Mental Health Establishments National Minimum Data Set — Version 04.01
The full specification for MHE 04.01 can be found on the documentation site.
Main Content
MHE version 04.01: Virtual Elements
Name | Base | Title | SQL |
StRevTotal | ST | Total Revenue at State/Territory Level | select State, RevRecov + RevStateHealth + RevCwlthOther + RevPatients + RevOther + RevStateOther as Total from ST |
StExpNerTotal | ST | Total Residual Expenditure at State/Territory Level | select State, ExpNerAcademic + ExpNerTraining + ExpNerInsur + ExpNerMHAct + ExpNerPromo + ExpNerResearch + ExpNerTransp + ExpNerProgAdmin + ExpNerPropLease + ExpNerServDev + ExpNerSuper + ExpNerWorkComp + ExpNerOther as Total from ST |
OrgRevTotal | ORG | Total Revenue at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, RevRecov + RevStateHealth + RevCwlthOther + RevPatients + RevOther + RevStateOther as Total from ORG |
OrgExpNerTotal | ORG | Total Residual Expenditure at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, ExpNerAcademic + ExpNerTraining + ExpNerInsur + ExpNerMHAct + ExpNerPromo + ExpNerResearch + ExpNerTransp + ExpNerProgAdmin + ExpNerPropLease + ExpNerServDev + ExpNerSuper + ExpNerSuppServ + ExpNerWorkComp + ExpNerOther as Total from ORG |
OrgExpSalTotal | ORG | Total Salary and Wages Expenditure at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, ExpSalCnsltPsych + ExpSalPsyReg + ExpSalMedOther + ExpSalNursesReg + ExpSalNursesEnrl + ExpSalOT + ExpSalSocialWk + ExpSalPsychol + ExpSalDHPOther + ExpSalAdmin + ExpSalDomest + ExpSalCarerWrkr + ExpSalConsrWrkr + ExpSalPCare + ExpSalATSIMHWrkr as Total from ORG |
OrgExpNonSalTotal | ORG | Total Non-salary Expenditure at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, ExpNonSalAdmin + ExpNonSalDomest + ExpNonSalDrug + ExpNonSalFood + ExpNonSalInterest + ExpNonSalMedSuppl + ExpNonSalTransp + ExpNonSalVMO + ExpNonSalRepairs + ExpNonSalSuper + ExpNonSalOther as Total from ORG |
OrgFteTotal | ORG | Total FTE at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, FteCnsltPsych + FtePsyReg + FteMedOther + FteNursesReg + FteNursesEnrl + FteOT + FteSocialWk + FtePsychol + FteDHPOther + FteAdmin + FteDomest + FteCarerWrkr + FteConsrWrkr + FtePCare + FteATSIMHWrkr as Total from ORG |
FteorgFteTotal | FTEORG | Total FTE at Organisation Full-time Equivalent Staff by Setting/TargetPop Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, Setting, TargetPop, FteMed + FteNurses + FteDHP + FteAdmin + FteDomest + FteCCWrkr + FtePCare + FteATSIMHWrkr as Total from FTEORG |
FteorgDCareTotal | FTEORG | Total Direct Care FTE at Organisation Full-time Equivalent Staff by Setting/TargetPop Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, Setting, TargetPop, FteMed + FteNurses + FteDHP + FtePCare as Total from FTEORG |
RegRevTotal | REG | Total Revenue at Region Level | select State, RegId, RevRecov + RevStateHealth + RevCwlthOther + RevPatients + RevOther + RevStateOther as Total from REG |
RegExpNerTotal | REG | Total Residual Expenditure at Region Level | select State, RegId, ExpNerAcademic + ExpNerTraining + ExpNerInsur + ExpNerMHAct + ExpNerPromo + ExpNerResearch + ExpNerTransp + ExpNerProgAdmin + ExpNerPropLease + ExpNerServDev + ExpNerSuper + ExpNerSuppServ + ExpNerWorkComp + ExpNerOther as Total from REG |
AdmiExpTotal | ADMI | Total Expenditure at Admitted Patient Service Unit Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, HospId, AdmiId, ExpNonSalTot + ExpSalTot as Total from ADMI |
ResiExpTotal | RESI | Total Expenditure at Residential Service Unit Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, ResiId, ExpNonSalTot + ExpSalTot as Total from RESI |
AmbuExpTotal | AMBU | Total Expenditure at Ambulatory Service Unit Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, AmbuId, ExpNonSalTot + ExpSalTot as Total from AMBU |
StNgoSubTotal | ST | Total NGO Expenditure at State/Territory Level from STNGOE | select state, coalesce(sum(MHNGOEGrants),0) as Total from STNGOE group by state |
StNgoTotal | ST | Total NGO Expenditure at State/Territory Level | select state, sum(ST.NgoOtherDepts) + coalesce(sum(StNgoSubTotal.Total),0) as Total from ST left join StNgoSubTotal using (State) group by state |
RegNgoTotal | REG | Total NGO Expenditure at Reg Level | select reg.state, reg.regid, coalesce(sum(MHNGOEGrants),0) as Total from REG left join REGNGOE using (State, RegId) group by state, regid |
OrgExpSNSTotal | ORG | Total Salary and Non-Salary Expenditure at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, Sal.Total + NonSal.Total as Total from OrgExpSalTotal as Sal join OrgExpNonSalTotal as NonSal using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteorgCount | ORG | FTEORG Count at ORG Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Count, 0) as Count from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, count(*) as Count from FTEORG group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgClusCount | ORG | CLUS Count at ORG Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Count, 0) as Count from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, count(*) as Count from CLUS group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgHospCount | ORG | HOSP Count at ORG Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Count, 0) as Count from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, count(*) as Count from HOSP group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
ClusAmbuCount | CLUS | AMBU Count at CLUS Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, coalesce(Count, 0) as Count from CLUS left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, count(*) as Count from AMBU group by State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId ) as tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId) |
ClusResiCount | CLUS | RESI Count at CLUS Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, coalesce(Count, 0) as Count from CLUS left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, count(*) as Count from RESI group by State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId ) as tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId) |
OrgAdmiCount | ORG | ADMI Count at ORG Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Count, 0) as Count from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, count(*) as Count from ADMI group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiCount | ORG | RESI Count at ORG Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Count, 0) as Count from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, count(*) as Count from RESI group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAmbuCount | ORG | AMBU Count at ORG Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Count, 0) as Count from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, count(*) as Count from AMBU group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteSet1Count | ORG | FTEORG Count for Setting 1 | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Count, 0) as Count from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, count(*) as Count from FTEORG where Setting = '1' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteSet2Count | ORG | FTEORG Count for Setting 2 | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Count, 0) as Count from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, count(*) as Count from FTEORG where Setting = '2' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteSet3Count | ORG | FTEORG Count for Setting 3 | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Count, 0) as Count from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, count(*) as Count from FTEORG where Setting = '3' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
StExpTotal | ST | State/Territory Level Total Expenditure | select state, StNgoTotal.Total + StExpNerTotal.Total as Total from StNgoTotal join StExpNerTotal using (state) |
RegExpTotal | REG | Region Level Total Expenditure | select state, regid, RegNgoTotal.Total + RegExpNerTotal.Total as Total from RegNgoTotal join RegExpNerTotal using (state, regid) |
OrgFteAdminSum | ORG | Total Administrative and Clerical FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.FteAdmin) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId |
StOrgFteAdminSum | ST | State Total Administrative and Clerical FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, sum(ORG.FteAdmin) as Total from ORG group by State |
OrgSalAdminSum | ORG | Total Administrative and Clerical Salary reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.ExpSalAdmin) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId |
OrgAdminAvgSal | ORG | Average Administrative and Clerical Salary reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(Sal.Total, Fte.Total, 3) as AvgSal from OrgSalAdminSum as Sal join OrgFteAdminSum as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteATSIMHWrkrSum | ORG | Total Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.FteATSIMHWrkr) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId |
StOrgFteATSIMHWrkrSum | ST | State Total Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, sum(ORG.FteATSIMHWrkr) as Total from ORG group by State |
OrgSalATSIMHWrkrSum | ORG | Total Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health Workers Salary reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.ExpSalATSIMHWrkr) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId |
OrgATSIMHWrkrAvgSal | ORG | Average Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health Workers Salary reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(Sal.Total, Fte.Total, 3) as AvgSal from OrgSalATSIMHWrkrSum as Sal join OrgFteATSIMHWrkrSum as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteCarerWrkrSum | ORG | Total Carer Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.FteCarerWrkr) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId |
StOrgFteCarerWrkrSum | ST | State Total Carer Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, sum(ORG.FteCarerWrkr) as Total from ORG group by State |
OrgSalCarerWrkrSum | ORG | Total Carer Workers Salary reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.ExpSalCarerWrkr) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId |
OrgCarerWrkrAvgSal | ORG | Average Carer Workers Salary reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(Sal.Total, Fte.Total, 3) as AvgSal from OrgSalCarerWrkrSum as Sal join OrgFteCarerWrkrSum as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteCCWrkrSum | ORG | Total Carer and Consumer Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.FteCarerWrkr + ORG.FteConsrWrkr) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId |
StOrgFteCCWrkrSum | ST | State Total Carer and Consumer Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, sum(ORG.FteCarerWrkr + ORG.FteConsrWrkr) as Total from ORG group by State |
OrgSalCCWrkrSum | ORG | Total Carer and Consumer Workers Salary reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.ExpSalCarerWrkr + ORG.ExpSalConsrWrkr) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId |
OrgCCWrkrAvgSal | ORG | Average Carer and Consumer Workers Salary reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(Sal.Total, Fte.Total, 3) as AvgSal from OrgSalCCWrkrSum as Sal join OrgFteCCWrkrSum as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteConsrWrkrSum | ORG | Total Consumer Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.FteConsrWrkr) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId |
StOrgFteConsrWrkrSum | ST | State Total Consumer Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, sum(ORG.FteConsrWrkr) as Total from ORG group by State |
OrgSalConsrWrkrSum | ORG | Total Consumer Workers Salary reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.ExpSalConsrWrkr) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId |
OrgConsrWrkrAvgSal | ORG | Average Consumer Workers Salary reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(Sal.Total, Fte.Total, 3) as AvgSal from OrgSalConsrWrkrSum as Sal join OrgFteConsrWrkrSum as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
StOrgFteOTSum | ST | State Total Occupational Therapists FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, sum(FteOT) as Total from ORG group by State |
StOrgFteSocialWkSum | ST | State Total Social Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, sum(FteSocialWk) as Total from ORG group by State |
StOrgFtePsycholSum | ST | State Total Psychologists FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, sum(FtePsychol) as Total from ORG group by State |
StOrgFteDHPOtherSum | ST | State Total Other Diagnostic and Health Professionals FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, sum(FteDHPOther) as Total from ORG group by State |
OrgFteDHPSum | ORG | Total Diagnostic and Health Professionals FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.FteOT + ORG.FteSocialWk + ORG.FtePsychol + ORG.FteDHPOther) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId |
StOrgFteDHPSum | ST | State Total Diagnostic and Health Professionals FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, sum(ORG.FteOT + ORG.FteSocialWk + ORG.FtePsychol + ORG.FteDHPOther) as Total from ORG group by State |
OrgSalDHPSum | ORG | Total Diagnostic and Health Professionals Salary reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.ExpSalOT + ORG.ExpSalSocialWk + ORG.ExpSalPsychol + ORG.ExpSalDHPOther) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId |
OrgDHPAvgSal | ORG | Average Diagnostic and Health Professionals Salary reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(Sal.Total, Fte.Total, 3) as AvgSal from OrgSalDHPSum as Sal join OrgFteDHPSum as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteDomestSum | ORG | Total Domestic FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.FteDomest) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId |
StOrgFteDomestSum | ST | State Total Domestic FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, sum(ORG.FteDomest) as Total from ORG group by State |
OrgSalDomestSum | ORG | Total Domestic Salary reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.ExpSalDomest) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId |
OrgDomestAvgSal | ORG | Average Domestic Salary reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(Sal.Total, Fte.Total, 3) as AvgSal from OrgSalDomestSum as Sal join OrgFteDomestSum as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
StOrgFteCnsltPsychSum | ST | State Total Consultant Psychiatrists and Psychiatrists FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, sum(FteCnsltPsych) as Total from ORG group by State |
StOrgFtePsyRegSum | ST | State Total Psychiatry Registrars and Trainees FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, sum(FtePsyReg) as Total from ORG group by State |
StOrgFteMedOtherSum | ST | State Total Other Medical Officers FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, sum(FteMedOther) as Total from ORG group by State |
OrgFteMedSum | ORG | Total Medical FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.FteCnsltPsych + ORG.FtePsyReg + ORG.FteMedOther) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId |
StOrgFteMedSum | ST | State Total Medical FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, sum(ORG.FteCnsltPsych + ORG.FtePsyReg + ORG.FteMedOther) as Total from ORG group by State |
OrgSalMedSum | ORG | Total Medical Salary reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.ExpSalCnsltPsych + ORG.ExpSalPsyReg + ORG.ExpSalMedOther) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId |
OrgMedAvgSal | ORG | Average Medical Salary reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(Sal.Total, Fte.Total, 3) as AvgSal from OrgSalMedSum as Sal join OrgFteMedSum as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
StOrgFteNursesRegSum | ST | State Total Registered Nurses FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, sum(FteNursesReg) as Total from ORG group by State |
StOrgFteNursesEnrlSum | ST | State Total Enrolled Nurses FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, sum(FteNursesEnrl) as Total from ORG group by State |
OrgFteNursesSum | ORG | Total Nursing FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.FteNursesReg + ORG.FteNursesEnrl) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId |
StOrgFteNursesSum | ST | State Total Nursing FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, sum(ORG.FteNursesReg + ORG.FteNursesEnrl) as Total from ORG group by State |
OrgSalNursesSum | ORG | Total Nursing Salary reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.ExpSalNursesReg + ORG.ExpSalNursesEnrl) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId |
OrgNursesAvgSal | ORG | Average Nursing Salary reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(Sal.Total, Fte.Total, 3) as AvgSal from OrgSalNursesSum as Sal join OrgFteNursesSum as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFtePCareSum | ORG | Total Other Personal Care FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.FtePCare) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId |
StOrgFtePCareSum | ST | State Total Other Personal Care FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, sum(ORG.FtePCare) as Total from ORG group by State |
OrgSalPCareSum | ORG | Total Other Personal Care Salary reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.ExpSalPCare) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId |
OrgPCareAvgSal | ORG | Average Other Personal Care Salary reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(Sal.Total, Fte.Total, 3) as AvgSal from OrgSalPCareSum as Sal join OrgFtePCareSum as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
FteAdminSum | ORG | Total Administrative and Clerical FTE reported at Setting Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(FteAdmin, 0)) as Total from FTEORG group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
FteATSIMHWrkrSum | ORG | Total Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health Workers FTE reported at Setting Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(FteATSIMHWrkr, 0)) as Total from FTEORG group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
FteCCWrkrSum | ORG | Total Carer and Consumer Workers FTE reported at Setting Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(FteCCWrkr, 0)) as Total from FTEORG group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
FteDHPSum | ORG | Total Diagnostic and Health Professionals FTE reported at Setting Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(FteDHP, 0)) as Total from FTEORG group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
FteDomestSum | ORG | Total Domestic FTE reported at Setting Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(FteDomest, 0)) as Total from FTEORG group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
FteMedSum | ORG | Total Medical FTE reported at Setting Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(FteMed, 0)) as Total from FTEORG group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
FteNursesSum | ORG | Total Nursing FTE reported at Setting Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(FteNurses, 0)) as Total from FTEORG group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
FtePCareSum | ORG | Total Other Personal Care FTE reported at Setting Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(FtePCare, 0)) as Total from FTEORG group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteAllSum | ORG | Total All Staff FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.FteCnsltPsych + ORG.FtePsyReg + ORG.FteMedOther + ORG.FteNursesReg + ORG.FteNursesEnrl + ORG.FteOT + ORG.FteSocialWk + ORG.FtePsychol + ORG.FteDHPOther + ORG.FtePCare + ORG.FteAdmin + ORG.FteDomest + ORG.FteCarerWrkr + ORG.FteConsrWrkr + ORG.FteATSIMHWrkr) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId |
StOrgFteAllSum | ST | State Total All Staff FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, sum(ORG.FteCnsltPsych + ORG.FtePsyReg + ORG.FteMedOther + ORG.FteNursesReg + ORG.FteNursesEnrl + ORG.FteOT + ORG.FteSocialWk + ORG.FtePsychol + ORG.FteDHPOther + ORG.FtePCare + ORG.FteAdmin + ORG.FteDomest + ORG.FteCarerWrkr + ORG.FteConsrWrkr + ORG.FteATSIMHWrkr) as Total from ORG group by State |
OrgFteDCareSum | ORG | Total Direct Care FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.FteCnsltPsych + ORG.FtePsyReg + ORG.FteMedOther + ORG.FteNursesReg + ORG.FteNursesEnrl + ORG.FteOT + ORG.FteSocialWk + ORG.FtePsychol + ORG.FteDHPOther + ORG.FtePCare) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId |
StOrgFteDCareSum | ST | State Total Direct Care FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, sum(ORG.FteCnsltPsych + ORG.FtePsyReg + ORG.FteMedOther + ORG.FteNursesReg + ORG.FteNursesEnrl + ORG.FteOT + ORG.FteSocialWk + ORG.FtePsychol + ORG.FteDHPOther + ORG.FtePCare) as Total from ORG group by State |
OrgFteNonCareSum | ORG | Total Non-Direct Care FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.FteAdmin + ORG.FteDomest + ORG.FteCarerWrkr + ORG.FteConsrWrkr + ORG.FteATSIMHWrkr) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId |
StOrgFteNonCareSum | ST | State Total Non-Direct Care FTE reported at Organisation Level | select State, sum(ORG.FteAdmin + ORG.FteDomest + ORG.FteCarerWrkr + ORG.FteConsrWrkr + ORG.FteATSIMHWrkr) as Total from ORG group by State |
OrgAdmiExpSalTotal | ORG | Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Salary and Wages Expenditure | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(ExpSalTot, 0)) as Total from ADMI group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiExpNonSalTotal | ORG | Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Non-salary Expenditure | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(ExpNonSalTot, 0)) as Total from ADMI group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiDeprecTotal | ORG | Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Depreciation | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(Deprec, 0)) as Total from ADMI group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiExpTotal | ORG | Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Expenditure | select State, RegId, OrgId, Sal.Total + NonSal.Total as Total from OrgAdmiExpSalTotal as Sal join OrgAdmiExpNonSalTotal as NonSal using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
StAdmiExpTotal | ST | Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Expenditure | select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from OrgAdmiExpTotal group by State ) tmpinner using (State) |
OrgResiExpSalTotal | ORG | Residential Service Unit Total Salary and Wages Expenditure | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(ExpSalTot, 0)) as Total from RESI group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiExpNonSalTotal | ORG | Residential Service Unit Total Non-salary Expenditure | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(ExpNonSalTot, 0)) as Total from RESI group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiDeprecTotal | ORG | Residential Service Unit Total Depreciation | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(Deprec, 0)) as Total from RESI group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiExpTotal | ORG | Residential Service Unit Total Expenditure | select State, RegId, OrgId, Sal.Total + NonSal.Total as Total from OrgResiExpSalTotal as Sal join OrgResiExpNonSalTotal as NonSal using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
StResiExpTotal | ST | Residential Service Unit Total Expenditure | select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from OrgResiExpTotal group by State ) tmpinner using (State) |
OrgAmbuExpSalTotal | ORG | Ambulatory Service Unit Total Salary and Wages Expenditure | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(ExpSalTot, 0)) as Total from AMBU group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAmbuExpNonSalTotal | ORG | Ambulatory Service Unit Total Non-salary Expenditure | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(ExpNonSalTot, 0)) as Total from AMBU group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAmbuDeprecTotal | ORG | Ambulatory Service Unit Total Depreciation | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(Deprec, 0)) as Total from AMBU group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAmbuExpTotal | ORG | Ambulatory Service Unit Total Expenditure | select State, RegId, OrgId, Sal.Total + NonSal.Total as Total from OrgAmbuExpSalTotal as Sal join OrgAmbuExpNonSalTotal as NonSal using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
StAmbuExpTotal | ST | Ambulatory Service Unit Total Expenditure | select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from OrgAmbuExpTotal group by State ) tmpinner using (State) |
OrgAmbuNContSum | ORG | Ambulatory Service Unit Total Number of Service Contacts | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(NCont, 0)) as Total from AMBU group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
RegAmbuNContSum | REG | Ambulatory Service Unit Total Number of Service Contacts | select State, RegId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from REG left join ( select State, RegId, sum(coalesce(NCont, 0)) as Total from AMBU group by State, RegId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId) |
StAmbuNContSum | ST | Ambulatory Service Unit Total Number of Service Contacts | select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(NCont, 0)) as Total from AMBU group by State ) tmpinner using (State) |
OrgUnitExpSal | ORG | Total Salary and Wages Expenditure at Service Unit Level | select Admi.State as State, Admi.RegId as RegId, Admi.OrgId as OrgId, Admi.Total + Resi.Total + Ambu.Total as Total from OrgAdmiExpSalTotal as Admi join OrgResiExpSalTotal as Resi using (State, RegId, OrgId) join OrgAmbuExpSalTotal as Ambu using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgUnitExpNonSal | ORG | Total Non-salary Expenditure at Service Unit Level | select Admi.State as State, Admi.RegId as RegId, Admi.OrgId as OrgId, Admi.Total + Resi.Total + Ambu.Total as Total from OrgAdmiExpNonSalTotal as Admi join OrgResiExpNonSalTotal as Resi using (State, RegId, OrgId) join OrgAmbuExpNonSalTotal as Ambu using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgUnitExp | ORG | Total Expenditure at Service Unit Level | select Admi.State as State, Admi.RegId as RegId, Admi.OrgId as OrgId, Admi.Total + Resi.Total + Ambu.Total as Total from OrgAdmiExpTotal as Admi join OrgResiExpTotal as Resi using (State, RegId, OrgId) join OrgAmbuExpTotal as Ambu using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgUnitDeprec | ORG | Total Depreciation at Service Unit Level | select Admi.State as State, Admi.RegId as RegId, Admi.OrgId as OrgId, Admi.Total + Resi.Total + Ambu.Total as Total from OrgAdmiDeprecTotal as Admi join OrgResiDeprecTotal as Resi using (State, RegId, OrgId) join OrgAmbuDeprecTotal as Ambu using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
RegUnitExp | REG | Total Expenditure at Service Unit Level | select State, RegId, sum(OrgUnitExp.Total) as Total from OrgUnitExp group by State, RegId |
StUnitExp | ST | Total Expenditure at Service Unit Level | select State, sum(RegUnitExp.Total) as Total from RegUnitExp group by State |
OrgWideExp | ORG | Organisation Wide Expenditure | select State, RegId, OrgId, Ner.Total + UnitExp.Total as Total from OrgExpNerTotal as Ner join OrgUnitExp as UnitExp using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
StWideNgo | ST | State/Territory Wide NGO Expenditure | select State, Ngo.Total + SubNgo.Total as Total from StNgoTotal as Ngo join (select State, sum(Total) as Total from RegNgoTotal group by State) as SubNgo using (State) |
RegWideExpNer | REG | Region Wide Residual Expenditure | select State, RegId, Ner.Total + SubNer.Total as Total from RegExpNerTotal as Ner join (select State, RegId, sum(Total) as Total from OrgExpNerTotal group by State, RegId) as SubNer using (State, RegId) |
RegWideExp | REG | Region Wide Expenditure | select Unit.State as State, Unit.RegId as RegId, Ner.Total + Unit.Total + Ngo.Total as Total from RegWideExpNer as Ner join RegUnitExp as Unit using (State, RegId) join RegNgoTotal as Ngo using (State, RegId) |
StWideExpNer | ST | State/Territory Wide Residual Expenditure | select State, Ner.Total + SubNer.Total as Total from StExpNerTotal as Ner join (select State, sum(Total) as Total from RegWideExpNer group by State) as SubNer using (State) |
StWideExp | ST | State/Territory Wide Expenditure | select Unit.State as State, Ner.Total + Unit.Total + Ngo.Total as Total from StWideExpNer as Ner join StUnitExp as Unit using (State) join StWideNgo as Ngo using (State) |
RegAppExpNer | REG | Apportionable Residual Expenditure | select State, RegId, ExpNerProgAdmin + ExpNerSuppServ + ExpNerAcademic + ExpNerSuper + ExpNerWorkComp + ExpNerInsur + ExpNerTransp + ExpNerPropLease + ExpNerOther as Total from REG |
RegNonAppExpNer | REG | Non-apportionable Residual Expenditure | select State, RegId, ExpNerTraining + ExpNerPromo + ExpNerResearch + ExpNerMHAct + ExpNerServDev as Total from REG |
AdmiRegAppExpNer | ADMI | Region Residual Expenditure Apportioned to Admitted Patient Service Unit | select UnitExp.State as State, UnitExp.RegId as RegId, UnitExp.OrgId as OrgId, UnitExp.HospId as HospId, UnitExp.AdmiId as AdmiId, sd_div_safe((Pie.Total * UnitExp.Total::numeric), RegUnitExp.Total, 3) as Total from AdmiExpTotal as UnitExp join RegUnitExp using (State, RegId) join RegAppExpNer as Pie using (State, RegId) |
AdmiRegAppExpNerFmt | ADMI | Region Residual Expenditure Apportioned to Admitted Patient Service Unit (rounded) | select State, RegId, OrgId, HospId, AdmiId, round(Src.Total) as Total from AdmiRegAppExpNer as Src |
ResiRegAppExpNer | RESI | Region Residual Expenditure Apportioned to Residential Service Unit | select UnitExp.State as State, UnitExp.RegId as RegId, UnitExp.OrgId as OrgId, UnitExp.ClusId as ClusId, UnitExp.ResiId as ResiId, sd_div_safe((Pie.Total * UnitExp.Total::numeric), RegUnitExp.Total, 3) as Total from ResiExpTotal as UnitExp join RegUnitExp using (State, RegId) join RegAppExpNer as Pie using (State, RegId) |
ResiRegAppExpNerFmt | RESI | Region Residual Expenditure Apportioned to Residential Service Unit (rounded) | select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, ResiId, round(Src.Total) as Total from ResiRegAppExpNer as Src |
AmbuRegAppExpNer | AMBU | Region Residual Expenditure Apportioned to Ambulatory Service Unit | select UnitExp.State as State, UnitExp.RegId as RegId, UnitExp.OrgId as OrgId, UnitExp.ClusId as ClusId, UnitExp.AmbuId as AmbuId, sd_div_safe((Pie.Total * UnitExp.Total::numeric), RegUnitExp.Total, 3) as Total from AmbuExpTotal as UnitExp join RegUnitExp using (State, RegId) join RegAppExpNer as Pie using (State, RegId) |
AmbuRegAppExpNerFmt | AMBU | Region Residual Expenditure Apportioned to Ambulatory Service Unit (rounded) | select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, AmbuId, round(Src.Total) as Total from AmbuRegAppExpNer as Src |
OrgAppExpNer | ORG | Apportionable Residual Expenditure | select State, RegId, OrgId, ExpNerProgAdmin + ExpNerSuppServ + ExpNerAcademic + ExpNerSuper + ExpNerWorkComp + ExpNerInsur + ExpNerTransp + ExpNerPropLease + ExpNerOther as Total from ORG |
OrgNonAppExpNer | ORG | Non-apportionable Residual Expenditure | select State, RegId, OrgId, ExpNerTraining + ExpNerPromo + ExpNerResearch + ExpNerMHAct + ExpNerServDev as Total from ORG |
AdmiOrgAppExpNer | ADMI | Organisation Residual Expenditure Apportioned to Admitted Patient Service Unit | select UnitExp.State as State, UnitExp.RegId as RegId, UnitExp.OrgId as OrgId, UnitExp.HospId as HospId, UnitExp.AdmiId as AdmiId, sd_div_safe((Pie.Total * UnitExp.Total::numeric), OrgUnitExp.Total, 3) as Total from AdmiExpTotal as UnitExp join OrgUnitExp using (State, RegId, OrgId) join OrgAppExpNer as Pie using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
AdmiOrgAppExpNerFmt | ADMI | Organisation Residual Expenditure Apportioned to Admitted Patient Service Unit (rounded) | select State, RegId, OrgId, HospId, AdmiId, round(Src.Total) as Total from AdmiOrgAppExpNer as Src |
ResiOrgAppExpNer | RESI | Organisation Residual Expenditure Apportioned to Residential Service Unit | select UnitExp.State as State, UnitExp.RegId as RegId, UnitExp.OrgId as OrgId, UnitExp.ClusId as ClusId, UnitExp.ResiId as ResiId, sd_div_safe((Pie.Total * UnitExp.Total::numeric), OrgUnitExp.Total, 3) as Total from ResiExpTotal as UnitExp join OrgUnitExp using (State, RegId, OrgId) join OrgAppExpNer as Pie using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
ResiOrgAppExpNerFmt | RESI | Organisation Residual Expenditure Apportioned to Residential Service Unit (rounded) | select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, ResiId, round(Src.Total) as Total from ResiOrgAppExpNer as Src |
AmbuOrgAppExpNer | AMBU | Organisation Residual Expenditure Apportioned to Ambulatory Service Unit | select UnitExp.State as State, UnitExp.RegId as RegId, UnitExp.OrgId as OrgId, UnitExp.ClusId as ClusId, UnitExp.AmbuId as AmbuId, sd_div_safe((Pie.Total * UnitExp.Total::numeric), OrgUnitExp.Total, 3) as Total from AmbuExpTotal as UnitExp join OrgUnitExp using (State, RegId, OrgId) join OrgAppExpNer as Pie using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
AmbuOrgAppExpNerFmt | AMBU | Organisation Residual Expenditure Apportioned to Ambulatory Service Unit (rounded) | select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, AmbuId, round(Src.Total) as Total from AmbuOrgAppExpNer as Src |
AdmiAppExpTotal | ADMI | Total Apportioned Expenditure at Admitted Patient Service Unit level | with UnitExp as ( select * from AdmiExpTotal ), RegApp as ( select * from AdmiRegAppExpNer ), OrgApp as ( select * from AdmiOrgAppExpNer ) select UnitExp.State as State, UnitExp.RegId as RegId, UnitExp.OrgId as OrgId, UnitExp.HospId as HospId, UnitExp.AdmiId as AdmiId, UnitExp.Total + RegApp.Total + OrgApp.Total as Total from UnitExp join RegApp using (State, RegId, OrgId, HospId, AdmiId) join OrgApp using (State, RegId, OrgId, HospId, AdmiId) |
AdmiAppExpTotalFmt | ADMI | Total Apportioned Expenditure at Admitted Patient Service Unit level (rounded) | select State, RegId, OrgId, HospId, AdmiId, round(Src.Total) as Total from AdmiAppExpTotal as Src |
StAdmiAppExpTotal | ST | Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure | select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from AdmiAppExpTotal group by State ) tmpinner using (State) |
StAdmiAppExpTotalFmt | ST | Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) | select State, round(Src.Total) as Total from StAdmiAppExpTotal as Src |
OrgAdmiAppExpTotal | ORG | Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from AdmiAppExpTotal group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiAppExpTotalFmt | ORG | Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) | select State, RegId, OrgId, round(Src.Total) as Total from OrgAdmiAppExpTotal as Src |
ResiAppExpTotal | RESI | Total Apportioned Expenditure at Residential Service Unit level | with UnitExp as ( select * from ResiExpTotal ), RegApp as ( select * from ResiRegAppExpNer ), OrgApp as ( select * from ResiOrgAppExpNer ) select UnitExp.State as State, UnitExp.RegId as RegId, UnitExp.OrgId as OrgId, UnitExp.ClusId as ClusId, UnitExp.ResiId as ResiId, UnitExp.Total + RegApp.Total + OrgApp.Total as Total from UnitExp join RegApp using (State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, ResiId) join OrgApp using (State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, ResiId) |
ResiAppExpTotalFmt | RESI | Total Apportioned Expenditure at Residential Service Unit level (rounded) | select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, ResiId, round(Src.Total) as Total from ResiAppExpTotal as Src |
StResiAppExpTotal | ST | Residential Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure | select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from ResiAppExpTotal group by State ) tmpinner using (State) |
StResiAppExpTotalFmt | ST | Residential Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) | select State, round(Src.Total) as Total from StResiAppExpTotal as Src |
OrgResiAppExpTotal | ORG | Residential Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from ResiAppExpTotal group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiAppExpTotalFmt | ORG | Residential Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) | select State, RegId, OrgId, round(Src.Total) as Total from OrgResiAppExpTotal as Src |
AmbuAppExpTotal | AMBU | Total Apportioned Expenditure at Ambulatory Service Unit level | with UnitExp as ( select * from AmbuExpTotal ), RegApp as ( select * from AmbuRegAppExpNer ), OrgApp as ( select * from AmbuOrgAppExpNer ) select UnitExp.State as State, UnitExp.RegId as RegId, UnitExp.OrgId as OrgId, UnitExp.ClusId as ClusId, UnitExp.AmbuId as AmbuId, UnitExp.Total + RegApp.Total + OrgApp.Total as Total from UnitExp join RegApp using (State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, AmbuId) join OrgApp using (State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, AmbuId) |
AmbuAppExpTotalFmt | AMBU | Total Apportioned Expenditure at Ambulatory Service Unit level (rounded) | select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, AmbuId, round(Src.Total) as Total from AmbuAppExpTotal as Src |
StAmbuAppExpTotal | ST | Ambulatory Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure | select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from AmbuAppExpTotal group by State ) tmpinner using (State) |
StAmbuAppExpTotalFmt | ST | Ambulatory Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) | select State, round(Src.Total) as Total from StAmbuAppExpTotal as Src |
OrgAmbuAppExpTotal | ORG | Ambulatory Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from AmbuAppExpTotal group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAmbuAppExpTotalFmt | ORG | Ambulatory Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) | select State, RegId, OrgId, round(Src.Total) as Total from OrgAmbuAppExpTotal as Src |
OrgUnitAppExp | ORG | Total Apportioned Expenditure at Service Unit Level | select Admi.State as State, Admi.RegId as RegId, Admi.OrgId as OrgId, Admi.Total + Resi.Total + Ambu.Total as Total from OrgAdmiAppExpTotal as Admi join OrgResiAppExpTotal as Resi using (State, RegId, OrgId) join OrgAmbuAppExpTotal as Ambu using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgWideAppExp | ORG | Organisation Wide Apportioned Expenditure | select State, RegId, OrgId, NonAppNer.Total + UnitAppExp.Total as Total from OrgNonAppExpNer as NonAppNer join OrgUnitAppExp as UnitAppExp using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
StCLExpTotal | ST | Co-located Hospitals Total Expenditure | select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from AdmiExpTotal join HOSP using (State, RegId, OrgId, HospId) where HOSP.CoLocStatus = '1' group by State ) tmpinner using (State) |
StCLExpTotalFmt | ST | Co-located Hospitals Total Expenditure (rounded) | select State, round(Src.Total) as Total from StCLExpTotal as Src |
StSAExpTotal | ST | Stand Alone Hospitals Total Expenditure | select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from AdmiExpTotal join HOSP using (State, RegId, OrgId, HospId) where HOSP.CoLocStatus = '2' group by State ) tmpinner using (State) |
StSAExpTotalFmt | ST | Stand Alone Hospitals Total Expenditure (rounded) | select State, round(Src.Total) as Total from StSAExpTotal as Src |
StCLAppExpTotal | ST | Co-located Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure | select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from AdmiAppExpTotal join HOSP using (State, RegId, OrgId, HospId) where HOSP.CoLocStatus = '1' group by State ) tmpinner using (State) |
StCLAppExpTotalFmt | ST | Co-located Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) | select State, round(Src.Total) as Total from StCLAppExpTotal as Src |
StSAAppExpTotal | ST | Stand Alone Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure | select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from AdmiAppExpTotal join HOSP using (State, RegId, OrgId, HospId) where HOSP.CoLocStatus = '2' group by State ) tmpinner using (State) |
StSAAppExpTotalFmt | ST | Stand Alone Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) | select State, round(Src.Total) as Total from StSAAppExpTotal as Src |
OrgCLExpTotal | ORG | Co-located Hospitals Total Expenditure | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from AdmiExpTotal join HOSP using (State, RegId, OrgId, HospId) where HOSP.CoLocStatus = '1' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgCLExpTotalFmt | ORG | Co-located Hospitals Total Expenditure (rounded) | select State, RegId, OrgId, round(Src.Total) as Total from OrgCLExpTotal as Src |
OrgSAExpTotal | ORG | Stand Alone Hospitals Total Expenditure | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from AdmiExpTotal join HOSP using (State, RegId, OrgId, HospId) where HOSP.CoLocStatus = '2' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgSAExpTotalFmt | ORG | Stand Alone Hospitals Total Expenditure (rounded) | select State, RegId, OrgId, round(Src.Total) as Total from OrgSAExpTotal as Src |
OrgCLAppExpTotal | ORG | Co-located Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from AdmiAppExpTotal join HOSP using (State, RegId, OrgId, HospId) where HOSP.CoLocStatus = '1' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgCLAppExpTotalFmt | ORG | Co-located Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) | select State, RegId, OrgId, round(Src.Total) as Total from OrgCLAppExpTotal as Src |
OrgSAAppExpTotal | ORG | Stand Alone Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from AdmiAppExpTotal join HOSP using (State, RegId, OrgId, HospId) where HOSP.CoLocStatus = '2' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgSAAppExpTotalFmt | ORG | Stand Alone Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) | select State, RegId, OrgId, round(Src.Total) as Total from OrgSAAppExpTotal as Src |
RegWideNonAppExpNer | REG | Region Wide Non-Apportioned Residual Expenditure | select State, RegId, NonApp.Total + SubNonApp.Total as Total from RegNonAppExpNer as NonApp join (select State, RegId, sum(Total) as Total from OrgNonAppExpNer group by State, RegId) as SubNonApp using (State, RegId) |
StWideNonAppExpNer | ST | State/Territory Wide Non-Apportioned Residual Expenditure | select State, NonApp.Total + SubNonApp.Total as Total from StExpNerTotal as NonApp join (select State, sum(Total) as Total from RegWideNonAppExpNer group by State) as SubNonApp using (State) |
AmbuAvgCon | AMBU | Average Contact Cost for Ambulatory Service Unit | select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, AmbuId, sd_div_safe(Total, NCont, 1) as AvgCon from AMBU join AmbuExpTotal using (State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, AmbuId) where NCont != 0 |
AvgStay | ADMI | Average Length of Stay for Admitted Patient Service Unit | select State, RegId, OrgId, HospId, AdmiId, sd_div_safe(MHCareDays, NSeps, 1) as AvgStay from ADMI |
AdmiOccupancy | ADMI | Average Occupancy for Admitted Patient Service Unit | select State, RegId, OrgId, HospId, AdmiId, sd_div_safe(MHCareDays, (AdmiNBeds + HitHNBeds) * 365, 3) as Occupancy from ADMI |
AdmiPDay | ADMI | Average Patient Day Cost for Admitted Patient Service Unit | select State, RegId, OrgId, HospId, AdmiId, sd_div_safe(Total, MHCareDays, 1) as PDay from ADMI join AdmiExpTotal using (State, RegId, OrgId, HospId, AdmiId) where MHCareDays != 0 |
OrgAdmiNBedsSum | ORG | Total Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
RegAdmiNBedsSum | REG | Total Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients | select State, RegId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from REG left join ( select State, RegId, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI group by State, RegId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId) |
StAdmiNBedsSum | ST | Total Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients | select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI group by State ) tmpinner using (State) |
OrgAdmiCDaysSum | ORG | Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
RegAdmiCDaysSum | REG | Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days | select State, RegId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from REG left join ( select State, RegId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI group by State, RegId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId) |
StAdmiCDaysSum | ST | Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days | select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI group by State ) tmpinner using (State) |
ResiOccupancy | RESI | Average Occupancy for Residential Service Unit | select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, ResiId, sd_div_safe(MHCareDays, ResiNBeds * 365, 3) as Occupancy from RESI |
ResiPDay | RESI | Average Patient Day Cost for Residential Service Unit | select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, ResiId, sd_div_safe(Total, MHCareDays, 1) as PDay from RESI join ResiExpTotal using (State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, ResiId) where MHCareDays != 0 |
OrgResiNBedsSum | ORG | Total Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
RegResiNBedsSum | REG | Total Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients | select State, RegId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from REG left join ( select State, RegId, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI group by State, RegId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId) |
StResiNBedsSum | ST | Total Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients | select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI group by State ) tmpinner using (State) |
OrgResiCDaysSum | ORG | Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
RegResiCDaysSum | REG | Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days | select State, RegId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from REG left join ( select State, RegId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI group by State, RegId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId) |
StResiCDaysSum | ST | Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days | select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI group by State ) tmpinner using (State) |
OrgAdmiFteSum | ORG | Total FTE for Admitted Patient Service Unit at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(sum(Fte.Total), 0) as Total from ORG left join (select * from FteorgFteTotal where Setting = '1') as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId) group by State, RegId, OrgId |
OrgAdmiDCareFteSum | ORG | Total Direct Care FTE for Admitted Patient Service Units | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(sum(Fte.Total), 0) as Total from ORG left join (select * from FteorgDCareTotal where Setting = '1') as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId) group by State, RegId, OrgId |
StAdmiDCareFteSum | ST | Total Direct Care FTE for Admitted Patient Service Units | select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from FteorgDCareTotal where Setting = '1' group by State ) tmpinner using (State) |
OrgAdmiAvgSal | ORG | Average Salary for Admitted Patient Service Unit at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(UnitSal.Total, Fte.Total, 1) as AvgSal from OrgAdmiExpSalTotal as UnitSal join OrgAdmiFteSum as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiFteSum | ORG | Total FTE for Residential Service Unit at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(sum(Fte.Total), 0) as Total from ORG left join (select * from FteorgFteTotal where Setting = '2') as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId) group by State, RegId, OrgId |
OrgResiDCareFteSum | ORG | Total Direct Care FTE for Residential Service Units | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(sum(Fte.Total), 0) as Total from ORG left join (select * from FteorgDCareTotal where Setting = '2') as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId) group by State, RegId, OrgId |
StResiDCareFteSum | ST | Total Direct Care FTE for Residential Service Units | select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from FteorgDCareTotal where Setting = '2' group by State ) tmpinner using (State) |
OrgResiAvgSal | ORG | Average Salary for Residential Service Unit at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(UnitSal.Total, Fte.Total, 1) as AvgSal from OrgResiExpSalTotal as UnitSal join OrgResiFteSum as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAmbuFteSum | ORG | Total FTE for Ambulatory Service Unit at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(sum(Fte.Total), 0) as Total from ORG left join (select * from FteorgFteTotal where Setting = '3') as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId) group by State, RegId, OrgId |
OrgAmbuDCareFteSum | ORG | Total Direct Care FTE for Ambulatory Service Units | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(sum(Fte.Total), 0) as Total from ORG left join (select * from FteorgDCareTotal where Setting = '3') as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId) group by State, RegId, OrgId |
StAmbuDCareFteSum | ST | Total Direct Care FTE for Ambulatory Service Units | select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from FteorgDCareTotal where Setting = '3' group by State ) tmpinner using (State) |
OrgAmbuAvgSal | ORG | Average Salary for Ambulatory Service Unit at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(UnitSal.Total, Fte.Total, 1) as AvgSal from OrgAmbuExpSalTotal as UnitSal join OrgAmbuFteSum as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgOohFteSum | ORG | Total FTE for Organisational overhead at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(sum(Fte.Total), 0) as Total from ORG left join (select * from FteorgFteTotal where Setting = '4') as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId) group by State, RegId, OrgId |
OrgOohDCareFteSum | ORG | Total Direct Care FTE for Organisational overheads | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(sum(Fte.Total), 0) as Total from ORG left join (select * from FteorgDCareTotal where Setting = '4') as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId) group by State, RegId, OrgId |
StOohDCareFteSum | ST | Total Direct Care FTE for Organisational overheads | select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from FteorgDCareTotal where Setting = '4' group by State ) tmpinner using (State) |
OrgFteCnsltPsychSum | ORG | Total Consultant Psychiatrists and Psychiatrists salary reported at organisation level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(FteCnsltPsych) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId |
CnsltPsychSum | ORG | Total Consultant Psychiatrists and Psychiatrists salary reported at organisation level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ExpSalCnsltPsych) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId |
OrgCnsltPsychAvgSal | ORG | Average Consultant Psychiatrists and Psychiatrists salary reported at organisation level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(Sal.Total, Fte.Total, 3) as AvgSal from CnsltPsychSum as Sal join OrgFteCnsltPsychSum as Fte using(State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteOTSum | ORG | Total Occupational Therapists salary reported at organisation level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(FteOT) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId |
OTSum | ORG | Total Occupational Therapists salary reported at organisation level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ExpSalOT) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId |
OrgOTAvgSal | ORG | Average Occupational Therapists salary reported at organisation level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(Sal.Total, Fte.Total, 3) as AvgSal from OTSum as Sal join OrgFteOTSum as Fte using(State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFtePsycholSum | ORG | Total Psychologists salary reported at organisation level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(FtePsychol) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId |
PsycholSum | ORG | Total Psychologists salary reported at organisation level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ExpSalPsychol) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId |
OrgPsycholAvgSal | ORG | Average Psychologists salary reported at organisation level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(Sal.Total, Fte.Total, 3) as AvgSal from PsycholSum as Sal join OrgFtePsycholSum as Fte using(State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFtePsyRegSum | ORG | Total Psychiatry Registrars and Trainees salary reported at organisation level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(FtePsyReg) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId |
PsyRegSum | ORG | Total Psychiatry Registrars and Trainees salary reported at organisation level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ExpSalPsyReg) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId |
OrgPsyRegAvgSal | ORG | Average Psychiatry Registrars and Trainees salary reported at organisation level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(Sal.Total, Fte.Total, 3) as AvgSal from PsyRegSum as Sal join OrgFtePsyRegSum as Fte using(State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteSocialWkSum | ORG | Total Social Workers salary reported at organisation level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(FteSocialWk) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId |
SocialWkSum | ORG | Total Social Workers salary reported at organisation level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ExpSalSocialWk) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId |
OrgSocialWkAvgSal | ORG | Average Social Workers salary reported at organisation level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(Sal.Total, Fte.Total, 3) as AvgSal from SocialWkSum as Sal join OrgFteSocialWkSum as Fte using(State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgExpRealMedSum | ORG | Total Medical and VMOs Expenditure reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(ORG.ExpSalCnsltPsych + ORG.ExpSalPsyReg + ORG.ExpSalMedOther + ORG.ExpNonSalVMO) as Total from ORG group by State, RegId, OrgId |
OrgRealMedAvgSal | ORG | Average Medical and VMOs Expenditure reported at Organisation Level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(Sal.Total, Fte.Total, 3) as AvgSal from OrgExpRealMedSum as Sal join OrgFteMedSum as Fte using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAmbuAvgFteCost | ORG | Average Cost per FTE for Ambulatory Service Unit at Organisation level | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div( Exp.Total, Fte.Total, 3 ) as AvgFteCost from OrgAmbuFteSum as Fte join OrgAmbuExpTotal as Exp using (State, RegId, OrgId) where Fte.Total != 0; |
StStAcademicSum | ST | Total State/Territory Academic Positions Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(ST.ExpNerAcademic, 0)) as Total from ST group by State |
StStTrainingSum | ST | Total State/Territory Education and Training Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(ST.ExpNerTraining, 0)) as Total from ST group by State |
StStInsurSum | ST | Total State/Territory Insurance Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(ST.ExpNerInsur, 0)) as Total from ST group by State |
StStMHActSum | ST | Total State/Territory Mental Health Act Regulation Including Review Tribunals Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(ST.ExpNerMHAct, 0)) as Total from ST group by State |
StStPromoSum | ST | Total State/Territory Mental Health Promotion Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(ST.ExpNerPromo, 0)) as Total from ST group by State |
StStResearchSum | ST | Total State/Territory Mental Health Research Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(ST.ExpNerResearch, 0)) as Total from ST group by State |
StStTranspSum | ST | Total State/Territory Patient Transport Services Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(ST.ExpNerTransp, 0)) as Total from ST group by State |
StStProgAdminSum | ST | Total State/Territory Program Administration Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(ST.ExpNerProgAdmin, 0)) as Total from ST group by State |
StStPropLeaseSum | ST | Total State/Territory Property Leasing Costs Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(ST.ExpNerPropLease, 0)) as Total from ST group by State |
StStServDevSum | ST | Total State/Territory Service Development Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(ST.ExpNerServDev, 0)) as Total from ST group by State |
StStSuperSum | ST | Total State/Territory Superannuation Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(ST.ExpNerSuper, 0)) as Total from ST group by State |
StStWorkCompSum | ST | Total State/Territory Workers Compensation Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(ST.ExpNerWorkComp, 0)) as Total from ST group by State |
StStOtherSum | ST | Total State/Territory Other Indirect Expenditure Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(ST.ExpNerOther, 0)) as Total from ST group by State |
StStNerSum | ST | Total State/Territory Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(Ent.Total, 0)) as Total from ST left join StExpNerTotal as Ent using (State) group by State |
StRegAcademicSum | ST | Total Region Academic Positions Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(REG.ExpNerAcademic, 0)) as Total from ST left join REG using (State) group by State |
StRegTrainingSum | ST | Total Region Education and Training Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(REG.ExpNerTraining, 0)) as Total from ST left join REG using (State) group by State |
StRegInsurSum | ST | Total Region Insurance Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(REG.ExpNerInsur, 0)) as Total from ST left join REG using (State) group by State |
StRegMHActSum | ST | Total Region Mental Health Act Regulation Including Review Tribunals Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(REG.ExpNerMHAct, 0)) as Total from ST left join REG using (State) group by State |
StRegPromoSum | ST | Total Region Mental Health Promotion Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(REG.ExpNerPromo, 0)) as Total from ST left join REG using (State) group by State |
StRegResearchSum | ST | Total Region Mental Health Research Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(REG.ExpNerResearch, 0)) as Total from ST left join REG using (State) group by State |
StRegTranspSum | ST | Total Region Patient Transport Services Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(REG.ExpNerTransp, 0)) as Total from ST left join REG using (State) group by State |
StRegProgAdminSum | ST | Total Region Program Administration Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(REG.ExpNerProgAdmin, 0)) as Total from ST left join REG using (State) group by State |
StRegPropLeaseSum | ST | Total Region Property Leasing Costs Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(REG.ExpNerPropLease, 0)) as Total from ST left join REG using (State) group by State |
StRegServDevSum | ST | Total Region Service Development Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(REG.ExpNerServDev, 0)) as Total from ST left join REG using (State) group by State |
StRegSuperSum | ST | Total Region Superannuation Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(REG.ExpNerSuper, 0)) as Total from ST left join REG using (State) group by State |
StRegSuppServSum | ST | Total Region Support Services Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(REG.ExpNerSuppServ, 0)) as Total from ST left join REG using (State) group by State |
StRegWorkCompSum | ST | Total Region Workers Compensation Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(REG.ExpNerWorkComp, 0)) as Total from ST left join REG using (State) group by State |
StRegOtherSum | ST | Total Region Other Indirect Expenditure Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(REG.ExpNerOther, 0)) as Total from ST left join REG using (State) group by State |
StRegNerSum | ST | Total Region Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(Ent.Total, 0)) as Total from ST left join RegExpNerTotal as Ent using (State) group by State |
StOrgAcademicSum | ST | Total Organisation Academic Positions Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(ORG.ExpNerAcademic, 0)) as Total from ST left join ORG using (State) group by State |
StOrgTrainingSum | ST | Total Organisation Education and Training Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(ORG.ExpNerTraining, 0)) as Total from ST left join ORG using (State) group by State |
StOrgInsurSum | ST | Total Organisation Insurance Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(ORG.ExpNerInsur, 0)) as Total from ST left join ORG using (State) group by State |
StOrgMHActSum | ST | Total Organisation Mental Health Act Regulation Including Review Tribunals Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(ORG.ExpNerMHAct, 0)) as Total from ST left join ORG using (State) group by State |
StOrgPromoSum | ST | Total Organisation Mental Health Promotion Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(ORG.ExpNerPromo, 0)) as Total from ST left join ORG using (State) group by State |
StOrgResearchSum | ST | Total Organisation Mental Health Research Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(ORG.ExpNerResearch, 0)) as Total from ST left join ORG using (State) group by State |
StOrgTranspSum | ST | Total Organisation Patient Transport Services Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(ORG.ExpNerTransp, 0)) as Total from ST left join ORG using (State) group by State |
StOrgProgAdminSum | ST | Total Organisation Program Administration Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(ORG.ExpNerProgAdmin, 0)) as Total from ST left join ORG using (State) group by State |
StOrgPropLeaseSum | ST | Total Organisation Property Leasing Costs Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(ORG.ExpNerPropLease, 0)) as Total from ST left join ORG using (State) group by State |
StOrgServDevSum | ST | Total Organisation Service Development Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(ORG.ExpNerServDev, 0)) as Total from ST left join ORG using (State) group by State |
StOrgSuperSum | ST | Total Organisation Superannuation Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(ORG.ExpNerSuper, 0)) as Total from ST left join ORG using (State) group by State |
StOrgSuppServSum | ST | Total Organisation Support Services Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(ORG.ExpNerSuppServ, 0)) as Total from ST left join ORG using (State) group by State |
StOrgWorkCompSum | ST | Total Organisation Workers Compensation Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(ORG.ExpNerWorkComp, 0)) as Total from ST left join ORG using (State) group by State |
StOrgOtherSum | ST | Total Organisation Other Indirect Expenditure Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(ORG.ExpNerOther, 0)) as Total from ST left join ORG using (State) group by State |
StOrgNerSum | ST | Total Organisation Expenditure (NER) | select State, sum(coalesce(Ent.Total, 0)) as Total from ST left join OrgExpNerTotal as Ent using (State) group by State |
StWideAcademicSum | ST | Total State Wide Academic Positions Expenditure (NER) | select ST.State as State, (StStAcademicSum.Total + StRegAcademicSum.Total + StOrgAcademicSum.Total) as Total from ST left join StStAcademicSum using (State) left join StRegAcademicSum using (State) left join StOrgAcademicSum using (State) |
StWideTrainingSum | ST | Total State Wide Education and Training Expenditure (NER) | select ST.State as State, (StStTrainingSum.Total + StRegTrainingSum.Total + StOrgTrainingSum.Total) as Total from ST left join StStTrainingSum using (State) left join StRegTrainingSum using (State) left join StOrgTrainingSum using (State) |
StWideInsurSum | ST | Total State Wide Insurance Expenditure (NER) | select ST.State as State, (StStInsurSum.Total + StRegInsurSum.Total + StOrgInsurSum.Total) as Total from ST left join StStInsurSum using (State) left join StRegInsurSum using (State) left join StOrgInsurSum using (State) |
StWideMHActSum | ST | Total State Wide Mental Health Act Regulation Including Review Tribunals Expenditure (NER) | select ST.State as State, (StStMHActSum.Total + StRegMHActSum.Total + StOrgMHActSum.Total) as Total from ST left join StStMHActSum using (State) left join StRegMHActSum using (State) left join StOrgMHActSum using (State) |
StWidePromoSum | ST | Total State Wide Mental Health Promotion Expenditure (NER) | select ST.State as State, (StStPromoSum.Total + StRegPromoSum.Total + StOrgPromoSum.Total) as Total from ST left join StStPromoSum using (State) left join StRegPromoSum using (State) left join StOrgPromoSum using (State) |
StWideResearchSum | ST | Total State Wide Mental Health Research Expenditure (NER) | select ST.State as State, (StStResearchSum.Total + StRegResearchSum.Total + StOrgResearchSum.Total) as Total from ST left join StStResearchSum using (State) left join StRegResearchSum using (State) left join StOrgResearchSum using (State) |
StWideTranspSum | ST | Total State Wide Patient Transport Services Expenditure (NER) | select ST.State as State, (StStTranspSum.Total + StRegTranspSum.Total + StOrgTranspSum.Total) as Total from ST left join StStTranspSum using (State) left join StRegTranspSum using (State) left join StOrgTranspSum using (State) |
StWideProgAdminSum | ST | Total State Wide Program Administration Expenditure (NER) | select ST.State as State, (StStProgAdminSum.Total + StRegProgAdminSum.Total + StOrgProgAdminSum.Total) as Total from ST left join StStProgAdminSum using (State) left join StRegProgAdminSum using (State) left join StOrgProgAdminSum using (State) |
StWidePropLeaseSum | ST | Total State Wide Property Leasing Costs Expenditure (NER) | select ST.State as State, (StStPropLeaseSum.Total + StRegPropLeaseSum.Total + StOrgPropLeaseSum.Total) as Total from ST left join StStPropLeaseSum using (State) left join StRegPropLeaseSum using (State) left join StOrgPropLeaseSum using (State) |
StWideServDevSum | ST | Total State Wide Service Development Expenditure (NER) | select ST.State as State, (StStServDevSum.Total + StRegServDevSum.Total + StOrgServDevSum.Total) as Total from ST left join StStServDevSum using (State) left join StRegServDevSum using (State) left join StOrgServDevSum using (State) |
StWideSuperSum | ST | Total State Wide Superannuation Expenditure (NER) | select ST.State as State, (StStSuperSum.Total + StRegSuperSum.Total + StOrgSuperSum.Total) as Total from ST left join StStSuperSum using (State) left join StRegSuperSum using (State) left join StOrgSuperSum using (State) |
StWideSuppServSum | ST | Total State Wide Support Services Expenditure (NER) | select ST.State as State, (StRegSuppServSum.Total + StOrgSuppServSum.Total) as Total from ST left join StRegSuppServSum using (State) left join StOrgSuppServSum using (State) |
StWideWorkCompSum | ST | Total State Wide Workers Compensation Expenditure (NER) | select ST.State as State, (StStWorkCompSum.Total + StRegWorkCompSum.Total + StOrgWorkCompSum.Total) as Total from ST left join StStWorkCompSum using (State) left join StRegWorkCompSum using (State) left join StOrgWorkCompSum using (State) |
StWideOtherSum | ST | Total State Wide Other Indirect Expenditure Expenditure (NER) | select ST.State as State, (StStOtherSum.Total + StRegOtherSum.Total + StOrgOtherSum.Total) as Total from ST left join StStOtherSum using (State) left join StRegOtherSum using (State) left join StOrgOtherSum using (State) |
StAdmiNBedsCAAcSum | ST | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Child and adolescent Population - Acute Care | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '1' and ProgType = '1' group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StAdmiNBedsCANAcSum | ST | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Child and adolescent Population - Non-acute Care | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '1' and ProgType = '2' group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StAdmiNBedsOldAcSum | ST | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Older person Population - Acute Care | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '2' and ProgType = '1' group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StAdmiNBedsOldNAcSum | ST | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Older person Population - Non-acute Care | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '2' and ProgType = '2' group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StAdmiNBedsForAcSum | ST | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Forensic Population - Acute Care | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '3' and ProgType = '1' group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StAdmiNBedsForNAcSum | ST | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Forensic Population - Non-acute Care | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '3' and ProgType = '2' group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StAdmiNBedsGenAcSum | ST | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for General Population - Acute Care | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '4' and ProgType = '1' group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StAdmiNBedsGenNAcSum | ST | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for General Population - Non-acute Care | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '4' and ProgType = '2' group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StAdmiNBedsYthAcSum | ST | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Youth Population - Acute Care | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '5' and ProgType = '1' group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StAdmiNBedsYthNAcSum | ST | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Youth Population - Non-acute Care | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '5' and ProgType = '2' group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StAdmiCDaysCAAcSum | ST | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - Acute Care | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '1' and ProgType = '1' group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StAdmiCDaysCANAcSum | ST | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - Non-acute Care | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '1' and ProgType = '2' group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StAdmiCDaysOldAcSum | ST | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - Acute Care | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '2' and ProgType = '1' group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StAdmiCDaysOldNAcSum | ST | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - Non-acute Care | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '2' and ProgType = '2' group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StAdmiCDaysForAcSum | ST | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - Acute Care | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '3' and ProgType = '1' group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StAdmiCDaysForNAcSum | ST | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - Non-acute Care | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '3' and ProgType = '2' group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StAdmiCDaysGenAcSum | ST | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - Acute Care | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '4' and ProgType = '1' group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StAdmiCDaysGenNAcSum | ST | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - Non-acute Care | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '4' and ProgType = '2' group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StAdmiCDaysYthAcSum | ST | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - Acute Care | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '5' and ProgType = '1' group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StAdmiCDaysYthNAcSum | ST | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - Non-acute Care | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '5' and ProgType = '2' group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StResiNBedsCA24Sum | ST | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Child and adolescent Population - 24hr staffed | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '1' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StResiNBedsCAN24Sum | ST | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Child and adolescent Population - non-24hr staffed | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '1' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StResiNBedsOld24Sum | ST | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Older person Population - 24hr staffed | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '2' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StResiNBedsOldN24Sum | ST | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Older person Population - non-24hr staffed | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '2' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StResiNBedsFor24Sum | ST | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Forensic Population - 24hr staffed | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '3' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StResiNBedsForN24Sum | ST | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Forensic Population - non-24hr staffed | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '3' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StResiNBedsGen24Sum | ST | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for General Population - 24hr staffed | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '4' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StResiNBedsGenN24Sum | ST | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for General Population - non-24hr staffed | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '4' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StResiNBedsYth24Sum | ST | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Youth Population - 24hr staffed | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '5' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StResiNBedsYthN24Sum | ST | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Youth Population - non-24hr staffed | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '5' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StResiCDaysCA24Sum | ST | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - 24hr staffed | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '1' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StResiCDaysCAN24Sum | ST | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - non-24hr staffed | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '1' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StResiCDaysOld24Sum | ST | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - 24hr staffed | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '2' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StResiCDaysOldN24Sum | ST | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - non-24hr staffed | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '2' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StResiCDaysFor24Sum | ST | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - 24hr staffed | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '3' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StResiCDaysForN24Sum | ST | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - non-24hr staffed | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '3' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StResiCDaysGen24Sum | ST | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - 24hr staffed | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '4' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StResiCDaysGenN24Sum | ST | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - non-24hr staffed | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '4' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StResiCDaysYth24Sum | ST | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - 24hr staffed | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '5' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StResiCDaysYthN24Sum | ST | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - non-24hr staffed | select State, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '5' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State ) as Setting using (State) |
StDCareFteSum | ST | Total State/Territory Direct Care FTE | select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from FteorgDCareTotal group by State ) tmpinner using (State) |
StAdmiNBedsAcSum | ST | Total Admitted Acute Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients | select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where ProgType = '1' group by State ) tmpinner using (State) |
StAdmiNBedsNAcSum | ST | Total Admitted Non-acute Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients | select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where ProgType = '2' group by State ) tmpinner using (State) |
StAdmiCDaysAcSum | ST | Total Admitted Acute Accrued Mental Health Care Days | select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where ProgType = '1' group by State ) tmpinner using (State) |
StAdmiCDaysNAcSum | ST | Total Admitted Non-acute Accrued Mental Health Care Days | select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where ProgType = '2' group by State ) tmpinner using (State) |
OrgAdmiNBedsCAAcSum | ORG | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Child and adolescent Population - Acute Care | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '1' and ProgType = '1' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiNBedsCANAcSum | ORG | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Child and adolescent Population - Non-acute Care | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '1' and ProgType = '2' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiNBedsOldAcSum | ORG | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Older person Population - Acute Care | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '2' and ProgType = '1' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiNBedsOldNAcSum | ORG | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Older person Population - Non-acute Care | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '2' and ProgType = '2' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiNBedsForAcSum | ORG | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Forensic Population - Acute Care | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '3' and ProgType = '1' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiNBedsForNAcSum | ORG | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Forensic Population - Non-acute Care | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '3' and ProgType = '2' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiNBedsGenAcSum | ORG | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for General Population - Acute Care | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '4' and ProgType = '1' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiNBedsGenNAcSum | ORG | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for General Population - Non-acute Care | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '4' and ProgType = '2' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiNBedsYthAcSum | ORG | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Youth Population - Acute Care | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '5' and ProgType = '1' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiNBedsYthNAcSum | ORG | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Youth Population - Non-acute Care | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '5' and ProgType = '2' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiCDaysCAAcSum | ORG | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - Acute Care | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '1' and ProgType = '1' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiCDaysCANAcSum | ORG | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - Non-acute Care | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '1' and ProgType = '2' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiCDaysOldAcSum | ORG | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - Acute Care | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '2' and ProgType = '1' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiCDaysOldNAcSum | ORG | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - Non-acute Care | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '2' and ProgType = '2' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiCDaysForAcSum | ORG | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - Acute Care | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '3' and ProgType = '1' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiCDaysForNAcSum | ORG | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - Non-acute Care | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '3' and ProgType = '2' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiCDaysGenAcSum | ORG | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - Acute Care | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '4' and ProgType = '1' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiCDaysGenNAcSum | ORG | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - Non-acute Care | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '4' and ProgType = '2' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiCDaysYthAcSum | ORG | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - Acute Care | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '5' and ProgType = '1' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiCDaysYthNAcSum | ORG | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - Non-acute Care | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where TargetPop = '5' and ProgType = '2' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiNBedsCA24Sum | ORG | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Child and adolescent Population - 24hr staffed | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '1' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiNBedsCAN24Sum | ORG | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Child and adolescent Population - non-24hr staffed | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '1' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiNBedsOld24Sum | ORG | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Older person Population - 24hr staffed | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '2' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiNBedsOldN24Sum | ORG | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Older person Population - non-24hr staffed | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '2' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiNBedsFor24Sum | ORG | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Forensic Population - 24hr staffed | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '3' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiNBedsForN24Sum | ORG | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Forensic Population - non-24hr staffed | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '3' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiNBedsGen24Sum | ORG | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for General Population - 24hr staffed | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '4' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiNBedsGenN24Sum | ORG | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for General Population - non-24hr staffed | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '4' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiNBedsYth24Sum | ORG | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Youth Population - 24hr staffed | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '5' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiNBedsYthN24Sum | ORG | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Youth Population - non-24hr staffed | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(ResiNBeds, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '5' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiCDaysCA24Sum | ORG | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - 24hr staffed | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '1' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiCDaysCAN24Sum | ORG | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - non-24hr staffed | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '1' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiCDaysOld24Sum | ORG | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - 24hr staffed | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '2' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiCDaysOldN24Sum | ORG | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - non-24hr staffed | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '2' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiCDaysFor24Sum | ORG | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - 24hr staffed | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '3' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiCDaysForN24Sum | ORG | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - non-24hr staffed | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '3' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiCDaysGen24Sum | ORG | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - 24hr staffed | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '4' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiCDaysGenN24Sum | ORG | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - non-24hr staffed | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '4' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiCDaysYth24Sum | ORG | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - 24hr staffed | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '5' and HrsStaffed = 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiCDaysYthN24Sum | ORG | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - non-24hr staffed | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Setting.Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0)) as Total from RESI where TargetPop = '5' and HrsStaffed < 24 group by State, RegId, OrgId ) as Setting using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgDCareFteSum | ORG | Total Organisation Direct Care FTE | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(Total, 0)) as Total from FteorgDCareTotal group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiNBedsAcSum | ORG | Total Admitted Acute Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where ProgType = '1' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiNBedsNAcSum | ORG | Total Admitted Non-acute Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(AdmiNBeds, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where ProgType = '2' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiCDaysAcSum | ORG | Total Admitted Acute Accrued Mental Health Care Days | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where ProgType = '1' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiCDaysNAcSum | ORG | Total Admitted Non-acute Accrued Mental Health Care Days | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(MHCareDays, 0) + coalesce(HitHNBeds, 0)) as Total from ADMI where ProgType = '2' group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
StFteAdminSum | ST | Total Administrative and Clerical FTE reported at Setting level | select State, sum(coalesce(OrgFte.Total, 0)) as Total from ST left join FteAdminSum as OrgFte using (State) group by State |
StFteATSIMHWrkrSum | ST | Total Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health Workers FTE reported at Setting level | select State, sum(coalesce(OrgFte.Total, 0)) as Total from ST left join FteATSIMHWrkrSum as OrgFte using (State) group by State |
StFteCCWrkrSum | ST | Total Carer and Consumer Workers FTE reported at Setting level | select State, sum(coalesce(OrgFte.Total, 0)) as Total from ST left join FteCCWrkrSum as OrgFte using (State) group by State |
StFteDHPSum | ST | Total Diagnostic and Health Professionals FTE reported at Setting level | select State, sum(coalesce(OrgFte.Total, 0)) as Total from ST left join FteDHPSum as OrgFte using (State) group by State |
StFteDomestSum | ST | Total Domestic FTE reported at Setting level | select State, sum(coalesce(OrgFte.Total, 0)) as Total from ST left join FteDomestSum as OrgFte using (State) group by State |
StFteMedSum | ST | Total Medical FTE reported at Setting level | select State, sum(coalesce(OrgFte.Total, 0)) as Total from ST left join FteMedSum as OrgFte using (State) group by State |
StFteNursesSum | ST | Total Nursing FTE reported at Setting level | select State, sum(coalesce(OrgFte.Total, 0)) as Total from ST left join FteNursesSum as OrgFte using (State) group by State |
StFtePCareSum | ST | Total Other Personal Care FTE reported at Setting level | select State, sum(coalesce(OrgFte.Total, 0)) as Total from ST left join FtePCareSum as OrgFte using (State) group by State |
StFteSum | ST | Total FTE reported at Setting level | select State, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ST left join ( select State, sum(coalesce(FteAdmin, 0)) + sum(coalesce(FteATSIMHWrkr, 0)) + sum(coalesce(FteCCWrkr, 0)) + sum(coalesce(FteDHP, 0)) + sum(coalesce(FteDomest, 0)) + sum(coalesce(FteMed, 0)) + sum(coalesce(FteNurses, 0)) + sum(coalesce(FtePCare, 0)) as Total from FTEORG group by State ) tmpinner using (State) |
OrgFteSum | ORG | Total FTE reported at Setting level | select State, RegId, OrgId, coalesce(Total, 0) as Total from ORG left join ( select State, RegId, OrgId, sum(coalesce(FteAdmin, 0)) + sum(coalesce(FteATSIMHWrkr, 0)) + sum(coalesce(FteCCWrkr, 0)) + sum(coalesce(FteDHP, 0)) + sum(coalesce(FteDomest, 0)) + sum(coalesce(FteMed, 0)) + sum(coalesce(FteNurses, 0)) + sum(coalesce(FtePCare, 0)) as Total from FTEORG group by State, RegId, OrgId ) tmpinner using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
RegExpNerAcademicChange | REG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Academic Positions Change | select State, RegId, New.ExpNerAcademic - Old.ExpNerAcademic as Change from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId) |
RegExpNerAcademicGrowth | REG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Academic Positions Growth | select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerAcademic - Old.ExpNerAcademic, Old.ExpNerAcademic, 3) as Growth from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId) |
RegExpNerTrainingChange | REG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Education and Training Change | select State, RegId, New.ExpNerTraining - Old.ExpNerTraining as Change from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId) |
RegExpNerTrainingGrowth | REG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Education and Training Growth | select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerTraining - Old.ExpNerTraining, Old.ExpNerTraining, 3) as Growth from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId) |
RegExpNerInsurChange | REG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Insurance Change | select State, RegId, New.ExpNerInsur - Old.ExpNerInsur as Change from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId) |
RegExpNerInsurGrowth | REG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Insurance Growth | select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerInsur - Old.ExpNerInsur, Old.ExpNerInsur, 3) as Growth from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId) |
RegExpNerMHActChange | REG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Act Regulation or related legislation Change | select State, RegId, New.ExpNerMHAct - Old.ExpNerMHAct as Change from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId) |
RegExpNerMHActGrowth | REG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Act Regulation or related legislation Growth | select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerMHAct - Old.ExpNerMHAct, Old.ExpNerMHAct, 3) as Growth from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId) |
RegExpNerPromoChange | REG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Promotion Change | select State, RegId, New.ExpNerPromo - Old.ExpNerPromo as Change from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId) |
RegExpNerPromoGrowth | REG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Promotion Growth | select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerPromo - Old.ExpNerPromo, Old.ExpNerPromo, 3) as Growth from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId) |
RegExpNerResearchChange | REG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Research Change | select State, RegId, New.ExpNerResearch - Old.ExpNerResearch as Change from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId) |
RegExpNerResearchGrowth | REG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Research Growth | select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerResearch - Old.ExpNerResearch, Old.ExpNerResearch, 3) as Growth from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId) |
RegExpNerTranspChange | REG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Patient Transport Services Change | select State, RegId, New.ExpNerTransp - Old.ExpNerTransp as Change from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId) |
RegExpNerTranspGrowth | REG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Patient Transport Services Growth | select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerTransp - Old.ExpNerTransp, Old.ExpNerTransp, 3) as Growth from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId) |
RegExpNerProgAdminChange | REG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Program Administration Change | select State, RegId, New.ExpNerProgAdmin - Old.ExpNerProgAdmin as Change from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId) |
RegExpNerProgAdminGrowth | REG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Program Administration Growth | select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerProgAdmin - Old.ExpNerProgAdmin, Old.ExpNerProgAdmin, 3) as Growth from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId) |
RegExpNerPropLeaseChange | REG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Property Leasing Costs Change | select State, RegId, New.ExpNerPropLease - Old.ExpNerPropLease as Change from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId) |
RegExpNerPropLeaseGrowth | REG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Property Leasing Costs Growth | select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerPropLease - Old.ExpNerPropLease, Old.ExpNerPropLease, 3) as Growth from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId) |
RegExpNerServDevChange | REG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Service Development Change | select State, RegId, New.ExpNerServDev - Old.ExpNerServDev as Change from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId) |
RegExpNerServDevGrowth | REG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Service Development Growth | select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerServDev - Old.ExpNerServDev, Old.ExpNerServDev, 3) as Growth from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId) |
RegExpNerSuperChange | REG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Superannuation Change | select State, RegId, New.ExpNerSuper - Old.ExpNerSuper as Change from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId) |
RegExpNerSuperGrowth | REG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Superannuation Growth | select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerSuper - Old.ExpNerSuper, Old.ExpNerSuper, 3) as Growth from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId) |
RegExpNerSuppServChange | REG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Support Services Change | select State, RegId, New.ExpNerSuppServ - Old.ExpNerSuppServ as Change from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId) |
RegExpNerSuppServGrowth | REG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Support Services Growth | select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerSuppServ - Old.ExpNerSuppServ, Old.ExpNerSuppServ, 3) as Growth from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId) |
RegExpNerWorkCompChange | REG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Workers Compensation Change | select State, RegId, New.ExpNerWorkComp - Old.ExpNerWorkComp as Change from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId) |
RegExpNerWorkCompGrowth | REG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Workers Compensation Growth | select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerWorkComp - Old.ExpNerWorkComp, Old.ExpNerWorkComp, 3) as Growth from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId) |
RegExpNerOtherChange | REG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Other Indirect Expenditure Change | select State, RegId, New.ExpNerOther - Old.ExpNerOther as Change from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId) |
RegExpNerOtherGrowth | REG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Other Indirect Expenditure Growth | select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerOther - Old.ExpNerOther, Old.ExpNerOther, 3) as Growth from REG as New join hist.REG as Old using (State, RegId) |
OrgExpNerAcademicChange | ORG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Academic Positions Change | select State, RegId, OrgId, New.ExpNerAcademic - Old.ExpNerAcademic as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgExpNerAcademicGrowth | ORG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Academic Positions Growth | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerAcademic - Old.ExpNerAcademic, Old.ExpNerAcademic, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgExpNerTrainingChange | ORG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Education and Training Change | select State, RegId, OrgId, New.ExpNerTraining - Old.ExpNerTraining as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgExpNerTrainingGrowth | ORG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Education and Training Growth | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerTraining - Old.ExpNerTraining, Old.ExpNerTraining, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgExpNerInsurChange | ORG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Insurance Change | select State, RegId, OrgId, New.ExpNerInsur - Old.ExpNerInsur as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgExpNerInsurGrowth | ORG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Insurance Growth | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerInsur - Old.ExpNerInsur, Old.ExpNerInsur, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgExpNerMHActChange | ORG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Act Regulation or related legislation Change | select State, RegId, OrgId, New.ExpNerMHAct - Old.ExpNerMHAct as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgExpNerMHActGrowth | ORG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Act Regulation or related legislation Growth | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerMHAct - Old.ExpNerMHAct, Old.ExpNerMHAct, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgExpNerPromoChange | ORG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Promotion Change | select State, RegId, OrgId, New.ExpNerPromo - Old.ExpNerPromo as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgExpNerPromoGrowth | ORG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Promotion Growth | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerPromo - Old.ExpNerPromo, Old.ExpNerPromo, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgExpNerResearchChange | ORG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Research Change | select State, RegId, OrgId, New.ExpNerResearch - Old.ExpNerResearch as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgExpNerResearchGrowth | ORG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Research Growth | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerResearch - Old.ExpNerResearch, Old.ExpNerResearch, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgExpNerTranspChange | ORG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Patient Transport Services Change | select State, RegId, OrgId, New.ExpNerTransp - Old.ExpNerTransp as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgExpNerTranspGrowth | ORG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Patient Transport Services Growth | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerTransp - Old.ExpNerTransp, Old.ExpNerTransp, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgExpNerProgAdminChange | ORG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Program Administration Change | select State, RegId, OrgId, New.ExpNerProgAdmin - Old.ExpNerProgAdmin as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgExpNerProgAdminGrowth | ORG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Program Administration Growth | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerProgAdmin - Old.ExpNerProgAdmin, Old.ExpNerProgAdmin, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgExpNerPropLeaseChange | ORG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Property Leasing Costs Change | select State, RegId, OrgId, New.ExpNerPropLease - Old.ExpNerPropLease as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgExpNerPropLeaseGrowth | ORG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Property Leasing Costs Growth | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerPropLease - Old.ExpNerPropLease, Old.ExpNerPropLease, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgExpNerServDevChange | ORG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Service Development Change | select State, RegId, OrgId, New.ExpNerServDev - Old.ExpNerServDev as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgExpNerServDevGrowth | ORG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Service Development Growth | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerServDev - Old.ExpNerServDev, Old.ExpNerServDev, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgExpNerSuperChange | ORG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Superannuation Change | select State, RegId, OrgId, New.ExpNerSuper - Old.ExpNerSuper as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgExpNerSuperGrowth | ORG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Superannuation Growth | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerSuper - Old.ExpNerSuper, Old.ExpNerSuper, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgExpNerSuppServChange | ORG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Support Services Change | select State, RegId, OrgId, New.ExpNerSuppServ - Old.ExpNerSuppServ as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgExpNerSuppServGrowth | ORG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Support Services Growth | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerSuppServ - Old.ExpNerSuppServ, Old.ExpNerSuppServ, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgExpNerWorkCompChange | ORG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Workers Compensation Change | select State, RegId, OrgId, New.ExpNerWorkComp - Old.ExpNerWorkComp as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgExpNerWorkCompGrowth | ORG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Workers Compensation Growth | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerWorkComp - Old.ExpNerWorkComp, Old.ExpNerWorkComp, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgExpNerOtherChange | ORG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Other Indirect Expenditure Change | select State, RegId, OrgId, New.ExpNerOther - Old.ExpNerOther as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgExpNerOtherGrowth | ORG | Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Other Indirect Expenditure Growth | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.ExpNerOther - Old.ExpNerOther, Old.ExpNerOther, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteCnsltPsychChange | ORG | Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Psychiatrists Change | select State, RegId, OrgId, New.FteCnsltPsych - Old.FteCnsltPsych as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteCnsltPsychGrowth | ORG | Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Psychiatrists Growth | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.FteCnsltPsych - Old.FteCnsltPsych, Old.FteCnsltPsych, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFtePsyRegChange | ORG | Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Psychiatry Registrars and Trainees Change | select State, RegId, OrgId, New.FtePsyReg - Old.FtePsyReg as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFtePsyRegGrowth | ORG | Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Psychiatry Registrars and Trainees Growth | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.FtePsyReg - Old.FtePsyReg, Old.FtePsyReg, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteMedOtherChange | ORG | Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Other Medical Officers Change | select State, RegId, OrgId, New.FteMedOther - Old.FteMedOther as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteMedOtherGrowth | ORG | Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Other Medical Officers Growth | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.FteMedOther - Old.FteMedOther, Old.FteMedOther, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteNursesRegChange | ORG | Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Registered Nurses Change | select State, RegId, OrgId, New.FteNursesReg - Old.FteNursesReg as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteNursesRegGrowth | ORG | Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Registered Nurses Growth | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.FteNursesReg - Old.FteNursesReg, Old.FteNursesReg, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteNursesEnrlChange | ORG | Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Enrolled Nurses Change | select State, RegId, OrgId, New.FteNursesEnrl - Old.FteNursesEnrl as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteNursesEnrlGrowth | ORG | Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Enrolled Nurses Growth | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.FteNursesEnrl - Old.FteNursesEnrl, Old.FteNursesEnrl, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteOTChange | ORG | Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Occupational Therapists Change | select State, RegId, OrgId, New.FteOT - Old.FteOT as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteOTGrowth | ORG | Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Occupational Therapists Growth | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.FteOT - Old.FteOT, Old.FteOT, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteSocialWkChange | ORG | Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Social Workers Change | select State, RegId, OrgId, New.FteSocialWk - Old.FteSocialWk as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteSocialWkGrowth | ORG | Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Social Workers Growth | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.FteSocialWk - Old.FteSocialWk, Old.FteSocialWk, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFtePsycholChange | ORG | Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Psychologists Change | select State, RegId, OrgId, New.FtePsychol - Old.FtePsychol as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFtePsycholGrowth | ORG | Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Psychologists Growth | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.FtePsychol - Old.FtePsychol, Old.FtePsychol, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteDHPOtherChange | ORG | Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Other Diagnostic and Health Professionals Change | select State, RegId, OrgId, New.FteDHPOther - Old.FteDHPOther as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteDHPOtherGrowth | ORG | Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Other Diagnostic and Health Professionals Growth | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.FteDHPOther - Old.FteDHPOther, Old.FteDHPOther, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteAdminChange | ORG | Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Administrative and Clerical Staff Change | select State, RegId, OrgId, New.FteAdmin - Old.FteAdmin as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteAdminGrowth | ORG | Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Administrative and Clerical Staff Growth | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.FteAdmin - Old.FteAdmin, Old.FteAdmin, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteDomestChange | ORG | Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Domestic and Other Staff Change | select State, RegId, OrgId, New.FteDomest - Old.FteDomest as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteDomestGrowth | ORG | Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Domestic and Other Staff Growth | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.FteDomest - Old.FteDomest, Old.FteDomest, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteCarerWrkrChange | ORG | Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Mental Health Carer Workers Change | select State, RegId, OrgId, New.FteCarerWrkr - Old.FteCarerWrkr as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteCarerWrkrGrowth | ORG | Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Mental Health Carer Workers Growth | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.FteCarerWrkr - Old.FteCarerWrkr, Old.FteCarerWrkr, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteConsrWrkrChange | ORG | Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Mental Health Consumer Workers Change | select State, RegId, OrgId, New.FteConsrWrkr - Old.FteConsrWrkr as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteConsrWrkrGrowth | ORG | Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Mental Health Consumer Workers Growth | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.FteConsrWrkr - Old.FteConsrWrkr, Old.FteConsrWrkr, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFtePCareChange | ORG | Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Other Personal Care Staff Change | select State, RegId, OrgId, New.FtePCare - Old.FtePCare as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFtePCareGrowth | ORG | Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Other Personal Care Staff Growth | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.FtePCare - Old.FtePCare, Old.FtePCare, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteATSIMHWrkrChange | ORG | Full-Time Equivalent Staff – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health workers Change | select State, RegId, OrgId, New.FteATSIMHWrkr - Old.FteATSIMHWrkr as Change from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteATSIMHWrkrGrowth | ORG | Full-Time Equivalent Staff – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health workers Growth | select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.FteATSIMHWrkr - Old.FteATSIMHWrkr, Old.FteATSIMHWrkr, 3) as Growth from ORG as New join hist.ORG as Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgNonAppExpNerChange | ORG | Non-apportionable Residual Expenditure Change | with New as (select * from OrgNonAppExpNer), Old as (select * from hist.OrgNonAppExpNer) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgNonAppExpNerGrowth | ORG | Non-apportionable Residual Expenditure Growth | with New as (select * from OrgNonAppExpNer), Old as (select * from hist.OrgNonAppExpNer) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgExpNerChange | ORG | Total Residual Expenditure at Organisation Level Change | with New as (select * from OrgExpNerTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgExpNerTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgExpNerGrowth | ORG | Total Residual Expenditure at Organisation Level Growth | with New as (select * from OrgExpNerTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgExpNerTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgWideExpChange | ORG | Organisation Wide Expenditure Change | with New as (select * from OrgWideExp), Old as (select * from hist.OrgWideExp) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgWideExpGrowth | ORG | Organisation Wide Expenditure Growth | with New as (select * from OrgWideExp), Old as (select * from hist.OrgWideExp) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgWideAppExpChange | ORG | Organisation Wide Apportioned Expenditure Change | with New as (select * from OrgWideAppExp), Old as (select * from hist.OrgWideAppExp) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgWideAppExpGrowth | ORG | Organisation Wide Apportioned Expenditure Growth | with New as (select * from OrgWideAppExp), Old as (select * from hist.OrgWideAppExp) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
RegExpChange | REG | Region Level Total Expenditure Change | with New as (select * from RegExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.RegExpTotal) select State, RegId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId) |
RegExpGrowth | REG | Region Level Total Expenditure Growth | with New as (select * from RegExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.RegExpTotal) select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId) |
RegExpNerChange | REG | Total Residual Expenditure at Region Level Change | with New as (select * from RegExpNerTotal), Old as (select * from hist.RegExpNerTotal) select State, RegId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId) |
RegExpNerGrowth | REG | Total Residual Expenditure at Region Level Growth | with New as (select * from RegExpNerTotal), Old as (select * from hist.RegExpNerTotal) select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId) |
RegWideExpNerChange | REG | Region Wide Residual Expenditure Change | with New as (select * from RegWideExpNer), Old as (select * from hist.RegWideExpNer) select State, RegId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId) |
RegWideExpNerGrowth | REG | Region Wide Residual Expenditure Growth | with New as (select * from RegWideExpNer), Old as (select * from hist.RegWideExpNer) select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId) |
RegWideNonAppExpNerChange | REG | Region Wide Non-Apportioned Residual Expenditure Change | with New as (select * from RegWideNonAppExpNer), Old as (select * from hist.RegWideNonAppExpNer) select State, RegId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId) |
RegWideNonAppExpNerGrowth | REG | Region Wide Non-Apportioned Residual Expenditure Growth | with New as (select * from RegWideNonAppExpNer), Old as (select * from hist.RegWideNonAppExpNer) select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId) |
RegWideExpChange | REG | Region Wide Expenditure Change | with New as (select * from RegWideExp), Old as (select * from hist.RegWideExp) select State, RegId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId) |
RegWideExpGrowth | REG | Region Wide Expenditure Growth | with New as (select * from RegWideExp), Old as (select * from hist.RegWideExp) select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId) |
StWideExpNerChange | ST | State/Territory Wide Residual Expenditure Change | with New as (select * from StWideExpNer), Old as (select * from hist.StWideExpNer) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StWideExpNerGrowth | ST | State/Territory Wide Residual Expenditure Growth | with New as (select * from StWideExpNer), Old as (select * from hist.StWideExpNer) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StWideNonAppExpNerChange | ST | State/Territory Wide Non-Apportioned Residual Expenditure Change | with New as (select * from StWideNonAppExpNer), Old as (select * from hist.StWideNonAppExpNer) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StWideNonAppExpNerGrowth | ST | State/Territory Wide Non-Apportioned Residual Expenditure Growth | with New as (select * from StWideNonAppExpNer), Old as (select * from hist.StWideNonAppExpNer) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StWideExpChange | ST | State/Territory Wide Expenditure Change | with New as (select * from StWideExp), Old as (select * from hist.StWideExp) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StWideExpGrowth | ST | State/Territory Wide Expenditure Growth | with New as (select * from StWideExp), Old as (select * from hist.StWideExp) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
RegNgoChange | REG | Total NGO Expenditure at Region Level Change | with New as (select * from RegNgoTotal), Old as (select * from hist.RegNgoTotal) select State, RegId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId) |
RegNgoGrowth | REG | Total NGO Expenditure at Region Level Growth | with New as (select * from RegNgoTotal), Old as (select * from hist.RegNgoTotal) select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId) |
StWideNgoChange | ST | State/Territory Wide NGO Expenditure Change | with New as (select * from StWideNgo), Old as (select * from hist.StWideNgo) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StWideNgoGrowth | ST | State/Territory Wide NGO Expenditure Growth | with New as (select * from StWideNgo), Old as (select * from hist.StWideNgo) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
OrgAdmiNBedsChange | ORG | Total Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients Change | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiNBedsGrowth | ORG | Total Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients Growth | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiNBedsChange | ORG | Total Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients Change | with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiNBedsGrowth | ORG | Total Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients Growth | with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiCDaysChange | ORG | Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days Change | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiCDaysGrowth | ORG | Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days Growth | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiCDaysChange | ORG | Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days Change | with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiCDaysGrowth | ORG | Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days Growth | with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
RegAdmiNBedsChange | REG | Total Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients Change | with New as (select * from RegAdmiNBedsSum), Old as (select * from hist.RegAdmiNBedsSum) select State, RegId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId) |
RegAdmiNBedsGrowth | REG | Total Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients Growth | with New as (select * from RegAdmiNBedsSum), Old as (select * from hist.RegAdmiNBedsSum) select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId) |
RegResiNBedsChange | REG | Total Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients Change | with New as (select * from RegResiNBedsSum), Old as (select * from hist.RegResiNBedsSum) select State, RegId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId) |
RegResiNBedsGrowth | REG | Total Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients Growth | with New as (select * from RegResiNBedsSum), Old as (select * from hist.RegResiNBedsSum) select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId) |
RegAdmiCDaysChange | REG | Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days Change | with New as (select * from RegAdmiCDaysSum), Old as (select * from hist.RegAdmiCDaysSum) select State, RegId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId) |
RegAdmiCDaysGrowth | REG | Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days Growth | with New as (select * from RegAdmiCDaysSum), Old as (select * from hist.RegAdmiCDaysSum) select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId) |
RegResiCDaysChange | REG | Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days Change | with New as (select * from RegResiCDaysSum), Old as (select * from hist.RegResiCDaysSum) select State, RegId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId) |
RegResiCDaysGrowth | REG | Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days Growth | with New as (select * from RegResiCDaysSum), Old as (select * from hist.RegResiCDaysSum) select State, RegId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId) |
StAdmiNBedsChange | ST | Total Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients Change | with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiNBedsGrowth | ST | Total Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients Growth | with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StResiNBedsChange | ST | Total Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients Change | with New as (select * from StResiNBedsSum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StResiNBedsGrowth | ST | Total Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients Growth | with New as (select * from StResiNBedsSum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiCDaysChange | ST | Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days Change | with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiCDaysGrowth | ST | Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days Growth | with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StResiCDaysChange | ST | Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days Change | with New as (select * from StResiCDaysSum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StResiCDaysGrowth | ST | Total Accrued Mental Health Care Days Growth | with New as (select * from StResiCDaysSum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
OrgAdmiExpChange | ORG | Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Expenditure Change | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiExpGrowth | ORG | Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Expenditure Growth | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiExpChange | ORG | Residential Service Unit Total Expenditure Change | with New as (select * from OrgResiExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiExpGrowth | ORG | Residential Service Unit Total Expenditure Growth | with New as (select * from OrgResiExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAmbuExpChange | ORG | Ambulatory Service Unit Total Expenditure Change | with New as (select * from OrgAmbuExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAmbuExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAmbuExpGrowth | ORG | Ambulatory Service Unit Total Expenditure Growth | with New as (select * from OrgAmbuExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAmbuExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiFteChange | ORG | Total FTE for Admitted Patient Service Unit at Organisation Level Change | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiFteSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiFteGrowth | ORG | Total FTE for Admitted Patient Service Unit at Organisation Level Growth | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiFteSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiFteChange | ORG | Total FTE for Residential Service Unit at Organisation Level Change | with New as (select * from OrgResiFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiFteSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiFteGrowth | ORG | Total FTE for Residential Service Unit at Organisation Level Growth | with New as (select * from OrgResiFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiFteSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAmbuFteChange | ORG | Total FTE for Ambulatory Service Unit at Organisation Level Change | with New as (select * from OrgAmbuFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAmbuFteSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAmbuFteGrowth | ORG | Total FTE for Ambulatory Service Unit at Organisation Level Growth | with New as (select * from OrgAmbuFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAmbuFteSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiAppExpChange | ORG | Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure Change | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiAppExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiAppExpGrowth | ORG | Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure Growth | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiAppExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiAppExpChange | ORG | Residential Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure Change | with New as (select * from OrgResiAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiAppExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiAppExpGrowth | ORG | Residential Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure Growth | with New as (select * from OrgResiAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiAppExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAmbuAppExpChange | ORG | Ambulatory Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure Change | with New as (select * from OrgAmbuAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAmbuAppExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAmbuAppExpGrowth | ORG | Ambulatory Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure Growth | with New as (select * from OrgAmbuAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAmbuAppExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiAppExpTotalFmtChange | ORG | Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Change | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiAppExpTotalFmt) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiAppExpTotalFmtGrowth | ORG | Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Growth | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiAppExpTotalFmt) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiAppExpTotalFmtChange | ORG | Residential Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Change | with New as (select * from OrgResiAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiAppExpTotalFmt) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiAppExpTotalFmtGrowth | ORG | Residential Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Growth | with New as (select * from OrgResiAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiAppExpTotalFmt) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAmbuAppExpTotalFmtChange | ORG | Ambulatory Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Change | with New as (select * from OrgAmbuAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAmbuAppExpTotalFmt) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAmbuAppExpTotalFmtGrowth | ORG | Ambulatory Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Growth | with New as (select * from OrgAmbuAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAmbuAppExpTotalFmt) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiDCareFteChange | ORG | Total Direct Care FTE for Admitted Patient Service Units Change | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiDCareFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiDCareFteSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiDCareFteGrowth | ORG | Total Direct Care FTE for Admitted Patient Service Units Growth | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiDCareFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiDCareFteSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiDCareFteChange | ORG | Total Direct Care FTE for Residential Service Units Change | with New as (select * from OrgResiDCareFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiDCareFteSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiDCareFteGrowth | ORG | Total Direct Care FTE for Residential Service Units Growth | with New as (select * from OrgResiDCareFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiDCareFteSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAmbuDCareFteChange | ORG | Total Direct Care FTE for Ambulatory Service Units Change | with New as (select * from OrgAmbuDCareFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAmbuDCareFteSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAmbuDCareFteGrowth | ORG | Total Direct Care FTE for Ambulatory Service Units Growth | with New as (select * from OrgAmbuDCareFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAmbuDCareFteSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgDCareFteChange | ORG | Total Organisation Direct Care FTE Change | with New as (select * from OrgDCareFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgDCareFteSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgDCareFteGrowth | ORG | Total Organisation Direct Care FTE Growth | with New as (select * from OrgDCareFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgDCareFteSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteMedChange | ORG | Total Medical FTE reported at Organisation Level Change | with New as (select * from OrgFteMedSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgFteMedSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteMedGrowth | ORG | Total Medical FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth | with New as (select * from OrgFteMedSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgFteMedSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteNursesChange | ORG | Total Nursing FTE reported at Organisation Level Change | with New as (select * from OrgFteNursesSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgFteNursesSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteNursesGrowth | ORG | Total Nursing FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth | with New as (select * from OrgFteNursesSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgFteNursesSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteDHPChange | ORG | Total Diagnostic and Health Professionals FTE reported at Organisation Level Change | with New as (select * from OrgFteDHPSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgFteDHPSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteDHPGrowth | ORG | Total Diagnostic and Health Professionals FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth | with New as (select * from OrgFteDHPSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgFteDHPSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
StAdmiExpChange | ST | Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Expenditure Change | with New as (select * from StAdmiExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiExpTotal) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiExpGrowth | ST | Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Expenditure Growth | with New as (select * from StAdmiExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiExpTotal) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StResiExpChange | ST | Residential Service Unit Total Expenditure Change | with New as (select * from StResiExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StResiExpTotal) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StResiExpGrowth | ST | Residential Service Unit Total Expenditure Growth | with New as (select * from StResiExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StResiExpTotal) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StAmbuExpChange | ST | Ambulatory Service Unit Total Expenditure Change | with New as (select * from StAmbuExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StAmbuExpTotal) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StAmbuExpGrowth | ST | Ambulatory Service Unit Total Expenditure Growth | with New as (select * from StAmbuExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StAmbuExpTotal) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiAppExpChange | ST | Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure Change | with New as (select * from StAdmiAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiAppExpTotal) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiAppExpGrowth | ST | Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure Growth | with New as (select * from StAdmiAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiAppExpTotal) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StResiAppExpChange | ST | Residential Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure Change | with New as (select * from StResiAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StResiAppExpTotal) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StResiAppExpGrowth | ST | Residential Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure Growth | with New as (select * from StResiAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StResiAppExpTotal) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StAmbuAppExpChange | ST | Ambulatory Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure Change | with New as (select * from StAmbuAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StAmbuAppExpTotal) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StAmbuAppExpGrowth | ST | Ambulatory Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure Growth | with New as (select * from StAmbuAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StAmbuAppExpTotal) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiAppExpTotalFmtChange | ST | Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Change | with New as (select * from StAdmiAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiAppExpTotalFmt) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiAppExpTotalFmtGrowth | ST | Admitted Patient Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Growth | with New as (select * from StAdmiAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiAppExpTotalFmt) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StResiAppExpTotalFmtChange | ST | Residential Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Change | with New as (select * from StResiAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.StResiAppExpTotalFmt) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StResiAppExpTotalFmtGrowth | ST | Residential Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Growth | with New as (select * from StResiAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.StResiAppExpTotalFmt) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StAmbuAppExpTotalFmtChange | ST | Ambulatory Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Change | with New as (select * from StAmbuAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.StAmbuAppExpTotalFmt) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StAmbuAppExpTotalFmtGrowth | ST | Ambulatory Service Unit Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Growth | with New as (select * from StAmbuAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.StAmbuAppExpTotalFmt) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StCLExpChange | ST | Co-located Hospitals Total Expenditure Change | with New as (select * from StCLExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StCLExpTotal) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StCLExpGrowth | ST | Co-located Hospitals Total Expenditure Growth | with New as (select * from StCLExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StCLExpTotal) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StSAExpChange | ST | Stand Alone Hospitals Total Expenditure Change | with New as (select * from StSAExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StSAExpTotal) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StSAExpGrowth | ST | Stand Alone Hospitals Total Expenditure Growth | with New as (select * from StSAExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StSAExpTotal) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
OrgCLExpChange | ORG | Co-located Hospitals Total Expenditure Change | with New as (select * from OrgCLExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgCLExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgCLExpGrowth | ORG | Co-located Hospitals Total Expenditure Growth | with New as (select * from OrgCLExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgCLExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgSAExpChange | ORG | Stand Alone Hospitals Total Expenditure Change | with New as (select * from OrgSAExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgSAExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgSAExpGrowth | ORG | Stand Alone Hospitals Total Expenditure Growth | with New as (select * from OrgSAExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgSAExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
StCLAppExpChange | ST | Co-located Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure Change | with New as (select * from StCLAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StCLAppExpTotal) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StCLAppExpGrowth | ST | Co-located Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure Growth | with New as (select * from StCLAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StCLAppExpTotal) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StSAAppExpChange | ST | Stand Alone Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure Change | with New as (select * from StSAAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StSAAppExpTotal) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StSAAppExpGrowth | ST | Stand Alone Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure Growth | with New as (select * from StSAAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.StSAAppExpTotal) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
OrgCLAppExpChange | ORG | Co-located Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure Change | with New as (select * from OrgCLAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgCLAppExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgCLAppExpGrowth | ORG | Co-located Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure Growth | with New as (select * from OrgCLAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgCLAppExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgSAAppExpChange | ORG | Stand Alone Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure Change | with New as (select * from OrgSAAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgSAAppExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgSAAppExpGrowth | ORG | Stand Alone Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure Growth | with New as (select * from OrgSAAppExpTotal), Old as (select * from hist.OrgSAAppExpTotal) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
StCLAppExpTotalFmtChange | ST | Co-located Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Change | with New as (select * from StCLAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.StCLAppExpTotalFmt) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StCLAppExpTotalFmtGrowth | ST | Co-located Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Growth | with New as (select * from StCLAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.StCLAppExpTotalFmt) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StSAAppExpTotalFmtChange | ST | Stand Alone Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Change | with New as (select * from StSAAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.StSAAppExpTotalFmt) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StSAAppExpTotalFmtGrowth | ST | Stand Alone Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Growth | with New as (select * from StSAAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.StSAAppExpTotalFmt) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
OrgCLAppExpTotalFmtChange | ORG | Co-located Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Change | with New as (select * from OrgCLAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.OrgCLAppExpTotalFmt) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgCLAppExpTotalFmtGrowth | ORG | Co-located Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Growth | with New as (select * from OrgCLAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.OrgCLAppExpTotalFmt) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgSAAppExpTotalFmtChange | ORG | Stand Alone Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Change | with New as (select * from OrgSAAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.OrgSAAppExpTotalFmt) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgSAAppExpTotalFmtGrowth | ORG | Stand Alone Hospitals Total Apportioned Expenditure (rounded) Growth | with New as (select * from OrgSAAppExpTotalFmt), Old as (select * from hist.OrgSAAppExpTotalFmt) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
StAmbuNContChange | ST | Ambulatory Service Unit Total Number of Service Contacts Change | with New as (select * from StAmbuNContSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAmbuNContSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StAmbuNContGrowth | ST | Ambulatory Service Unit Total Number of Service Contacts Growth | with New as (select * from StAmbuNContSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAmbuNContSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
OrgAmbuNContChange | ORG | Ambulatory Service Unit Total Number of Service Contacts Change | with New as (select * from OrgAmbuNContSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAmbuNContSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAmbuNContGrowth | ORG | Ambulatory Service Unit Total Number of Service Contacts Growth | with New as (select * from OrgAmbuNContSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAmbuNContSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
StAdmiDCareFteChange | ST | Total Direct Care FTE for Admitted Patient Service Units Change | with New as (select * from StAdmiDCareFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiDCareFteSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiDCareFteGrowth | ST | Total Direct Care FTE for Admitted Patient Service Units Growth | with New as (select * from StAdmiDCareFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiDCareFteSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StResiDCareFteChange | ST | Total Direct Care FTE for Residential Service Units Change | with New as (select * from StResiDCareFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiDCareFteSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StResiDCareFteGrowth | ST | Total Direct Care FTE for Residential Service Units Growth | with New as (select * from StResiDCareFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiDCareFteSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StAmbuDCareFteChange | ST | Total Direct Care FTE for Ambulatory Service Units Change | with New as (select * from StAmbuDCareFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAmbuDCareFteSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StAmbuDCareFteGrowth | ST | Total Direct Care FTE for Ambulatory Service Units Growth | with New as (select * from StAmbuDCareFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAmbuDCareFteSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StDCareFteChange | ST | Total State/Territory Direct Care FTE Change | with New as (select * from StDCareFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.StDCareFteSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StDCareFteGrowth | ST | Total State/Territory Direct Care FTE Growth | with New as (select * from StDCareFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.StDCareFteSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StStAcademicChange | ST | Total State/Territory Academic Positions Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StStAcademicSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStAcademicSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StStAcademicGrowth | ST | Total State/Territory Academic Positions Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StStAcademicSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStAcademicSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StStTrainingChange | ST | Total State/Territory Education and Training Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StStTrainingSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStTrainingSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StStTrainingGrowth | ST | Total State/Territory Education and Training Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StStTrainingSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStTrainingSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StStInsurChange | ST | Total State/Territory Insurance Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StStInsurSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStInsurSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StStInsurGrowth | ST | Total State/Territory Insurance Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StStInsurSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStInsurSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StStMHActChange | ST | Total State/Territory Mental Health Act Regulation Including Review Tribunals Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StStMHActSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStMHActSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StStMHActGrowth | ST | Total State/Territory Mental Health Act Regulation Including Review Tribunals Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StStMHActSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStMHActSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StStPromoChange | ST | Total State/Territory Mental Health Promotion Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StStPromoSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStPromoSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StStPromoGrowth | ST | Total State/Territory Mental Health Promotion Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StStPromoSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStPromoSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StStResearchChange | ST | Total State/Territory Mental Health Research Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StStResearchSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStResearchSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StStResearchGrowth | ST | Total State/Territory Mental Health Research Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StStResearchSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStResearchSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StStTranspChange | ST | Total State/Territory Patient Transport Services Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StStTranspSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStTranspSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StStTranspGrowth | ST | Total State/Territory Patient Transport Services Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StStTranspSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStTranspSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StStProgAdminChange | ST | Total State/Territory Program Administration Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StStProgAdminSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStProgAdminSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StStProgAdminGrowth | ST | Total State/Territory Program Administration Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StStProgAdminSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStProgAdminSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StStPropLeaseChange | ST | Total State/Territory Property Leasing Costs Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StStPropLeaseSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStPropLeaseSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StStPropLeaseGrowth | ST | Total State/Territory Property Leasing Costs Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StStPropLeaseSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStPropLeaseSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StStServDevChange | ST | Total State/Territory Service Development Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StStServDevSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStServDevSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StStServDevGrowth | ST | Total State/Territory Service Development Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StStServDevSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStServDevSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StStSuperChange | ST | Total State/Territory Superannuation Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StStSuperSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStSuperSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StStSuperGrowth | ST | Total State/Territory Superannuation Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StStSuperSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStSuperSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StStWorkCompChange | ST | Total State/Territory Workers Compensation Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StStWorkCompSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStWorkCompSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StStWorkCompGrowth | ST | Total State/Territory Workers Compensation Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StStWorkCompSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStWorkCompSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StStOtherChange | ST | Total State/Territory Other Indirect Expenditure Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StStOtherSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStOtherSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StStOtherGrowth | ST | Total State/Territory Other Indirect Expenditure Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StStOtherSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStOtherSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StStNerChange | ST | Total State/Territory Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StStNerSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStNerSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StStNerGrowth | ST | Total State/Territory Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StStNerSum), Old as (select * from hist.StStNerSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StRegAcademicChange | ST | Total Region Academic Positions Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StRegAcademicSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegAcademicSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StRegAcademicGrowth | ST | Total Region Academic Positions Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StRegAcademicSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegAcademicSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StRegTrainingChange | ST | Total Region Education and Training Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StRegTrainingSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegTrainingSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StRegTrainingGrowth | ST | Total Region Education and Training Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StRegTrainingSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegTrainingSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StRegInsurChange | ST | Total Region Insurance Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StRegInsurSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegInsurSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StRegInsurGrowth | ST | Total Region Insurance Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StRegInsurSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegInsurSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StRegMHActChange | ST | Total Region Mental Health Act Regulation Including Review Tribunals Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StRegMHActSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegMHActSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StRegMHActGrowth | ST | Total Region Mental Health Act Regulation Including Review Tribunals Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StRegMHActSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegMHActSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StRegPromoChange | ST | Total Region Mental Health Promotion Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StRegPromoSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegPromoSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StRegPromoGrowth | ST | Total Region Mental Health Promotion Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StRegPromoSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegPromoSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StRegResearchChange | ST | Total Region Mental Health Research Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StRegResearchSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegResearchSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StRegResearchGrowth | ST | Total Region Mental Health Research Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StRegResearchSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegResearchSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StRegTranspChange | ST | Total Region Patient Transport Services Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StRegTranspSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegTranspSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StRegTranspGrowth | ST | Total Region Patient Transport Services Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StRegTranspSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegTranspSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StRegProgAdminChange | ST | Total Region Program Administration Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StRegProgAdminSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegProgAdminSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StRegProgAdminGrowth | ST | Total Region Program Administration Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StRegProgAdminSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegProgAdminSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StRegPropLeaseChange | ST | Total Region Property Leasing Costs Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StRegPropLeaseSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegPropLeaseSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StRegPropLeaseGrowth | ST | Total Region Property Leasing Costs Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StRegPropLeaseSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegPropLeaseSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StRegServDevChange | ST | Total Region Service Development Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StRegServDevSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegServDevSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StRegServDevGrowth | ST | Total Region Service Development Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StRegServDevSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegServDevSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StRegSuperChange | ST | Total Region Superannuation Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StRegSuperSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegSuperSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StRegSuperGrowth | ST | Total Region Superannuation Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StRegSuperSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegSuperSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StRegSuppServChange | ST | Total Region Support Services Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StRegSuppServSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegSuppServSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StRegSuppServGrowth | ST | Total Region Support Services Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StRegSuppServSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegSuppServSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StRegWorkCompChange | ST | Total Region Workers Compensation Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StRegWorkCompSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegWorkCompSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StRegWorkCompGrowth | ST | Total Region Workers Compensation Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StRegWorkCompSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegWorkCompSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StRegOtherChange | ST | Total Region Other Indirect Expenditure Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StRegOtherSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegOtherSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StRegOtherGrowth | ST | Total Region Other Indirect Expenditure Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StRegOtherSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegOtherSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StRegNerChange | ST | Total Region Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StRegNerSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegNerSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StRegNerGrowth | ST | Total Region Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StRegNerSum), Old as (select * from hist.StRegNerSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgAcademicChange | ST | Total Organisation Academic Positions Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StOrgAcademicSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgAcademicSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgAcademicGrowth | ST | Total Organisation Academic Positions Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgAcademicSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgAcademicSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgTrainingChange | ST | Total Organisation Education and Training Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StOrgTrainingSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgTrainingSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgTrainingGrowth | ST | Total Organisation Education and Training Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgTrainingSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgTrainingSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgInsurChange | ST | Total Organisation Insurance Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StOrgInsurSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgInsurSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgInsurGrowth | ST | Total Organisation Insurance Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgInsurSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgInsurSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgMHActChange | ST | Total Organisation Mental Health Act Regulation Including Review Tribunals Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StOrgMHActSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgMHActSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgMHActGrowth | ST | Total Organisation Mental Health Act Regulation Including Review Tribunals Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgMHActSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgMHActSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgPromoChange | ST | Total Organisation Mental Health Promotion Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StOrgPromoSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgPromoSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgPromoGrowth | ST | Total Organisation Mental Health Promotion Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgPromoSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgPromoSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgResearchChange | ST | Total Organisation Mental Health Research Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StOrgResearchSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgResearchSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgResearchGrowth | ST | Total Organisation Mental Health Research Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgResearchSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgResearchSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgTranspChange | ST | Total Organisation Patient Transport Services Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StOrgTranspSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgTranspSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgTranspGrowth | ST | Total Organisation Patient Transport Services Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgTranspSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgTranspSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgProgAdminChange | ST | Total Organisation Program Administration Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StOrgProgAdminSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgProgAdminSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgProgAdminGrowth | ST | Total Organisation Program Administration Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgProgAdminSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgProgAdminSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgPropLeaseChange | ST | Total Organisation Property Leasing Costs Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StOrgPropLeaseSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgPropLeaseSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgPropLeaseGrowth | ST | Total Organisation Property Leasing Costs Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgPropLeaseSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgPropLeaseSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgServDevChange | ST | Total Organisation Service Development Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StOrgServDevSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgServDevSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgServDevGrowth | ST | Total Organisation Service Development Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgServDevSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgServDevSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgSuperChange | ST | Total Organisation Superannuation Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StOrgSuperSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgSuperSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgSuperGrowth | ST | Total Organisation Superannuation Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgSuperSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgSuperSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgSuppServChange | ST | Total Organisation Support Services Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StOrgSuppServSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgSuppServSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgSuppServGrowth | ST | Total Organisation Support Services Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgSuppServSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgSuppServSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgWorkCompChange | ST | Total Organisation Workers Compensation Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StOrgWorkCompSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgWorkCompSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgWorkCompGrowth | ST | Total Organisation Workers Compensation Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgWorkCompSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgWorkCompSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgOtherChange | ST | Total Organisation Other Indirect Expenditure Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StOrgOtherSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgOtherSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgOtherGrowth | ST | Total Organisation Other Indirect Expenditure Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgOtherSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgOtherSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgNerChange | ST | Total Organisation Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StOrgNerSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgNerSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgNerGrowth | ST | Total Organisation Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgNerSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgNerSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StWideAcademicChange | ST | Total State Wide Academic Positions Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StWideAcademicSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideAcademicSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StWideAcademicGrowth | ST | Total State Wide Academic Positions Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StWideAcademicSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideAcademicSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StWideTrainingChange | ST | Total State Wide Education and Training Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StWideTrainingSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideTrainingSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StWideTrainingGrowth | ST | Total State Wide Education and Training Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StWideTrainingSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideTrainingSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StWideInsurChange | ST | Total State Wide Insurance Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StWideInsurSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideInsurSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StWideInsurGrowth | ST | Total State Wide Insurance Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StWideInsurSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideInsurSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StWideMHActChange | ST | Total State Wide Mental Health Act Regulation Including Review Tribunals Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StWideMHActSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideMHActSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StWideMHActGrowth | ST | Total State Wide Mental Health Act Regulation Including Review Tribunals Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StWideMHActSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideMHActSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StWidePromoChange | ST | Total State Wide Mental Health Promotion Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StWidePromoSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWidePromoSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StWidePromoGrowth | ST | Total State Wide Mental Health Promotion Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StWidePromoSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWidePromoSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StWideResearchChange | ST | Total State Wide Mental Health Research Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StWideResearchSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideResearchSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StWideResearchGrowth | ST | Total State Wide Mental Health Research Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StWideResearchSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideResearchSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StWideTranspChange | ST | Total State Wide Patient Transport Services Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StWideTranspSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideTranspSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StWideTranspGrowth | ST | Total State Wide Patient Transport Services Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StWideTranspSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideTranspSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StWideProgAdminChange | ST | Total State Wide Program Administration Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StWideProgAdminSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideProgAdminSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StWideProgAdminGrowth | ST | Total State Wide Program Administration Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StWideProgAdminSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideProgAdminSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StWidePropLeaseChange | ST | Total State Wide Property Leasing Costs Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StWidePropLeaseSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWidePropLeaseSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StWidePropLeaseGrowth | ST | Total State Wide Property Leasing Costs Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StWidePropLeaseSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWidePropLeaseSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StWideServDevChange | ST | Total State Wide Service Development Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StWideServDevSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideServDevSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StWideServDevGrowth | ST | Total State Wide Service Development Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StWideServDevSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideServDevSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StWideSuperChange | ST | Total State Wide Superannuation Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StWideSuperSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideSuperSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StWideSuperGrowth | ST | Total State Wide Superannuation Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StWideSuperSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideSuperSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StWideSuppServChange | ST | Total State Wide Support Services Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StWideSuppServSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideSuppServSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StWideSuppServGrowth | ST | Total State Wide Support Services Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StWideSuppServSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideSuppServSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StWideWorkCompChange | ST | Total State Wide Workers Compensation Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StWideWorkCompSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideWorkCompSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StWideWorkCompGrowth | ST | Total State Wide Workers Compensation Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StWideWorkCompSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideWorkCompSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StWideOtherChange | ST | Total State Wide Other Indirect Expenditure Expenditure (NER) Change | with New as (select * from StWideOtherSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideOtherSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StWideOtherGrowth | ST | Total State Wide Other Indirect Expenditure Expenditure (NER) Growth | with New as (select * from StWideOtherSum), Old as (select * from hist.StWideOtherSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StResiNBedsCA24Change | ST | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Child and adolescent Population - 24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from StResiNBedsCA24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsCA24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StResiNBedsCA24Growth | ST | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Child and adolescent Population - 24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from StResiNBedsCA24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsCA24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StResiNBedsCAN24Change | ST | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Child and adolescent Population - non-24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from StResiNBedsCAN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsCAN24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StResiNBedsCAN24Growth | ST | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Child and adolescent Population - non-24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from StResiNBedsCAN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsCAN24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiNBedsCAAcChange | ST | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Child and adolescent Population - Acute Care Change | with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsCAAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsCAAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiNBedsCAAcGrowth | ST | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Child and adolescent Population - Acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsCAAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsCAAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiNBedsCANAcChange | ST | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Child and adolescent Population - Non-acute Care Change | with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsCANAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsCANAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiNBedsCANAcGrowth | ST | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Child and adolescent Population - Non-acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsCANAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsCANAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StResiNBedsOld24Change | ST | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Older person Population - 24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from StResiNBedsOld24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsOld24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StResiNBedsOld24Growth | ST | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Older person Population - 24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from StResiNBedsOld24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsOld24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StResiNBedsOldN24Change | ST | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Older person Population - non-24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from StResiNBedsOldN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsOldN24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StResiNBedsOldN24Growth | ST | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Older person Population - non-24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from StResiNBedsOldN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsOldN24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiNBedsOldAcChange | ST | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Older person Population - Acute Care Change | with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsOldAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsOldAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiNBedsOldAcGrowth | ST | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Older person Population - Acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsOldAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsOldAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiNBedsOldNAcChange | ST | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Older person Population - Non-acute Care Change | with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsOldNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsOldNAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiNBedsOldNAcGrowth | ST | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Older person Population - Non-acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsOldNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsOldNAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StResiNBedsFor24Change | ST | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Forensic Population - 24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from StResiNBedsFor24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsFor24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StResiNBedsFor24Growth | ST | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Forensic Population - 24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from StResiNBedsFor24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsFor24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StResiNBedsForN24Change | ST | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Forensic Population - non-24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from StResiNBedsForN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsForN24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StResiNBedsForN24Growth | ST | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Forensic Population - non-24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from StResiNBedsForN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsForN24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiNBedsForAcChange | ST | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Forensic Population - Acute Care Change | with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsForAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsForAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiNBedsForAcGrowth | ST | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Forensic Population - Acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsForAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsForAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiNBedsForNAcChange | ST | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Forensic Population - Non-acute Care Change | with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsForNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsForNAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiNBedsForNAcGrowth | ST | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Forensic Population - Non-acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsForNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsForNAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StResiNBedsGen24Change | ST | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for General Population - 24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from StResiNBedsGen24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsGen24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StResiNBedsGen24Growth | ST | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for General Population - 24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from StResiNBedsGen24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsGen24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StResiNBedsGenN24Change | ST | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for General Population - non-24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from StResiNBedsGenN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsGenN24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StResiNBedsGenN24Growth | ST | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for General Population - non-24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from StResiNBedsGenN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsGenN24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiNBedsGenAcChange | ST | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for General Population - Acute Care Change | with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsGenAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsGenAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiNBedsGenAcGrowth | ST | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for General Population - Acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsGenAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsGenAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiNBedsGenNAcChange | ST | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for General Population - Non-acute Care Change | with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsGenNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsGenNAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiNBedsGenNAcGrowth | ST | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for General Population - Non-acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsGenNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsGenNAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StResiNBedsYth24Change | ST | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Youth Population - 24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from StResiNBedsYth24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsYth24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StResiNBedsYth24Growth | ST | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Youth Population - 24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from StResiNBedsYth24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsYth24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StResiNBedsYthN24Change | ST | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Youth Population - non-24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from StResiNBedsYthN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsYthN24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StResiNBedsYthN24Growth | ST | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Youth Population - non-24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from StResiNBedsYthN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiNBedsYthN24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiNBedsYthAcChange | ST | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Youth Population - Acute Care Change | with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsYthAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsYthAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiNBedsYthAcGrowth | ST | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Youth Population - Acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsYthAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsYthAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiNBedsYthNAcChange | ST | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Youth Population - Non-acute Care Change | with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsYthNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsYthNAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiNBedsYthNAcGrowth | ST | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Youth Population - Non-acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from StAdmiNBedsYthNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiNBedsYthNAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StResiCDaysCA24Change | ST | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - 24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from StResiCDaysCA24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysCA24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StResiCDaysCA24Growth | ST | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - 24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from StResiCDaysCA24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysCA24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StResiCDaysCAN24Change | ST | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - non-24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from StResiCDaysCAN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysCAN24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StResiCDaysCAN24Growth | ST | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - non-24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from StResiCDaysCAN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysCAN24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiCDaysCAAcChange | ST | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - Acute Care Change | with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysCAAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysCAAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiCDaysCAAcGrowth | ST | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - Acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysCAAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysCAAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiCDaysCANAcChange | ST | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - Non-acute Care Change | with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysCANAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysCANAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiCDaysCANAcGrowth | ST | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - Non-acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysCANAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysCANAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StResiCDaysOld24Change | ST | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - 24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from StResiCDaysOld24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysOld24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StResiCDaysOld24Growth | ST | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - 24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from StResiCDaysOld24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysOld24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StResiCDaysOldN24Change | ST | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - non-24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from StResiCDaysOldN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysOldN24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StResiCDaysOldN24Growth | ST | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - non-24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from StResiCDaysOldN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysOldN24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiCDaysOldAcChange | ST | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - Acute Care Change | with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysOldAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysOldAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiCDaysOldAcGrowth | ST | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - Acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysOldAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysOldAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiCDaysOldNAcChange | ST | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - Non-acute Care Change | with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysOldNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysOldNAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiCDaysOldNAcGrowth | ST | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - Non-acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysOldNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysOldNAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StResiCDaysFor24Change | ST | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - 24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from StResiCDaysFor24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysFor24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StResiCDaysFor24Growth | ST | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - 24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from StResiCDaysFor24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysFor24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StResiCDaysForN24Change | ST | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - non-24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from StResiCDaysForN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysForN24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StResiCDaysForN24Growth | ST | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - non-24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from StResiCDaysForN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysForN24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiCDaysForAcChange | ST | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - Acute Care Change | with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysForAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysForAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiCDaysForAcGrowth | ST | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - Acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysForAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysForAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiCDaysForNAcChange | ST | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - Non-acute Care Change | with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysForNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysForNAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiCDaysForNAcGrowth | ST | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - Non-acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysForNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysForNAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StResiCDaysGen24Change | ST | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - 24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from StResiCDaysGen24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysGen24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StResiCDaysGen24Growth | ST | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - 24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from StResiCDaysGen24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysGen24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StResiCDaysGenN24Change | ST | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - non-24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from StResiCDaysGenN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysGenN24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StResiCDaysGenN24Growth | ST | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - non-24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from StResiCDaysGenN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysGenN24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiCDaysGenAcChange | ST | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - Acute Care Change | with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysGenAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysGenAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiCDaysGenAcGrowth | ST | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - Acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysGenAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysGenAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiCDaysGenNAcChange | ST | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - Non-acute Care Change | with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysGenNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysGenNAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiCDaysGenNAcGrowth | ST | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - Non-acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysGenNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysGenNAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StResiCDaysYth24Change | ST | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - 24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from StResiCDaysYth24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysYth24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StResiCDaysYth24Growth | ST | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - 24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from StResiCDaysYth24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysYth24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StResiCDaysYthN24Change | ST | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - non-24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from StResiCDaysYthN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysYthN24Sum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StResiCDaysYthN24Growth | ST | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - non-24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from StResiCDaysYthN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.StResiCDaysYthN24Sum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiCDaysYthAcChange | ST | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - Acute Care Change | with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysYthAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysYthAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiCDaysYthAcGrowth | ST | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - Acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysYthAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysYthAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiCDaysYthNAcChange | ST | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - Non-acute Care Change | with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysYthNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysYthNAcSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StAdmiCDaysYthNAcGrowth | ST | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - Non-acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from StAdmiCDaysYthNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.StAdmiCDaysYthNAcSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
OrgResiNBedsCA24Change | ORG | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Child and adolescent Population - 24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsCA24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsCA24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiNBedsCA24Growth | ORG | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Child and adolescent Population - 24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsCA24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsCA24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiNBedsCAN24Change | ORG | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Child and adolescent Population - non-24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsCAN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsCAN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiNBedsCAN24Growth | ORG | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Child and adolescent Population - non-24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsCAN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsCAN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiNBedsCAAcChange | ORG | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Child and adolescent Population - Acute Care Change | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsCAAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsCAAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiNBedsCAAcGrowth | ORG | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Child and adolescent Population - Acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsCAAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsCAAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiNBedsCANAcChange | ORG | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Child and adolescent Population - Non-acute Care Change | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsCANAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsCANAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiNBedsCANAcGrowth | ORG | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Child and adolescent Population - Non-acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsCANAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsCANAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiNBedsOld24Change | ORG | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Older person Population - 24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsOld24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsOld24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiNBedsOld24Growth | ORG | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Older person Population - 24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsOld24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsOld24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiNBedsOldN24Change | ORG | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Older person Population - non-24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsOldN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsOldN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiNBedsOldN24Growth | ORG | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Older person Population - non-24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsOldN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsOldN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiNBedsOldAcChange | ORG | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Older person Population - Acute Care Change | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsOldAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsOldAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiNBedsOldAcGrowth | ORG | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Older person Population - Acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsOldAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsOldAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiNBedsOldNAcChange | ORG | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Older person Population - Non-acute Care Change | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsOldNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsOldNAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiNBedsOldNAcGrowth | ORG | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Older person Population - Non-acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsOldNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsOldNAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiNBedsFor24Change | ORG | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Forensic Population - 24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsFor24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsFor24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiNBedsFor24Growth | ORG | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Forensic Population - 24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsFor24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsFor24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiNBedsForN24Change | ORG | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Forensic Population - non-24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsForN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsForN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiNBedsForN24Growth | ORG | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Forensic Population - non-24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsForN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsForN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiNBedsForAcChange | ORG | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Forensic Population - Acute Care Change | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsForAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsForAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiNBedsForAcGrowth | ORG | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Forensic Population - Acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsForAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsForAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiNBedsForNAcChange | ORG | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Forensic Population - Non-acute Care Change | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsForNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsForNAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiNBedsForNAcGrowth | ORG | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Forensic Population - Non-acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsForNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsForNAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiNBedsGen24Change | ORG | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for General Population - 24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsGen24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsGen24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiNBedsGen24Growth | ORG | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for General Population - 24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsGen24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsGen24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiNBedsGenN24Change | ORG | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for General Population - non-24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsGenN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsGenN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiNBedsGenN24Growth | ORG | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for General Population - non-24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsGenN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsGenN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiNBedsGenAcChange | ORG | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for General Population - Acute Care Change | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsGenAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsGenAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiNBedsGenAcGrowth | ORG | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for General Population - Acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsGenAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsGenAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiNBedsGenNAcChange | ORG | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for General Population - Non-acute Care Change | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsGenNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsGenNAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiNBedsGenNAcGrowth | ORG | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for General Population - Non-acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsGenNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsGenNAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiNBedsYth24Change | ORG | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Youth Population - 24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsYth24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsYth24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiNBedsYth24Growth | ORG | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Youth Population - 24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsYth24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsYth24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiNBedsYthN24Change | ORG | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Youth Population - non-24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsYthN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsYthN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiNBedsYthN24Growth | ORG | Total Residential Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients for Youth Population - non-24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from OrgResiNBedsYthN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiNBedsYthN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiNBedsYthAcChange | ORG | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Youth Population - Acute Care Change | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsYthAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsYthAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiNBedsYthAcGrowth | ORG | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Youth Population - Acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsYthAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsYthAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiNBedsYthNAcChange | ORG | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Youth Population - Non-acute Care Change | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsYthNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsYthNAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiNBedsYthNAcGrowth | ORG | Total Admitted Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients for Youth Population - Non-acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiNBedsYthNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiNBedsYthNAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiCDaysCA24Change | ORG | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - 24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysCA24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysCA24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiCDaysCA24Growth | ORG | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - 24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysCA24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysCA24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiCDaysCAN24Change | ORG | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - non-24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysCAN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysCAN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiCDaysCAN24Growth | ORG | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - non-24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysCAN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysCAN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiCDaysCAAcChange | ORG | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - Acute Care Change | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysCAAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysCAAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiCDaysCAAcGrowth | ORG | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - Acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysCAAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysCAAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiCDaysCANAcChange | ORG | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - Non-acute Care Change | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysCANAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysCANAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiCDaysCANAcGrowth | ORG | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Child and adolescent Population - Non-acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysCANAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysCANAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiCDaysOld24Change | ORG | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - 24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysOld24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysOld24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiCDaysOld24Growth | ORG | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - 24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysOld24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysOld24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiCDaysOldN24Change | ORG | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - non-24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysOldN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysOldN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiCDaysOldN24Growth | ORG | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - non-24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysOldN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysOldN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiCDaysOldAcChange | ORG | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - Acute Care Change | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysOldAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysOldAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiCDaysOldAcGrowth | ORG | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - Acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysOldAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysOldAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiCDaysOldNAcChange | ORG | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - Non-acute Care Change | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysOldNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysOldNAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiCDaysOldNAcGrowth | ORG | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Older person Population - Non-acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysOldNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysOldNAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiCDaysFor24Change | ORG | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - 24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysFor24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysFor24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiCDaysFor24Growth | ORG | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - 24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysFor24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysFor24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiCDaysForN24Change | ORG | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - non-24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysForN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysForN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiCDaysForN24Growth | ORG | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - non-24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysForN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysForN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiCDaysForAcChange | ORG | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - Acute Care Change | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysForAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysForAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiCDaysForAcGrowth | ORG | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - Acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysForAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysForAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiCDaysForNAcChange | ORG | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - Non-acute Care Change | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysForNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysForNAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiCDaysForNAcGrowth | ORG | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Forensic Population - Non-acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysForNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysForNAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiCDaysGen24Change | ORG | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - 24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysGen24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysGen24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiCDaysGen24Growth | ORG | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - 24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysGen24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysGen24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiCDaysGenN24Change | ORG | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - non-24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysGenN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysGenN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiCDaysGenN24Growth | ORG | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - non-24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysGenN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysGenN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiCDaysGenAcChange | ORG | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - Acute Care Change | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysGenAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysGenAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiCDaysGenAcGrowth | ORG | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - Acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysGenAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysGenAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiCDaysGenNAcChange | ORG | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - Non-acute Care Change | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysGenNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysGenNAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiCDaysGenNAcGrowth | ORG | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for General Population - Non-acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysGenNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysGenNAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiCDaysYth24Change | ORG | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - 24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysYth24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysYth24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiCDaysYth24Growth | ORG | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - 24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysYth24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysYth24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiCDaysYthN24Change | ORG | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - non-24hr staffed Change | with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysYthN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysYthN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgResiCDaysYthN24Growth | ORG | Total Residential Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - non-24hr staffed Growth | with New as (select * from OrgResiCDaysYthN24Sum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgResiCDaysYthN24Sum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiCDaysYthAcChange | ORG | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - Acute Care Change | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysYthAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysYthAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiCDaysYthAcGrowth | ORG | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - Acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysYthAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysYthAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiCDaysYthNAcChange | ORG | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - Non-acute Care Change | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysYthNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysYthNAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgAdmiCDaysYthNAcGrowth | ORG | Total Admitted Accrued Mental Health Care Days for Youth Population - Non-acute Care Growth | with New as (select * from OrgAdmiCDaysYthNAcSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgAdmiCDaysYthNAcSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
StFteAdminChange | ST | Total Administrative and Clerical FTE reported at Setting level Change | with New as (select * from StFteAdminSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFteAdminSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StFteAdminGrowth | ST | Total Administrative and Clerical FTE reported at Setting level Growth | with New as (select * from StFteAdminSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFteAdminSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
FteAdminChange | ORG | Total Administrative and Clerical FTE reported at Setting Level Change | with New as (select * from FteAdminSum), Old as (select * from hist.FteAdminSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
FteAdminGrowth | ORG | Total Administrative and Clerical FTE reported at Setting Level Growth | with New as (select * from FteAdminSum), Old as (select * from hist.FteAdminSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
StFteATSIMHWrkrChange | ST | Total Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health Workers FTE reported at Setting level Change | with New as (select * from StFteATSIMHWrkrSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFteATSIMHWrkrSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StFteATSIMHWrkrGrowth | ST | Total Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health Workers FTE reported at Setting level Growth | with New as (select * from StFteATSIMHWrkrSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFteATSIMHWrkrSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
FteATSIMHWrkrChange | ORG | Total Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health Workers FTE reported at Setting Level Change | with New as (select * from FteATSIMHWrkrSum), Old as (select * from hist.FteATSIMHWrkrSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
FteATSIMHWrkrGrowth | ORG | Total Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health Workers FTE reported at Setting Level Growth | with New as (select * from FteATSIMHWrkrSum), Old as (select * from hist.FteATSIMHWrkrSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
StFteCCWrkrChange | ST | Total Carer and Consumer Workers FTE reported at Setting level Change | with New as (select * from StFteCCWrkrSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFteCCWrkrSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StFteCCWrkrGrowth | ST | Total Carer and Consumer Workers FTE reported at Setting level Growth | with New as (select * from StFteCCWrkrSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFteCCWrkrSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
FteCCWrkrChange | ORG | Total Carer and Consumer Workers FTE reported at Setting Level Change | with New as (select * from FteCCWrkrSum), Old as (select * from hist.FteCCWrkrSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
FteCCWrkrGrowth | ORG | Total Carer and Consumer Workers FTE reported at Setting Level Growth | with New as (select * from FteCCWrkrSum), Old as (select * from hist.FteCCWrkrSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
StFteDHPChange | ST | Total Diagnostic and Health Professionals FTE reported at Setting level Change | with New as (select * from StFteDHPSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFteDHPSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StFteDHPGrowth | ST | Total Diagnostic and Health Professionals FTE reported at Setting level Growth | with New as (select * from StFteDHPSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFteDHPSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
FteDHPChange | ORG | Total Diagnostic and Health Professionals FTE reported at Setting Level Change | with New as (select * from FteDHPSum), Old as (select * from hist.FteDHPSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
FteDHPGrowth | ORG | Total Diagnostic and Health Professionals FTE reported at Setting Level Growth | with New as (select * from FteDHPSum), Old as (select * from hist.FteDHPSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
StFteDomestChange | ST | Total Domestic FTE reported at Setting level Change | with New as (select * from StFteDomestSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFteDomestSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StFteDomestGrowth | ST | Total Domestic FTE reported at Setting level Growth | with New as (select * from StFteDomestSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFteDomestSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
FteDomestChange | ORG | Total Domestic FTE reported at Setting Level Change | with New as (select * from FteDomestSum), Old as (select * from hist.FteDomestSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
FteDomestGrowth | ORG | Total Domestic FTE reported at Setting Level Growth | with New as (select * from FteDomestSum), Old as (select * from hist.FteDomestSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
StFteMedChange | ST | Total Medical FTE reported at Setting level Change | with New as (select * from StFteMedSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFteMedSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StFteMedGrowth | ST | Total Medical FTE reported at Setting level Growth | with New as (select * from StFteMedSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFteMedSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
FteMedChange | ORG | Total Medical FTE reported at Setting Level Change | with New as (select * from FteMedSum), Old as (select * from hist.FteMedSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
FteMedGrowth | ORG | Total Medical FTE reported at Setting Level Growth | with New as (select * from FteMedSum), Old as (select * from hist.FteMedSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
StFteNursesChange | ST | Total Nursing FTE reported at Setting level Change | with New as (select * from StFteNursesSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFteNursesSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StFteNursesGrowth | ST | Total Nursing FTE reported at Setting level Growth | with New as (select * from StFteNursesSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFteNursesSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
FteNursesChange | ORG | Total Nursing FTE reported at Setting Level Change | with New as (select * from FteNursesSum), Old as (select * from hist.FteNursesSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
FteNursesGrowth | ORG | Total Nursing FTE reported at Setting Level Growth | with New as (select * from FteNursesSum), Old as (select * from hist.FteNursesSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
StFtePCareChange | ST | Total Other Personal Care FTE reported at Setting level Change | with New as (select * from StFtePCareSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFtePCareSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StFtePCareGrowth | ST | Total Other Personal Care FTE reported at Setting level Growth | with New as (select * from StFtePCareSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFtePCareSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
FtePCareChange | ORG | Total Other Personal Care FTE reported at Setting Level Change | with New as (select * from FtePCareSum), Old as (select * from hist.FtePCareSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
FtePCareGrowth | ORG | Total Other Personal Care FTE reported at Setting Level Growth | with New as (select * from FtePCareSum), Old as (select * from hist.FtePCareSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
StFteChange | ST | Total FTE reported at Setting level Change | with New as (select * from StFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFteSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StFteGrowth | ST | Total FTE reported at Setting level Growth | with New as (select * from StFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.StFteSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
OrgFteChange | ORG | Total FTE reported at Setting level Change | with New as (select * from OrgFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgFteSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteGrowth | ORG | Total FTE reported at Setting level Growth | with New as (select * from OrgFteSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgFteSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
StOrgFteAdminChange | ST | State Total Administrative and Clerical FTE reported at Organisation Level Change | with New as (select * from StOrgFteAdminSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteAdminSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteAdminGrowth | ST | State Total Administrative and Clerical FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgFteAdminSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteAdminSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteATSIMHWrkrChange | ST | State Total Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level Change | with New as (select * from StOrgFteATSIMHWrkrSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteATSIMHWrkrSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteATSIMHWrkrGrowth | ST | State Total Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgFteATSIMHWrkrSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteATSIMHWrkrSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteCarerWrkrChange | ST | State Total Carer Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level Change | with New as (select * from StOrgFteCarerWrkrSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteCarerWrkrSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteCarerWrkrGrowth | ST | State Total Carer Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgFteCarerWrkrSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteCarerWrkrSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteCCWrkrChange | ST | State Total Carer and Consumer Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level Change | with New as (select * from StOrgFteCCWrkrSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteCCWrkrSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteCCWrkrGrowth | ST | State Total Carer and Consumer Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgFteCCWrkrSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteCCWrkrSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteCnsltPsychChange | ST | State Total Consultant Psychiatrists and Psychiatrists FTE reported at Organisation Level Change | with New as (select * from StOrgFteCnsltPsychSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteCnsltPsychSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteCnsltPsychGrowth | ST | State Total Consultant Psychiatrists and Psychiatrists FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgFteCnsltPsychSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteCnsltPsychSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteConsrWrkrChange | ST | State Total Consumer Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level Change | with New as (select * from StOrgFteConsrWrkrSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteConsrWrkrSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteConsrWrkrGrowth | ST | State Total Consumer Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgFteConsrWrkrSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteConsrWrkrSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteDHPChange | ST | State Total Diagnostic and Health Professionals FTE reported at Organisation Level Change | with New as (select * from StOrgFteDHPSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteDHPSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteDHPGrowth | ST | State Total Diagnostic and Health Professionals FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgFteDHPSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteDHPSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteDHPOtherChange | ST | State Total Other Diagnostic and Health Professionals FTE reported at Organisation Level Change | with New as (select * from StOrgFteDHPOtherSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteDHPOtherSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteDHPOtherGrowth | ST | State Total Other Diagnostic and Health Professionals FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgFteDHPOtherSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteDHPOtherSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteDomestChange | ST | State Total Domestic FTE reported at Organisation Level Change | with New as (select * from StOrgFteDomestSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteDomestSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteDomestGrowth | ST | State Total Domestic FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgFteDomestSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteDomestSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteMedChange | ST | State Total Medical FTE reported at Organisation Level Change | with New as (select * from StOrgFteMedSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteMedSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteMedGrowth | ST | State Total Medical FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgFteMedSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteMedSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteMedOtherChange | ST | State Total Other Medical Officers FTE reported at Organisation Level Change | with New as (select * from StOrgFteMedOtherSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteMedOtherSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteMedOtherGrowth | ST | State Total Other Medical Officers FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgFteMedOtherSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteMedOtherSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteNursesChange | ST | State Total Nursing FTE reported at Organisation Level Change | with New as (select * from StOrgFteNursesSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteNursesSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteNursesGrowth | ST | State Total Nursing FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgFteNursesSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteNursesSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteNursesEnrlChange | ST | State Total Enrolled Nurses FTE reported at Organisation Level Change | with New as (select * from StOrgFteNursesEnrlSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteNursesEnrlSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteNursesEnrlGrowth | ST | State Total Enrolled Nurses FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgFteNursesEnrlSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteNursesEnrlSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteNursesRegChange | ST | State Total Registered Nurses FTE reported at Organisation Level Change | with New as (select * from StOrgFteNursesRegSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteNursesRegSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteNursesRegGrowth | ST | State Total Registered Nurses FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgFteNursesRegSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteNursesRegSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteOTChange | ST | State Total Occupational Therapists FTE reported at Organisation Level Change | with New as (select * from StOrgFteOTSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteOTSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteOTGrowth | ST | State Total Occupational Therapists FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgFteOTSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteOTSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFtePCareChange | ST | State Total Other Personal Care FTE reported at Organisation Level Change | with New as (select * from StOrgFtePCareSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFtePCareSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFtePCareGrowth | ST | State Total Other Personal Care FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgFtePCareSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFtePCareSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFtePsycholChange | ST | State Total Psychologists FTE reported at Organisation Level Change | with New as (select * from StOrgFtePsycholSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFtePsycholSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFtePsycholGrowth | ST | State Total Psychologists FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgFtePsycholSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFtePsycholSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFtePsyRegChange | ST | State Total Psychiatry Registrars and Trainees FTE reported at Organisation Level Change | with New as (select * from StOrgFtePsyRegSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFtePsyRegSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFtePsyRegGrowth | ST | State Total Psychiatry Registrars and Trainees FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgFtePsyRegSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFtePsyRegSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteSocialWkChange | ST | State Total Social Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level Change | with New as (select * from StOrgFteSocialWkSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteSocialWkSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteSocialWkGrowth | ST | State Total Social Workers FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgFteSocialWkSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteSocialWkSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteAllChange | ST | State Total All Staff FTE reported at Organisation Level Change | with New as (select * from StOrgFteAllSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteAllSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteAllGrowth | ST | State Total All Staff FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgFteAllSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteAllSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
OrgFteAllChange | ORG | Total All Staff FTE reported at Organisation Level Change | with New as (select * from OrgFteAllSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgFteAllSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteAllGrowth | ORG | Total All Staff FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth | with New as (select * from OrgFteAllSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgFteAllSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
StOrgFteDCareChange | ST | State Total Direct Care FTE reported at Organisation Level Change | with New as (select * from StOrgFteDCareSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteDCareSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteDCareGrowth | ST | State Total Direct Care FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgFteDCareSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteDCareSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
OrgFteDCareChange | ORG | Total Direct Care FTE reported at Organisation Level Change | with New as (select * from OrgFteDCareSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgFteDCareSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteDCareGrowth | ORG | Total Direct Care FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth | with New as (select * from OrgFteDCareSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgFteDCareSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
StOrgFteNonCareChange | ST | State Total Non-Direct Care FTE reported at Organisation Level Change | with New as (select * from StOrgFteNonCareSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteNonCareSum) select State, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State) |
StOrgFteNonCareGrowth | ST | State Total Non-Direct Care FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth | with New as (select * from StOrgFteNonCareSum), Old as (select * from hist.StOrgFteNonCareSum) select State, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State) |
OrgFteNonCareChange | ORG | Total Non-Direct Care FTE reported at Organisation Level Change | with New as (select * from OrgFteNonCareSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgFteNonCareSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, New.Total - Old.Total as Change from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
OrgFteNonCareGrowth | ORG | Total Non-Direct Care FTE reported at Organisation Level Growth | with New as (select * from OrgFteNonCareSum), Old as (select * from hist.OrgFteNonCareSum) select State, RegId, OrgId, sd_div_safe(New.Total - Old.Total, Old.Total, 3) as Growth from New join Old using (State, RegId, OrgId) |
StStdsReviewProp | ST | Proportion of National Standards for Mental Health Services Review Status codes that equal 1 | with admi_tot as ( select State, count(*) as val from ADMI where StdsReviewSt = '1' group by State ), ambu_tot as ( select State, count(*) as val from AMBU where StdsReviewSt = '1' group by State ), resi_tot as ( select State, count(*) as val from RESI where StdsReviewSt = '1' group by State ), unit_count as ( SELECT State, count(*) AS val FROM UnitUnion GROUP BY state ) select State, sd_div_safe( coalesce(ambu_tot.val,0) + coalesce(resi_tot.val,0) + coalesce(admi_tot.val,0), unit_count.val, 3) AS value from ST LEFT JOIN admi_tot using (State) LEFT JOIN ambu_tot using (State) LEFT JOIN resi_tot using (State) LEFT JOIN unit_count USING (State) WHERE unit_count.val > 0 |
StNHousePlacesGrowthAmt | ST | Absolute percentage that Public Supported Housing Places changed since previous year. | select State, prev.NHousePlaces as previous_amount, ST.NHousePlaces as current_amount, sd_div(100 * abs(prev.NHousePlaces - ST.NHousePlaces), greatest(prev.nhouseplaces, ST.nhouseplaces), 1) as percent_change from main.ST join hist.ST prev using (State) where prev.nhouseplaces > 0 or ST.nhouseplaces > 0 |