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Program Type

Table summarising information on the field: Program Type
Title: Program Type
Name: ProgType
Type: Char[1]
RecType: SERV
RecOrder: 10
Definition: Principal type of admitted patient care program provided by a specialised mental health service, as represented by a code.
  • 1: Acute care
  • 2: Other
  • 8: Not applicable (Non-admitted service units only)
  • 9: Not available
Comments: Acute care

Programs primarily providing specialist psychiatric care for people with acute episodes of mental disorder. These episodes are characterised by recent onset of severe clinical symptoms of mental disorder, that have potential for prolonged dysfunction or risk to self and/or others. The key characteristic of acute services is that this treatment effort is focused on short-term treatment. Acute services may be focused on assisting people who have had no prior contact or previous psychiatric history, or individuals with acontinuing mental disorder for whom there has been an acute exacerbation of symptoms. This category applies only to services with a mental health service setting of overnight admitted patient care or residential care.


Refers to all other programs primarily providing admitted patient care.

Includes programs providing rehabilitation services that have a primary focus on intervention to reduce functional impairments that limit the independence of patients. Rehabilitation services are focused on disability and the promotion of personal recovery.

They are characterised by an expectation of substantial improvement over the short to mid-term. Patients treated by rehabilitation services usually have a relatively stable pattern of clinical symptoms.

Also includes programs providing extended care services that primarily provide care over an indefinite period for patients who have a stable but severe level of functional impairment and an inability to function independently, thus requiring extensive care and support. Patients of extended care services present a stable pattern of clinical symptoms, which may include high levels of severe unremitting symptoms of mental disorder. Treatment is focused on preventing deterioration and reducing impairment; improvement is expected to occur slowly.
Meteor ID: Field Meteor ID number 288889