New as (select * from StAmbuNContSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAmbuNContSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StAmbuNContGrowth ST Ambulatory Service Unit Total Number of Service Contacts Growth with New as (select * from StAmbuNContSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAmbuNContSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
OrgAmbuNContChange ORG Ambulatory Service Unit Total Number of Service Contacts Change with New as (select * from OrgAmbuNContSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAmbuNContSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAmbuNContGrowth ORG Ambulatory Service Unit Total Number of Service Contacts Growth with New as (select * from OrgAmbuNContSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAmbuNContSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
StAdmiDCareFteChange ST Total Direct Care FTE for Admitted Patient Service Units Change with New as (select * from StAdmiDCareFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiDCareFteSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiDCareFteGrowth ST Total Direct Care FTE for Admitted Patient Service Units Growth with New as (select * from StAdmiDCareFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiDCareFteSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StResiDCareFteChange ST Total Direct Care FTE for Residential Service Units Change with New as (select * from StResiDCareFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiDCareFteSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StResiDCareFteGrowth ST Total Direct Care FTE for Residential Service Units Growth with New as (select * from StResiDCareFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiDCareFteSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StAmbuDCareFteChange ST Total Direct Care FTE for Ambulatory Service Units Change with New as (select * from StAmbuDCareFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAmbuDCareFteSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StAmbuDCareFteGrowth ST Total Direct Care FTE for Ambulatory Service Units Growth with New as (select * from StAmbuDCareFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAmbuDCareFteSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StDCareFteChange ST Total State/Territory Direct Care FTE Change with New as (select * from StDCareFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.StDCareFteSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StDCareFteGrowth ST Total State/Territory Direct Care FTE Growth with New as (select * from StDCareFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.StDCareFteSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StStAcademicChange ST Total State/Territory Academic Positions Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StStAcademicSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStAcademicSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StStAcademicGrowth ST Total State/Territory Academic Positions Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StStAcademicSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStAcademicSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StStTrainingChange ST Total State/Territory Education and Training Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StStTrainingSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStTrainingSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StStTrainingGrowth ST Total State/Territory Education and Training Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StStTrainingSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStTrainingSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StStInsurChange ST Total State/Territory Insurance Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StStInsurSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStInsurSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StStInsurGrowth ST Total State/Territory Insurance Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StStInsurSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStInsurSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StStMHActChange ST Total State/Territory Mental Health Act Regulation Including Review Tribunals Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StStMHActSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStMHActSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StStMHActGrowth ST Total State/Territory Mental Health Act Regulation Including Review Tribunals Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StStMHActSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStMHActSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StStPromoChange ST Total State/Territory Mental Health Promotion Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StStPromoSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStPromoSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StStPromoGrowth ST Total State/Territory Mental Health Promotion Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StStPromoSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStPromoSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StStResearchChange ST Total State/Territory Mental Health Research Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StStResearchSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStResearchSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StStResearchGrowth ST Total State/Territory Mental Health Research Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StStResearchSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStResearchSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StStTranspChange ST Total State/Territory Patient Transport Services Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StStTranspSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStTranspSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StStTranspGrowth ST Total State/Territory Patient Transport Services Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StStTranspSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStTranspSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StStProgAdminChange ST Total State/Territory Program Administration Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StStProgAdminSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStProgAdminSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StStProgAdminGrowth ST Total State/Territory Program Administration Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StStProgAdminSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStProgAdminSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StStPropLeaseChange ST Total State/Territory Property Leasing Costs Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StStPropLeaseSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStPropLeaseSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StStPropLeaseGrowth ST Total State/Territory Property Leasing Costs Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StStPropLeaseSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStPropLeaseSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StStServDevChange ST Total State/Territory Service Development Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StStServDevSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStServDevSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StStServDevGrowth ST Total State/Territory Service Development Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StStServDevSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStServDevSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StStSuperChange ST Total State/Territory Superannuation Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StStSuperSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStSuperSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StStSuperGrowth ST Total State/Territory Superannuation Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StStSuperSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStSuperSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StStWorkCompChange ST Total State/Territory Workers Compensation Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StStWorkCompSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStWorkCompSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StStWorkCompGrowth ST Total State/Territory Workers Compensation Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StStWorkCompSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStWorkCompSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StStOtherChange ST Total State/Territory Other Indirect Expenditure Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StStOtherSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStOtherSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StStOtherGrowth ST Total State/Territory Other Indirect Expenditure Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StStOtherSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStOtherSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StStNerChange ST Total State/Territory Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StStNerSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStNerSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StStNerGrowth ST Total State/Territory Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StStNerSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStNerSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StRegAcademicChange ST Total Region Academic Positions Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StRegAcademicSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegAcademicSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StRegAcademicGrowth ST Total Region Academic Positions Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StRegAcademicSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegAcademicSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StRegTrainingChange ST Total Region Education and Training Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StRegTrainingSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegTrainingSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StRegTrainingGrowth ST Total Region Education and Training Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StRegTrainingSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegTrainingSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StRegInsurChange ST Total Region Insurance Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StRegInsurSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegInsurSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StRegInsurGrowth ST Total Region Insurance Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StRegInsurSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegInsurSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StRegMHActChange ST Total Region Mental Health Act Regulation Including Review Tribunals Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StRegMHActSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegMHActSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StRegMHActGrowth ST Total Region Mental Health Act Regulation Including Review Tribunals Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StRegMHActSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegMHActSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StRegPromoChange ST Total Region Mental Health Promotion Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StRegPromoSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegPromoSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StRegPromoGrowth ST Total Region Mental Health Promotion Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StRegPromoSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegPromoSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StRegResearchChange ST Total Region Mental Health Research Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StRegResearchSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegResearchSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StRegResearchGrowth ST Total Region Mental Health Research Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StRegResearchSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegResearchSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StRegTranspChange ST Total Region Patient Transport Services Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StRegTranspSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegTranspSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StRegTranspGrowth ST Total Region Patient Transport Services Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StRegTranspSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegTranspSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StRegProgAdminChange ST Total Region Program Administration Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StRegProgAdminSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegProgAdminSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StRegProgAdminGrowth ST Total Region Program Administration Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StRegProgAdminSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegProgAdminSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StRegPropLeaseChange ST Total Region Property Leasing Costs Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StRegPropLeaseSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegPropLeaseSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StRegPropLeaseGrowth ST Total Region Property Leasing Costs Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StRegPropLeaseSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegPropLeaseSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StRegServDevChange ST Total Region Service Development Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StRegServDevSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegServDevSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StRegServDevGrowth ST Total Region Service Development Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StRegServDevSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegServDevSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StRegSuperChange ST Total Region Superannuation Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StRegSuperSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegSuperSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StRegSuperGrowth ST Total Region Superannuation Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StRegSuperSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegSuperSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StRegSuppServChange ST Total Region Support Services Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StRegSuppServSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegSuppServSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StRegSuppServGrowth ST Total Region Support Services Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StRegSuppServSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegSuppServSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StRegWorkCompChange ST Total Region Workers Compensation Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StRegWorkCompSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegWorkCompSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StRegWorkCompGrowth ST Total Region Workers Compensation Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StRegWorkCompSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegWorkCompSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StRegOtherChange ST Total Region Other Indirect Expenditure Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StRegOtherSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegOtherSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StRegOtherGrowth ST Total Region Other Indirect Expenditure Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StRegOtherSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegOtherSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StRegNerChange ST Total Region Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StRegNerSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegNerSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StRegNerGrowth ST Total Region Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StRegNerSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegNerSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StOrgAcademicChange ST Total Organisation Academic Positions Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StOrgAcademicSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgAcademicSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgAcademicGrowth ST Total Organisation Academic Positions Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StOrgAcademicSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgAcademicSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StOrgTrainingChange ST Total Organisation Education and Training Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StOrgTrainingSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgTrainingSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgTrainingGrowth ST Total Organisation Education and Training Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StOrgTrainingSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgTrainingSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StOrgInsurChange ST Total Organisation Insurance Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StOrgInsurSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgInsurSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgInsurGrowth ST Total Organisation Insurance Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StOrgInsurSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgInsurSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StOrgMHActChange ST Total Organisation Mental Health Act Regulation Including Review Tribunals Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StOrgMHActSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgMHActSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgMHActGrowth ST Total Organisation Mental Health Act Regulation Including Review Tribunals Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StOrgMHActSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgMHActSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StOrgPromoChange ST Total Organisation Mental Health Promotion Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StOrgPromoSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgPromoSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgPromoGrowth ST Total Organisation Mental Health Promotion Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StOrgPromoSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgPromoSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StOrgResearchChange ST Total Organisation Mental Health Research Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StOrgResearchSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgResearchSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgResearchGrowth ST Total Organisation Mental Health Research Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StOrgResearchSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgResearchSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StOrgTranspChange ST Total Organisation Patient Transport Services Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StOrgTranspSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgTranspSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgTranspGrowth ST Total Organisation Patient Transport Services Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StOrgTranspSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgTranspSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StOrgProgAdminChange ST Total Organisation Program Administration Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StOrgProgAdminSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgProgAdminSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgProgAdminGrowth ST Total Organisation Program Administration Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StOrgProgAdminSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgProgAdminSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StOrgPropLeaseChange ST Total Organisation Property Leasing Costs Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StOrgPropLeaseSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgPropLeaseSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgPropLeaseGrowth ST Total Organisation Property Leasing Costs Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StOrgPropLeaseSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgPropLeaseSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StOrgServDevChange ST Total Organisation Service Development Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StOrgServDevSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgServDevSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgServDevGrowth ST Total Organisation Service Development Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StOrgServDevSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgServDevSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StOrgSuperChange ST Total Organisation Superannuation Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StOrgSuperSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgSuperSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgSuperGrowth ST Total Organisation Superannuation Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StOrgSuperSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgSuperSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StOrgSuppServChange ST Total Organisation Support Services Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StOrgSuppServSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgSuppServSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgSuppServGrowth ST Total Organisation Support Services Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StOrgSuppServSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgSuppServSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StOrgWorkCompChange ST Total Organisation Workers Compensation Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StOrgWorkCompSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgWorkCompSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgWorkCompGrowth ST Total Organisation Workers Compensation Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StOrgWorkCompSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgWorkCompSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StOrgOtherChange ST Total Organisation Other Indirect Expenditure Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StOrgOtherSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgOtherSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgOtherGrowth ST Total Organisation Other Indirect Expenditure Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StOrgOtherSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgOtherSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StOrgNerChange ST Total Organisation Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StOrgNerSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgNerSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgNerGrowth ST Total Organisation Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StOrgNerSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgNerSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StWideAcademicChange ST Total State Wide Academic Positions Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StWideAcademicSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideAcademicSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StWideAcademicGrowth ST Total State Wide Academic Positions Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StWideAcademicSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideAcademicSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StWideTrainingChange ST Total State Wide Education and Training Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StWideTrainingSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideTrainingSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StWideTrainingGrowth ST Total State Wide Education and Training Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StWideTrainingSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideTrainingSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StWideInsurChange ST Total State Wide Insurance Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StWideInsurSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideInsurSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StWideInsurGrowth ST Total State Wide Insurance Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StWideInsurSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideInsurSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StWideMHActChange ST Total State Wide Mental Health Act Regulation Including Review Tribunals Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StWideMHActSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideMHActSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StWideMHActGrowth ST Total State Wide Mental Health Act Regulation Including Review Tribunals Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StWideMHActSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideMHActSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StWidePromoChange ST Total State Wide Mental Health Promotion Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StWidePromoSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWidePromoSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StWidePromoGrowth ST Total State Wide Mental Health Promotion Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StWidePromoSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWidePromoSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StWideResearchChange ST Total State Wide Mental Health Research Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StWideResearchSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideResearchSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StWideResearchGrowth ST Total State Wide Mental Health Research Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StWideResearchSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideResearchSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StWideTranspChange ST Total State Wide Patient Transport Services Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StWideTranspSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideTranspSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StWideTranspGrowth ST Total State Wide Patient Transport Services Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StWideTranspSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideTranspSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StWideProgAdminChange ST Total State Wide Program Administration Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StWideProgAdminSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideProgAdminSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StWideProgAdminGrowth ST Total State Wide Program Administration Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StWideProgAdminSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideProgAdminSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StWidePropLeaseChange ST Total State Wide Property Leasing Costs Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StWidePropLeaseSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWidePropLeaseSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StWidePropLeaseGrowth ST Total State Wide Property Leasing Costs Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StWidePropLeaseSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWidePropLeaseSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StWideServDevChange ST Total State Wide Service Development Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StWideServDevSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideServDevSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StWideServDevGrowth ST Total State Wide Service Development Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StWideServDevSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideServDevSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StWideSuperChange ST Total State Wide Superannuation Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StWideSuperSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideSuperSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StWideSuperGrowth ST Total State Wide Superannuation Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StWideSuperSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideSuperSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StWideSuppServChange ST Total State Wide Support Services Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StWideSuppServSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideSuppServSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StWideSuppServGrowth ST Total State Wide Support Services Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StWideSuppServSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideSuppServSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StWideWorkCompChange ST Total State Wide Workers Compensation Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StWideWorkCompSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideWorkCompSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StWideWorkCompGrowth ST Total State Wide Workers Compensation Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StWideWorkCompSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideWorkCompSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StWideOtherChange ST Total State Wide Other Indirect Expenditure Expenditure (NER) Change with New as (select * from StWideOtherSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideOtherSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StWideOtherGrowth ST Total State Wide Other Indirect Expenditure Expenditure (NER) Growth with New as (select * from StWideOtherSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideOtherSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StResiNBedsCA24Change ST Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Child and adolescent Population - 24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from StResiNBedsCA24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsCA24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StResiNBedsCA24Growth ST Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Child and adolescent Population - 24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from StResiNBedsCA24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsCA24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StResiNBedsCAN24Change ST Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Child and adolescent Population - non-24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from StResiNBedsCAN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsCAN24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StResiNBedsCAN24Growth ST Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Child and adolescent Population - non-24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from StResiNBedsCAN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsCAN24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiNBedsCAAcChange ST Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Child and adolescent Population - Acute Care Change with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsCAAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsCAAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiNBedsCAAcGrowth ST Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Child and adolescent Population - Acute Care Growth with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsCAAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsCAAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiNBedsCANAcChange ST Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Child and adolescent Population - Non-acute Care Change with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsCANAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsCANAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiNBedsCANAcGrowth ST Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Child and adolescent Population - Non-acute Care Growth with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsCANAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsCANAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StResiNBedsOld24Change ST Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Older person Population - 24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from StResiNBedsOld24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsOld24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StResiNBedsOld24Growth ST Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Older person Population - 24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from StResiNBedsOld24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsOld24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StResiNBedsOldN24Change ST Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Older person Population - non-24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from StResiNBedsOldN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsOldN24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StResiNBedsOldN24Growth ST Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Older person Population - non-24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from StResiNBedsOldN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsOldN24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiNBedsOldAcChange ST Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Older person Population - Acute Care Change with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsOldAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsOldAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiNBedsOldAcGrowth ST Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Older person Population - Acute Care Growth with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsOldAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsOldAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiNBedsOldNAcChange ST Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Older person Population - Non-acute Care Change with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsOldNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsOldNAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiNBedsOldNAcGrowth ST Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Older person Population - Non-acute Care Growth with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsOldNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsOldNAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StResiNBedsFor24Change ST Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Forensic Population - 24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from StResiNBedsFor24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsFor24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StResiNBedsFor24Growth ST Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Forensic Population - 24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from StResiNBedsFor24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsFor24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StResiNBedsForN24Change ST Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Forensic Population - non-24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from StResiNBedsForN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsForN24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StResiNBedsForN24Growth ST Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Forensic Population - non-24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from StResiNBedsForN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsForN24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiNBedsForAcChange ST Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Forensic Population - Acute Care Change with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsForAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsForAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiNBedsForAcGrowth ST Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Forensic Population - Acute Care Growth with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsForAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsForAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiNBedsForNAcChange ST Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Forensic Population - Non-acute Care Change with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsForNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsForNAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiNBedsForNAcGrowth ST Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Forensic Population - Non-acute Care Growth with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsForNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsForNAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StResiNBedsGen24Change ST Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for General Population - 24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from StResiNBedsGen24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsGen24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StResiNBedsGen24Growth ST Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for General Population - 24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from StResiNBedsGen24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsGen24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StResiNBedsGenN24Change ST Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for General Population - non-24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from StResiNBedsGenN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsGenN24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StResiNBedsGenN24Growth ST Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for General Population - non-24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from StResiNBedsGenN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsGenN24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiNBedsGenAcChange ST Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for General Population - Acute Care Change with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsGenAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsGenAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiNBedsGenAcGrowth ST Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for General Population - Acute Care Growth with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsGenAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsGenAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiNBedsGenNAcChange ST Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for General Population - Non-acute Care Change with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsGenNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsGenNAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiNBedsGenNAcGrowth ST Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for General Population - Non-acute Care Growth with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsGenNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsGenNAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StResiNBedsYth24Change ST Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Youth Population - 24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from StResiNBedsYth24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsYth24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StResiNBedsYth24Growth ST Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Youth Population - 24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from StResiNBedsYth24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsYth24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StResiNBedsYthN24Change ST Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Youth Population - non-24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from StResiNBedsYthN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsYthN24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StResiNBedsYthN24Growth ST Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Youth Population - non-24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from StResiNBedsYthN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsYthN24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiNBedsYthAcChange ST Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Youth Population - Acute Care Change with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsYthAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsYthAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiNBedsYthAcGrowth ST Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Youth Population - Acute Care Growth with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsYthAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsYthAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiNBedsYthNAcChange ST Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Youth Population - Non-acute Care Change with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsYthNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsYthNAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiNBedsYthNAcGrowth ST Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Youth Population - Non-acute Care Growth with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsYthNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsYthNAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StResiCDaysCA24Change ST Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - 24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from StResiCDaysCA24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysCA24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StResiCDaysCA24Growth ST Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - 24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from StResiCDaysCA24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysCA24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StResiCDaysCAN24Change ST Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - non-24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from StResiCDaysCAN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysCAN24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StResiCDaysCAN24Growth ST Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - non-24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from StResiCDaysCAN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysCAN24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiCDaysCAAcChange ST Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - Acute Care Change with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysCAAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysCAAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiCDaysCAAcGrowth ST Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - Acute Care Growth with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysCAAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysCAAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiCDaysCANAcChange ST Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - Non-acute Care Change with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysCANAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysCANAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiCDaysCANAcGrowth ST Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - Non-acute Care Growth with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysCANAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysCANAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StResiCDaysOld24Change ST Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - 24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from StResiCDaysOld24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysOld24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StResiCDaysOld24Growth ST Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - 24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from StResiCDaysOld24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysOld24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StResiCDaysOldN24Change ST Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - non-24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from StResiCDaysOldN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysOldN24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StResiCDaysOldN24Growth ST Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - non-24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from StResiCDaysOldN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysOldN24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiCDaysOldAcChange ST Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - Acute Care Change with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysOldAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysOldAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiCDaysOldAcGrowth ST Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - Acute Care Growth with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysOldAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysOldAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiCDaysOldNAcChange ST Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - Non-acute Care Change with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysOldNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysOldNAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiCDaysOldNAcGrowth ST Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - Non-acute Care Growth with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysOldNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysOldNAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StResiCDaysFor24Change ST Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - 24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from StResiCDaysFor24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysFor24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StResiCDaysFor24Growth ST Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - 24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from StResiCDaysFor24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysFor24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StResiCDaysForN24Change ST Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - non-24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from StResiCDaysForN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysForN24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StResiCDaysForN24Growth ST Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - non-24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from StResiCDaysForN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysForN24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiCDaysForAcChange ST Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - Acute Care Change with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysForAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysForAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiCDaysForAcGrowth ST Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - Acute Care Growth with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysForAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysForAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiCDaysForNAcChange ST Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - Non-acute Care Change with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysForNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysForNAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiCDaysForNAcGrowth ST Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - Non-acute Care Growth with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysForNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysForNAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StResiCDaysGen24Change ST Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - 24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from StResiCDaysGen24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysGen24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StResiCDaysGen24Growth ST Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - 24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from StResiCDaysGen24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysGen24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StResiCDaysGenN24Change ST Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - non-24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from StResiCDaysGenN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysGenN24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StResiCDaysGenN24Growth ST Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - non-24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from StResiCDaysGenN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysGenN24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiCDaysGenAcChange ST Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - Acute Care Change with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysGenAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysGenAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiCDaysGenAcGrowth ST Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - Acute Care Growth with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysGenAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysGenAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiCDaysGenNAcChange ST Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - Non-acute Care Change with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysGenNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysGenNAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiCDaysGenNAcGrowth ST Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - Non-acute Care Growth with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysGenNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysGenNAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StResiCDaysYth24Change ST Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - 24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from StResiCDaysYth24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysYth24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StResiCDaysYth24Growth ST Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - 24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from StResiCDaysYth24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysYth24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StResiCDaysYthN24Change ST Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - non-24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from StResiCDaysYthN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysYthN24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StResiCDaysYthN24Growth ST Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - non-24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from StResiCDaysYthN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysYthN24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiCDaysYthAcChange ST Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - Acute Care Change with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysYthAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysYthAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiCDaysYthAcGrowth ST Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - Acute Care Growth with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysYthAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysYthAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiCDaysYthNAcChange ST Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - Non-acute Care Change with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysYthNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysYthNAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StAdmiCDaysYthNAcGrowth ST Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - Non-acute Care Growth with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysYthNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysYthNAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
OrgResiNBedsCA24Change ORG Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Child and adolescent Population - 24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsCA24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsCA24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiNBedsCA24Growth ORG Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Child and adolescent Population - 24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsCA24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsCA24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiNBedsCAN24Change ORG Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Child and adolescent Population - non-24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsCAN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsCAN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiNBedsCAN24Growth ORG Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Child and adolescent Population - non-24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsCAN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsCAN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiNBedsCAAcChange ORG Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Child and adolescent Population - Acute Care Change with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsCAAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsCAAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiNBedsCAAcGrowth ORG Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Child and adolescent Population - Acute Care Growth with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsCAAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsCAAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiNBedsCANAcChange ORG Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Child and adolescent Population - Non-acute Care Change with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsCANAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsCANAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiNBedsCANAcGrowth ORG Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Child and adolescent Population - Non-acute Care Growth with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsCANAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsCANAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiNBedsOld24Change ORG Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Older person Population - 24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsOld24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsOld24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiNBedsOld24Growth ORG Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Older person Population - 24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsOld24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsOld24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiNBedsOldN24Change ORG Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Older person Population - non-24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsOldN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsOldN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiNBedsOldN24Growth ORG Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Older person Population - non-24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsOldN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsOldN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiNBedsOldAcChange ORG Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Older person Population - Acute Care Change with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsOldAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsOldAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiNBedsOldAcGrowth ORG Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Older person Population - Acute Care Growth with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsOldAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsOldAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiNBedsOldNAcChange ORG Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Older person Population - Non-acute Care Change with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsOldNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsOldNAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiNBedsOldNAcGrowth ORG Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Older person Population - Non-acute Care Growth with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsOldNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsOldNAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiNBedsFor24Change ORG Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Forensic Population - 24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsFor24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsFor24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiNBedsFor24Growth ORG Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Forensic Population - 24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsFor24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsFor24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiNBedsForN24Change ORG Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Forensic Population - non-24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsForN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsForN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiNBedsForN24Growth ORG Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Forensic Population - non-24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsForN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsForN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiNBedsForAcChange ORG Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Forensic Population - Acute Care Change with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsForAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsForAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiNBedsForAcGrowth ORG Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Forensic Population - Acute Care Growth with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsForAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsForAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiNBedsForNAcChange ORG Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Forensic Population - Non-acute Care Change with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsForNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsForNAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiNBedsForNAcGrowth ORG Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Forensic Population - Non-acute Care Growth with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsForNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsForNAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiNBedsGen24Change ORG Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for General Population - 24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsGen24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsGen24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiNBedsGen24Growth ORG Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for General Population - 24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsGen24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsGen24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiNBedsGenN24Change ORG Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for General Population - non-24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsGenN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsGenN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiNBedsGenN24Growth ORG Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for General Population - non-24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsGenN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsGenN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiNBedsGenAcChange ORG Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for General Population - Acute Care Change with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsGenAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsGenAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiNBedsGenAcGrowth ORG Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for General Population - Acute Care Growth with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsGenAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsGenAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiNBedsGenNAcChange ORG Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for General Population - Non-acute Care Change with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsGenNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsGenNAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiNBedsGenNAcGrowth ORG Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for General Population - Non-acute Care Growth with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsGenNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsGenNAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiNBedsYth24Change ORG Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Youth Population - 24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsYth24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsYth24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiNBedsYth24Growth ORG Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Youth Population - 24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsYth24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsYth24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiNBedsYthN24Change ORG Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Youth Population - non-24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsYthN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsYthN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiNBedsYthN24Growth ORG Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Youth Population - non-24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsYthN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsYthN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiNBedsYthAcChange ORG Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Youth Population - Acute Care Change with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsYthAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsYthAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiNBedsYthAcGrowth ORG Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Youth Population - Acute Care Growth with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsYthAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsYthAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiNBedsYthNAcChange ORG Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Youth Population - Non-acute Care Change with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsYthNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsYthNAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiNBedsYthNAcGrowth ORG Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Youth Population - Non-acute Care Growth with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsYthNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsYthNAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiCDaysCA24Change ORG Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - 24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysCA24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysCA24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiCDaysCA24Growth ORG Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - 24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysCA24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysCA24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiCDaysCAN24Change ORG Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - non-24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysCAN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysCAN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiCDaysCAN24Growth ORG Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - non-24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysCAN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysCAN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiCDaysCAAcChange ORG Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - Acute Care Change with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysCAAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysCAAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiCDaysCAAcGrowth ORG Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - Acute Care Growth with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysCAAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysCAAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiCDaysCANAcChange ORG Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - Non-acute Care Change with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysCANAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysCANAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiCDaysCANAcGrowth ORG Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - Non-acute Care Growth with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysCANAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysCANAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiCDaysOld24Change ORG Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - 24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysOld24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysOld24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiCDaysOld24Growth ORG Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - 24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysOld24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysOld24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiCDaysOldN24Change ORG Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - non-24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysOldN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysOldN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiCDaysOldN24Growth ORG Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - non-24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysOldN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysOldN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiCDaysOldAcChange ORG Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - Acute Care Change with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysOldAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysOldAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiCDaysOldAcGrowth ORG Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - Acute Care Growth with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysOldAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysOldAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiCDaysOldNAcChange ORG Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - Non-acute Care Change with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysOldNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysOldNAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiCDaysOldNAcGrowth ORG Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - Non-acute Care Growth with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysOldNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysOldNAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiCDaysFor24Change ORG Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - 24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysFor24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysFor24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiCDaysFor24Growth ORG Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - 24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysFor24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysFor24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiCDaysForN24Change ORG Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - non-24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysForN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysForN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiCDaysForN24Growth ORG Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - non-24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysForN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysForN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiCDaysForAcChange ORG Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - Acute Care Change with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysForAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysForAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiCDaysForAcGrowth ORG Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - Acute Care Growth with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysForAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysForAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiCDaysForNAcChange ORG Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - Non-acute Care Change with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysForNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysForNAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiCDaysForNAcGrowth ORG Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - Non-acute Care Growth with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysForNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysForNAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiCDaysGen24Change ORG Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - 24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysGen24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysGen24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiCDaysGen24Growth ORG Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - 24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysGen24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysGen24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiCDaysGenN24Change ORG Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - non-24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysGenN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysGenN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiCDaysGenN24Growth ORG Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - non-24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysGenN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysGenN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiCDaysGenAcChange ORG Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - Acute Care Change with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysGenAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysGenAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiCDaysGenAcGrowth ORG Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - Acute Care Growth with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysGenAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysGenAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiCDaysGenNAcChange ORG Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - Non-acute Care Change with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysGenNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysGenNAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiCDaysGenNAcGrowth ORG Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - Non-acute Care Growth with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysGenNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysGenNAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiCDaysYth24Change ORG Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - 24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysYth24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysYth24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiCDaysYth24Growth ORG Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - 24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysYth24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysYth24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiCDaysYthN24Change ORG Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - non-24hr staffed Change with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysYthN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysYthN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgResiCDaysYthN24Growth ORG Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - non-24hr staffed Growth with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysYthN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysYthN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiCDaysYthAcChange ORG Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - Acute Care Change with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysYthAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysYthAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiCDaysYthAcGrowth ORG Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - Acute Care Growth with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysYthAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysYthAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiCDaysYthNAcChange ORG Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - Non-acute Care Change with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysYthNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysYthNAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgAdmiCDaysYthNAcGrowth ORG Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - Non-acute Care Growth with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysYthNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysYthNAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
StFteAdminChange ST Total Administrative and Clerical FTE reported at Setting level Change with New as (select * from StFteAdminSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFteAdminSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StFteAdminGrowth ST Total Administrative and Clerical FTE reported at Setting level Growth with New as (select * from StFteAdminSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFteAdminSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
FteAdminChange ORG Total Administrative and Clerical FTE reported at Setting Level Change with New as (select * from FteAdminSum), Old as (select * from hist.FteAdminSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
FteAdminGrowth ORG Total Administrative and Clerical FTE reported at Setting Level Growth with New as (select * from FteAdminSum), Old as (select * from hist.FteAdminSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
StFteATSIMHWrkrChange ST Total Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health Workers FTE reported at Setting level Change with New as (select * from StFteATSIMHWrkrSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFteATSIMHWrkrSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StFteATSIMHWrkrGrowth ST Total Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health Workers FTE reported at Setting level Growth with New as (select * from StFteATSIMHWrkrSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFteATSIMHWrkrSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
FteATSIMHWrkrChange ORG Total Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health Workers FTE reported at Setting Level Change with New as (select * from FteATSIMHWrkrSum), Old as (select * from hist.FteATSIMHWrkrSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
FteATSIMHWrkrGrowth ORG Total Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health Workers FTE reported at Setting Level Growth with New as (select * from FteATSIMHWrkrSum), Old as (select * from hist.FteATSIMHWrkrSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
StFteCCWrkrChange ST Total Carer and Consumer Workers FTE reported at Setting level Change with New as (select * from StFteCCWrkrSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFteCCWrkrSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StFteCCWrkrGrowth ST Total Carer and Consumer Workers FTE reported at Setting level Growth with New as (select * from StFteCCWrkrSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFteCCWrkrSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
FteCCWrkrChange ORG Total Carer and Consumer Workers FTE reported at Setting Level Change with New as (select * from FteCCWrkrSum), Old as (select * from hist.FteCCWrkrSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
FteCCWrkrGrowth ORG Total Carer and Consumer Workers FTE reported at Setting Level Growth with New as (select * from FteCCWrkrSum), Old as (select * from hist.FteCCWrkrSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
StFteDHPChange ST Total Diagnostic and Health Professionals FTE reported at Setting level Change with New as (select * from StFteDHPSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFteDHPSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StFteDHPGrowth ST Total Diagnostic and Health Professionals FTE reported at Setting level Growth with New as (select * from StFteDHPSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFteDHPSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
FteDHPChange ORG Total Diagnostic and Health Professionals FTE reported at Setting Level Change with New as (select * from FteDHPSum), Old as (select * from hist.FteDHPSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
FteDHPGrowth ORG Total Diagnostic and Health Professionals FTE reported at Setting Level Growth with New as (select * from FteDHPSum), Old as (select * from hist.FteDHPSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
StFteDomestChange ST Total Domestic FTE reported at Setting level Change with New as (select * from StFteDomestSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFteDomestSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StFteDomestGrowth ST Total Domestic FTE reported at Setting level Growth with New as (select * from StFteDomestSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFteDomestSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
FteDomestChange ORG Total Domestic FTE reported at Setting Level Change with New as (select * from FteDomestSum), Old as (select * from hist.FteDomestSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
FteDomestGrowth ORG Total Domestic FTE reported at Setting Level Growth with New as (select * from FteDomestSum), Old as (select * from hist.FteDomestSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
StFteMedChange ST Total Medical FTE reported at Setting level Change with New as (select * from StFteMedSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFteMedSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StFteMedGrowth ST Total Medical FTE reported at Setting level Growth with New as (select * from StFteMedSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFteMedSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
FteMedChange ORG Total Medical FTE reported at Setting Level Change with New as (select * from FteMedSum), Old as (select * from hist.FteMedSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
FteMedGrowth ORG Total Medical FTE reported at Setting Level Growth with New as (select * from FteMedSum), Old as (select * from hist.FteMedSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
StFteNursesChange ST Total Nursing FTE reported at Setting level Change with New as (select * from StFteNursesSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFteNursesSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StFteNursesGrowth ST Total Nursing FTE reported at Setting level Growth with New as (select * from StFteNursesSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFteNursesSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
FteNursesChange ORG Total Nursing FTE reported at Setting Level Change with New as (select * from FteNursesSum), Old as (select * from hist.FteNursesSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
FteNursesGrowth ORG Total Nursing FTE reported at Setting Level Growth with New as (select * from FteNursesSum), Old as (select * from hist.FteNursesSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
StFtePCareChange ST Total Other Personal Care FTE reported at Setting level Change with New as (select * from StFtePCareSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFtePCareSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StFtePCareGrowth ST Total Other Personal Care FTE reported at Setting level Growth with New as (select * from StFtePCareSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFtePCareSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
FtePCareChange ORG Total Other Personal Care FTE reported at Setting Level Change with New as (select * from FtePCareSum), Old as (select * from hist.FtePCareSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
FtePCareGrowth ORG Total Other Personal Care FTE reported at Setting Level Growth with New as (select * from FtePCareSum), Old as (select * from hist.FtePCareSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
StFteChange ST Total FTE reported at Setting level Change with New as (select * from StFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFteSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StFteGrowth ST Total FTE reported at Setting level Growth with New as (select * from StFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFteSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
OrgFteChange ORG Total FTE reported at Setting level Change with New as (select * from OrgFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgFteSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteGrowth ORG Total FTE reported at Setting level Growth with New as (select * from OrgFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgFteSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
StOrgFteAdminChange ST State Total Administrative and Clerical FTE reported at Organisation Level Change with New as (select * from StOrgFteAdminSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteAdminSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteAdminGrowth ST State Total Administrative and Clerical FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth with New as (select * from StOrgFteAdminSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteAdminSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteATSIMHWrkrChange ST State Total Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level Change with New as (select * from StOrgFteATSIMHWrkrSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteATSIMHWrkrSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteATSIMHWrkrGrowth ST State Total Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth with New as (select * from StOrgFteATSIMHWrkrSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteATSIMHWrkrSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteCarerWrkrChange ST State Total Carer Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level Change with New as (select * from StOrgFteCarerWrkrSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteCarerWrkrSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteCarerWrkrGrowth ST State Total Carer Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth with New as (select * from StOrgFteCarerWrkrSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteCarerWrkrSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteCCWrkrChange ST State Total Carer and Consumer Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level Change with New as (select * from StOrgFteCCWrkrSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteCCWrkrSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteCCWrkrGrowth ST State Total Carer and Consumer Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth with New as (select * from StOrgFteCCWrkrSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteCCWrkrSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteCnsltPsychChange ST State Total Consultant Psychiatrists and Psychiatrists FTE reported at Organisation Level Change with New as (select * from StOrgFteCnsltPsychSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteCnsltPsychSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteCnsltPsychGrowth ST State Total Consultant Psychiatrists and Psychiatrists FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth with New as (select * from StOrgFteCnsltPsychSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteCnsltPsychSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteConsrWrkrChange ST State Total Consumer Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level Change with New as (select * from StOrgFteConsrWrkrSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteConsrWrkrSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteConsrWrkrGrowth ST State Total Consumer Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth with New as (select * from StOrgFteConsrWrkrSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteConsrWrkrSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteDHPChange ST State Total Diagnostic and Health Professionals FTE reported at Organisation Level Change with New as (select * from StOrgFteDHPSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteDHPSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteDHPGrowth ST State Total Diagnostic and Health Professionals FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth with New as (select * from StOrgFteDHPSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteDHPSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteDHPOtherChange ST State Total Other Diagnostic and Health Professionals FTE reported at Organisation Level Change with New as (select * from StOrgFteDHPOtherSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteDHPOtherSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteDHPOtherGrowth ST State Total Other Diagnostic and Health Professionals FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth with New as (select * from StOrgFteDHPOtherSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteDHPOtherSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteDomestChange ST State Total Domestic FTE reported at Organisation Level Change with New as (select * from StOrgFteDomestSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteDomestSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteDomestGrowth ST State Total Domestic FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth with New as (select * from StOrgFteDomestSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteDomestSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteMedChange ST State Total Medical FTE reported at Organisation Level Change with New as (select * from StOrgFteMedSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteMedSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteMedGrowth ST State Total Medical FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth with New as (select * from StOrgFteMedSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteMedSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteMedOtherChange ST State Total Other Medical Officers FTE reported at Organisation Level Change with New as (select * from StOrgFteMedOtherSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteMedOtherSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteMedOtherGrowth ST State Total Other Medical Officers FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth with New as (select * from StOrgFteMedOtherSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteMedOtherSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteNursesChange ST State Total Nursing FTE reported at Organisation Level Change with New as (select * from StOrgFteNursesSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteNursesSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteNursesGrowth ST State Total Nursing FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth with New as (select * from StOrgFteNursesSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteNursesSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteNursesEnrlChange ST State Total Enrolled Nurses FTE reported at Organisation Level Change with New as (select * from StOrgFteNursesEnrlSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteNursesEnrlSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteNursesEnrlGrowth ST State Total Enrolled Nurses FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth with New as (select * from StOrgFteNursesEnrlSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteNursesEnrlSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteNursesRegChange ST State Total Registered Nurses FTE reported at Organisation Level Change with New as (select * from StOrgFteNursesRegSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteNursesRegSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteNursesRegGrowth ST State Total Registered Nurses FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth with New as (select * from StOrgFteNursesRegSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteNursesRegSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteOTChange ST State Total Occupational Therapists FTE reported at Organisation Level Change with New as (select * from StOrgFteOTSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteOTSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteOTGrowth ST State Total Occupational Therapists FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth with New as (select * from StOrgFteOTSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteOTSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFtePCareChange ST State Total Other Personal Care FTE reported at Organisation Level Change with New as (select * from StOrgFtePCareSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFtePCareSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFtePCareGrowth ST State Total Other Personal Care FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth with New as (select * from StOrgFtePCareSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFtePCareSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFtePsycholChange ST State Total Psychologists FTE reported at Organisation Level Change with New as (select * from StOrgFtePsycholSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFtePsycholSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFtePsycholGrowth ST State Total Psychologists FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth with New as (select * from StOrgFtePsycholSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFtePsycholSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFtePsyRegChange ST State Total Psychiatry Registrars and Trainees FTE reported at Organisation Level Change with New as (select * from StOrgFtePsyRegSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFtePsyRegSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFtePsyRegGrowth ST State Total Psychiatry Registrars and Trainees FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth with New as (select * from StOrgFtePsyRegSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFtePsyRegSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteSocialWkChange ST State Total Social Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level Change with New as (select * from StOrgFteSocialWkSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteSocialWkSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteSocialWkGrowth ST State Total Social Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth with New as (select * from StOrgFteSocialWkSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteSocialWkSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteAllChange ST State Total All Staff FTE reported at Organisation Level Change with New as (select * from StOrgFteAllSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteAllSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteAllGrowth ST State Total All Staff FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth with New as (select * from StOrgFteAllSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteAllSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
OrgFteAllChange ORG Total All Staff FTE reported at Organisation Level Change with New as (select * from OrgFteAllSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgFteAllSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteAllGrowth ORG Total All Staff FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth with New as (select * from OrgFteAllSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgFteAllSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
StOrgFteDCareChange ST State Total Direct Care FTE reported at Organisation Level Change with New as (select * from StOrgFteDCareSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteDCareSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteDCareGrowth ST State Total Direct Care FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth with New as (select * from StOrgFteDCareSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteDCareSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
OrgFteDCareChange ORG Total Direct Care FTE reported at Organisation Level Change with New as (select * from OrgFteDCareSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgFteDCareSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteDCareGrowth ORG Total Direct Care FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth with New as (select * from OrgFteDCareSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgFteDCareSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
StOrgFteNonCareChange ST State Total Non-Direct Care FTE reported at Organisation Level Change with New as (select * from StOrgFteNonCareSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteNonCareSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State)
StOrgFteNonCareGrowth ST State Total Non-Direct Care FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth with New as (select * from StOrgFteNonCareSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteNonCareSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State)
OrgFteNonCareChange ORG Total Non-Direct Care FTE reported at Organisation Level Change with New as (select * from OrgFteNonCareSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgFteNonCareSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
OrgFteNonCareGrowth ORG Total Non-Direct Care FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth with New as (select * from OrgFteNonCareSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgFteNonCareSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId)
StStdsReviewProp ST Proportion of National Standards for Mental Health Services Review Status codes that equal 1 with admi_tot as ( select State, count(*) as val from ADMI where StdsReviewSt = '1' group by State ), ambu_tot as ( select State, count(*) as val from AMBU where StdsReviewSt = '1' group by State ), resi_tot as ( select State, count(*) as val from RESI where StdsReviewSt = '1' group by State ), unit_count as ( SELECT State, count(*) AS val FROM UnitUnion GROUP BY state ) select State, sd_div_safe( coalesce(ambu_tot.val,0) + coalesce(resi_tot.val,0) + coalesce(admi_tot.val,0), unit_count.val, 3) AS value from ST LEFT JOIN admi_tot using (State) LEFT JOIN ambu_tot using (State) LEFT JOIN resi_tot using (State) LEFT JOIN unit_count USING (State) WHERE unit_count.val > 0
StNHousePlacesGrowthAmt ST Absolute percentage that Public Supported Housing Places changed since previous year. select State, prev.NHousePlaces as previous_amount, ST.NHousePlaces as current_amount, sd_div(100 * abs(prev.NHousePlaces - ST.NHousePlaces), greatest(prev.nhouseplaces, ST.nhouseplaces), 1) as percent_change from main.ST join hist.ST prev using (State) where prev.nhouseplaces > 0 or ST.nhouseplaces > 0