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National Standards for Mental Health Services Review Status

Table summarising information on the field: National Standards for Mental Health Services Review Status
Title: National Standards for Mental Health Services Review Status
Name: StdsReviewSt
Type: Char[1]
RecType: AMBU
RecOrder: 13
  • 1: The service unit had been reviewed and was judged to have met all of the applicable National Standards for Mental Health Services as determined by the accrediting agency.
  • 2: The service unit had been reviewed by an external accreditation agency and was judged to have met some but not all of the National standards for Mental Health Services.
  • 3: The service unit was in the process of being reviewed by an external accreditation agency but the outcomes were not known.
  • 4: The service unit was booked for review by an external accreditation agency and was engaged in self-assessment preparation prior to the formal external review.
  • 5: The service unit was engaged in self- assessment in relation to the National Standards for Mental Health Services but did not have a contractual arrangement with an external accreditation agency for review.
  • 6: The service unit had not commenced the preparations for review by an external accreditation agency but this was intended to be undertaken in the future.
  • 7: It had not been resolved whether the service unit would undertake review by an external accreditation agency under the National Standards for Mental Health Services.
  • 8: The National standards for Mental Health Services are not applicable to this service unit.
Meteor ID: Field Meteor ID number 722190